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Last active October 28, 2022 06:53
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Get all paging props in once
// 필요 정보를 담은 객체를 입력하면 페이징 정보를 추가해서 반환해 주는 함수
// 필요 정보: 객체. currPage(현재페이지), totalArticles(전체 글 수), rowsPerPage(1페이지 당 글 수), pagesPerView(1뷰 당 페이지 수)
function getPagingProps(p) {
// Chksum
if(typeof p === "undefined") throw new Error("'p' object required");
if(typeof p != "object") throw new Error("'p' must be an object");
["currPage", "totalArticles", "rowsPerPage", "pagesPerView"].forEach(function(i) {
if(!p.hasOwnProperty(i) || isNaN(parseFloat(p[i]))) throw new Error("'" + i + "' has an error");
// Pre-assign calculated values
p.currView = null, p.min = null, p.max = null, p.toPrev = null, p.toNext = null, p.toFirst = null, p.toLast = null, // newly calculated page prefs
p.hasPrev = null, p.hasNext = null, p.hasFirst = null, p.hasLast = null; // whether display or not for each btn
// Basic props
p.lastPage = Math.ceil(p.totalArticles / p.rowsPerPage);
p.currView = Math.ceil(p.currPage / p.pagesPerView + 1) - 1;
// min, max
p.max = Math.min(p.currView * p.pagesPerView, p.lastPage);
p.min = Math.max((p.currView - 1) * p.pagesPerView + 1, 1);
// prev, next
p.hasPrev = p.min > p.rowsPerPage;
p.hasNext = p.max < p.lastPage;
if(p.hasPrev) p.toPrev = p.min - p.pagesPerView;
if(p.hasNext) p.toNext = p.max + 1;
// first, last
p.hasFirst = p.min > p.pagesPerView * 2;
p.hasLast = p.max + p.pagesPerView < p.lastPage;
if(p.hasFirst) p.toFirst = 1;
if(p.hasLast) p.toLast = Math.min(Math.floor(p.lastPage/p.pagesPerView) * p.pagesPerView + 1, p.lastPage);
return p;
// Result example
// Library: n 앞에 width만큼 0붙이기
function nPad(nn, width) {
let n = new String(nn);
return n.length >= width ? n : new Array(width - n.length + 1).join('.') + n;
// Paging definition
var p = {
currPage: 1,
totalArticles: 97,
rowsPerPage: 3,
pagesPerView: 7
// Calculate results
var resultTxt = "";
let i = 1;
resultTxt += "currPage: " + p.currPage + ", totalArticles: " + p.totalArticles
+ ", rowsPerPage: " + p.rowsPerPage + ", pagesPerView: " + p.pagesPerView
+ "\n\n";
for(let i = 1; i < getPagingProps(p).lastPage; i++) {
p.currPage = i;
const props = getPagingProps(p);
+= "PAGE." + nPad(p.currPage, 5) + " / VIEW_ROUND." + nPad(p.currView, 5) + " / PAGE." + nPad(p.min, 5) + " ~ " + nPad(p.max, 5) + " "
+ "│ <<.." + p.hasFirst * 1 + " & " + nPad(p.toFirst, 5) + " "
+ "│ <.." + p.hasPrev * 1 + " & " + nPad(p.toPrev, 5) + " "
+ "│ >.." + p.hasNext * 1 + " & " + nPad(p.hasNext, 5) + " "
+ "│ >>.." + p.hasLast * 1 + " & " + nPad(p.toLast, 5) + "\n";
if(i % p.pagesPerView == 0) resultTxt += "\n";
// Show results
currPage: 1, totalArticles: 97, rowsPerPage: 3, pagesPerView: 7
PAGE.....1 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....2 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....3 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....4 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....5 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....6 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....7 / VIEW_ROUND.....1 / PAGE.....1 ~ ....7 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..0 & .null │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....8 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE.....9 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....10 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....11 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....12 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....13 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....14 / VIEW_ROUND.....2 / PAGE.....8 ~ ...14 │ <<..0 & .null │ <..1 & ....1 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....15 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....16 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....17 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....18 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....19 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....20 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....21 / VIEW_ROUND.....3 / PAGE....15 ~ ...21 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ....8 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..1 & ...29
PAGE....22 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....23 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....24 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....25 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....26 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....27 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....28 / VIEW_ROUND.....4 / PAGE....22 ~ ...28 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...15 │ >..1 & .true │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....29 / VIEW_ROUND.....5 / PAGE....29 ~ ...33 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...22 │ >..0 & false │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....30 / VIEW_ROUND.....5 / PAGE....29 ~ ...33 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...22 │ >..0 & false │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....31 / VIEW_ROUND.....5 / PAGE....29 ~ ...33 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...22 │ >..0 & false │ >>..0 & .null
PAGE....32 / VIEW_ROUND.....5 / PAGE....29 ~ ...33 │ <<..1 & ....1 │ <..1 & ...22 │ >..0 & false │ >>..0 & .null
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