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Created March 22, 2021 15:00
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Bit flip mutation and 1-point crossover LaTeX Tikz visualization
box/.style={rectangle,draw=black, thick, minimum size=0.5cm},
dbox/.style={rectangle,draw=black, thick, minimum size=0.5cm, fill=black!20},
% Bit flip
\foreach \x/\y in {0/1, 0.5/1,1/0,1.5/1,2/1,2.5/0,3/0,4/1}{
\node[box] at (\x,0){\y};
\node[box] at (\x+9,0){\y};
\node[dbox] at (3.5,0){1};
\node[dbox] at (3.5 + 9,0){0};
\draw [->] (5,0) -- node [text width=1.5cm,midway,above] {Bit flip} (8,0);
% 1 - point crossover
\foreach \x/\y in {0/1, 0.5/1,1/0,1.5/1,2/1,2.5/0,3/0,3.5/1,4/1}{
\node[box] at (\x,-2){\y};
\foreach \x/\y in {0/0, 0.5/1,1/1,1.5/0,2/1,2.5/1,3/0,3.5/0,4/0}{
\node[dbox] at (\x,-3){\y};
\foreach \x/\y in {0/1, 0.5/1,1/0,1.5/1,2/1,2.5/0}{
\node[box] at (\x+9,-2){\y};
\foreach \x/\y in {3/0,3.5/0,4/0}{
\node[dbox] at (\x+9,-2){\y};
\foreach \x/\y in {0/0, 0.5/1,1/1,1.5/0,2/1,2.5/1}{
\node[dbox] at (\x+9,-3){\y};
\foreach \x/\y in {3/0,3.5/1,4/1}{
\node[box] at (\x+9,-3){\y};
\draw [->] (5,-2.5) -- node [text width=2.7cm,midway,above] {1-point crossover} (8,-2.5);
\caption{Visualization of the bit-flip and 1-point crossover operators.}
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