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Daaimah Tibrey daaimah123

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daaimah123 / Spread Operator, Rest Pattern, & Rest Parameters
Last active December 30, 2020 18:38
Notes for Jonas Schmedtmann's lecture on the spread operator, rest pattern, and rest parameters
const restaurant = {
name: 'Classico Italiano',
location: 'Via Angelo Tavanti 23, Firenze, Italy',
categories: ['Italian', 'Pizzeria', 'Vegetarian', 'Organic'],
starterMenu: ['Focaccia', 'Bruschetta', 'Garlic Bread', 'Caprese Salad'],
mainMenu: ['Pizza', 'Pasta', 'Risotto'],
openingHours: {
thu: {
open: 12,
close: 22,
================================================= Destructuring Arrays =================================================
Declare multiple variables at the same time on the left side > const arr = [1, 2, 3];
> const [a, b, c] = arr;
> console.log({a}, {b}, {c});
{a: 1} {b: 2} {c: 3}
const restaurant = {
name: 'Classico Italiano',
location: 'Via Angelo Tavanti 23, Firenze, Italy',
daaimah123 / JavaScript: Behind the Scenes
Last active March 14, 2023 06:01
Notes for Behind the Scenes section of Jonas Schmedtmann's course lectures
==> Can use imperative or declarative paradigms and is very flexible.
==> First-class functions (treat functions as variables, passing a function into another function);
powerful; allows for functional programming.
==> Dyanmically-type language: no data type definitions, known at runtime and can be automatically changed
==> Concurrency model is JS handling multiple tasks at the same time.
==> Event Loops manage the Single-Thread (executed one task at a time) by taking long running tasks,
executing them in the background, then placing them back in the thread when finished. The Event Loop
prevent non-blocking behavior
daaimah123 / DOM Manipulation & Event Fundamentals
Last active July 2, 2021 17:42
Notes for Jonas Schmedtmann's lecture building guessGame and modalPopUp apps where we learn about DOM and Event Listener Manipulation
===== Document Object Model (DOM) Manipulation & Event Fundamentals ====
Structured representation of the HTML document that allows JS to access and select elements and
styles to manipulate them (i.e. change text, HTML attributes and CSS styles). Automatically created
once browser loads HTML and stored in a tree structure with nodes. Not JS, but rather apart of web
api's and interact with JS.
Document object is the entry-point into DOM
==================================== Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) ===============================
==> Opening and Closing Tags
each tag typically comes with a paired ending tag that begins with a forward-slash
some tags are self closing and will only have one tag which does or does not ends with a forward-slash
daaimah123 / tools to help debug and common issues
Last active July 2, 2021 17:41
Debugging: Tools and Common Issues
console.table() ==> formatted table with index and value
'use strict'; ==> opts out of silen errors for scripts
Google Chrome breakpoint settings ==> click the line number to pause execution at that point and
observe scope tab to determine what is occuring at the breakpoint
const family = ['Malaika', 'Jahdai'];
==> add to end of array > family.push('Daaimah');
==> mutates length > console.log(family);
==> return length of new array ['Malaika', 'Jahdai', 'Daaimah']
daaimah123 / Read Txt Files Using Python
Last active June 7, 2019 21:48
using python shell and python file to print text from a file
# myName.txt (filename1)
# 1. My name is Daaimah Tibrey!
# 2.
# 3.
# myFormerName.txt (filename2)
# 1. My previous name was Daaimah Brown.
# (filename3)
from sys import argv
daaimah123 /
Created April 5, 2019 22:13 — forked from PurpleBooth/
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