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Created October 15, 2019 20:10
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PyCon India 2019, Code from Keynote Presentation by @dabeaz
Code from PyCon India 2019 Keynote Talk
David Beazley (
This code is presented "as is" and represents what was live-coded
during my closing keynote presentation at PyCon India, Chennai,
October 13, 2009. I have made no changes to the files.
Requires: Python 3.6+, numpy, pygame
Also Requires:
The final code runs a version of Rocket, which is found at:
Rocket is a Rust program compiled to WebAssembly. I made no changes
to this code and used only the published program.wasm file found on
Aochagavia's site.
Here are some interesting links to projects involving WebAssembly and Python
1. The WebAssembly spec:
2. Almar Klein's EuroPython 2018 talk.
Highly recommended. He does other neat stuff with Rocket.
3. pyodide. (Scientific Stack on Web Assembly)
4. Pure Python Compiler Infrastructure (PPCI).
5. Wasmer (
The "wadze" library that I used to decode Wasm is a creation of mine. The
official source code for that is available at
Wadze is a real project. Feedback welcome!
This code was written/designed specifically for the purposes of giving
a talk and having something "work" in under an hour. It takes a number
of liberties with the Wasm spec, is incomplete, and is almost
certainly not anything you would ever want to use. That said: enjoy!
from numpy import (
int32, int64, float32, float64
import struct
_const = {
'i32.const' : int32,
'i64.const' : int64,
'f32.const' : float32,
'f64.const' : float64,
_binary = {
# 32-bit integer
'i32.add' : lambda x, y: int32(x + y),
'i32.sub' : lambda x, y: int32(x - y),
'i32.mul' : lambda x, y: int32(x * y),
'i32.div_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x // y),
'i32.div_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) / uint32(y)),
'i32.and' : lambda x, y: int32(x & y),
'i32.or' : lambda x, y: int32(x | y),
'i32.xor' : lambda x, y: int32(x ^ y),
'i32.rem_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x % y),
'i32.rem_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) // uint32(y)),
'i32.eq' : lambda x, y: int32(x == y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x != y),
'i32.lt_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x < y),
'i32.le_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x <= y),
'i32.gt_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x > y),
'i32.ge_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x >= y),
'i32.lt_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) < uint32(y)),
'i32.gt_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) > uint32(y)),
'i32.le_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) <= uint32(y)),
'i32.ge_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint32(x) >= uint32(y)),
'i32.rotr' : lambda x, y: int32((x >> y) | ((x & ((2**y)-1)) << (32-y))),
'i32.rotl' : lambda x, y: int32((x << y) | ((x & ((2**y)-1)) >> (32-y))),
'i32.shr_u' : lambda x, y: int32(int(uint32(x)) >> int(y)),
'i32.shl' : lambda x, y: int32(x << y),
# 64-bit integer
'i64.add' : lambda x, y: int64(x + y),
'i64.sub' : lambda x, y: int64(x - y),
'i64.mul' : lambda x, y: int64(x * y),
'i64.div_s' : lambda x, y: int64(x // y),
'i64.div_u' : lambda x, y: int64(uint64(x) / uint64(y)),
'i64.and' : lambda x, y: int64(x & y),
'i64.or' : lambda x, y: int64(x | y),
'i64.xor' : lambda x, y: int64(x ^ y),
'i64.rem_s' : lambda x, y: int64(x % y),
'i64.rem_u' : lambda x, y: int64(uint64(x) // uint64(y)),
'i64.eq' : lambda x, y: int32(x == y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x != y),
'i64.lt_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x < y),
'i64.le_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x <= y),
'i64.gt_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x > y),
'i64.ge_s' : lambda x, y: int32(x >= y),
'i64.lt_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint64(x) < uint64(y)),
'i64.gt_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint64(x) > uint64(y)),
'i64.le_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint64(x) <= uint64(y)),
'i64.ge_u' : lambda x, y: int32(uint64(x) >= uint64(y)),
'i64.rotr' : lambda x, y: int64((x >> y) | ((x & ((2**y)-1)) << (64-y))),
'i64.rotl' : lambda x, y: int64((x << y) | ((x & ((2**y)-1)) >> (64-y))),
'i64.shr_u' : lambda x, y: int64(int(uint64(x)) >> int(y)),
'i64.shl' : lambda x, y: int64(x << y),
# -- 64 bit float
'f64.add' : lambda x, y: float64(x + y),
'f64.sub' : lambda x, y: float64(x - y),
'f64.mul' : lambda x, y: float64(x * y),
'f64.div' : lambda x, y: float64(x / y),
'f64.eq' : lambda x, y: int32(x == y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x != y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x < y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x > y),
'f64.le' : lambda x, y: int32(x <= y),
'' : lambda x, y: int32(x >= y),
import math
_unary = {
'i32.eqz' : lambda x: int32(x == 0),
'i32.clz' : lambda x: int32(32 - len(bin(uint32(x))[2:])),
'i32.ctz' : lambda x: int32(len(bin(uint32(x)).rsplit('1',1)[-1])),
'i32.wrap_i64' : lambda x: int32(uint64(x)),
'i64.extend_i32_u' : lambda x: int64(uint32(x)),
'f64.reinterpret_i64': lambda x: frombuffer(x.tobytes(), float64)[0],
'f64.sqrt': lambda x: float64(math.sqrt(x)),
'f64.convert_i32_u': lambda x: float64(uint32(x)),
from numpy import (
int8, uint8, int16, uint16, uint32, uint64, frombuffer,
_load = {
'i32.load' : lambda raw: frombuffer(raw, int32)[0],
'i64.load' : lambda raw: frombuffer(raw, int64)[0],
'f64.load' : lambda raw: frombuffer(raw, float64)[0],
'i32.load8_s' : lambda raw: int32(frombuffer(raw, int8)[0]),
'i32.load8_u' : lambda raw: int32(frombuffer(raw, uint8)[0]),
'i32.load16_s' : lambda raw: int32(frombuffer(raw, int16)[0]),
'i32.load16_u' : lambda raw: int32(frombuffer(raw, uint16)[0]),
'i64.load8_s' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, int8)[0]),
'i64.load8_u' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, uint8)[0]),
'i64.load16_s' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, int16)[0]),
'i64.load16_u' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, uint16)[0]),
'i64.load32_s' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, int32)[0]),
'i64.load32_u' : lambda raw: int64(frombuffer(raw, uint32)[0]),
_store = {
'' : lambda val: val.tobytes(),
'' : lambda val: val.tobytes(),
'' : lambda val: val.tobytes(),
'i32.store8' : lambda val: val.tobytes()[:1],
'i32.store16' : lambda val: val.tobytes()[:2],
'i64.store8' : lambda val: val.tobytes()[:1],
'i64.store16' : lambda val: val.tobytes()[:2],
'i64.store32' : lambda val: val.tobytes()[:4],
class Function:
def __init__(self, nparams, returns, code):
self.nparams = nparams
self.returns = returns
self.code = code
class ImportFunction:
def __init__(self, nparams, returns, call):
self.nparams = nparams
self.returns = returns = call
class Machine:
def __init__(self, functions, memsize=65536):
self.functions = functions # function table
self.items = []
self.memory = bytearray(memsize)
def load(self, addr):
return struct.unpack('<d', self.memory[addr:addr+8])[0]
def store(self, addr, val):
self.memory[addr:addr+8] = struct.pack('<d', val)
def push(self, item):
assert type(item) in { int32, int64, float32, float64 }
def pop(self):
return self.items.pop()
def call(self, func, *args):
locals = dict(enumerate(args)) # { 0: args[0], 1: args[1], 2: args[2] }
if isinstance(func, Function):
self.execute(func.code, locals)
except Return:
if func.returns:
return self.pop()
return*args) # External (import function)
def execute(self, instructions, locals):
for op, *args in instructions:
# print(op, args, self.items)
if op in _const:
elif op in _binary:
right = self.pop()
left = self.pop()
self.push(_binary[op](left, right))
elif op in _unary:
elif op in _load:
addr = self.pop() + args[1] # Offset
elif op in _store:
val = self.pop()
addr = self.pop() + args[1]
raw = _store[op](val)
self.memory[addr:addr+len(raw)] = raw
elif op == 'memory.size':
elif op == 'memory.grow':
npages = self.pop()
elif op == 'local.get':
elif op == 'local.set':
locals[args[0]] = self.pop()
elif op == 'local.tee':
locals[args[0]] = self.items[-1]
elif op == 'drop':
elif op == 'select':
c = self.pop()
v2 = self.pop()
v1 = self.pop()
self.push(v1 if c else v2)
elif op == 'call':
func = self.functions[args[0]]
fargs = reversed([ self.pop() for _ in range(func.nparams) ])
result =, *fargs)
if func.returns:
elif op == 'br':
raise Break(args[0])
elif op == 'br_if':
if self.pop():
raise Break(args[0])
elif op == 'br_table': # (br_tabel, [], default)
n = self.pop()
if n < len(args[0]):
raise Break(args[0][n])
raise Break(args[1])
elif op == 'block': # ('block', type, [ instructions ])
self.execute(args[1], locals)
except Break as b:
if b.level > 0:
b.level -= 1
# if (test) { consequence } else {alternative }
# ('block', [
# ('block', [
# test
# ('br_if, 0), # Goto 0
# alternative,
# ('br', 1), # Goto 1
# ]
# ), # Label : 0
# consequence,
# ]
# ) # Label 1:
elif op == 'loop':
while True:
self.execute(args[1], locals)
except Break as b:
if b.level > 0:
b.level -= 1
# while (test) { body }
# ('block', [
# ('loop', [ # Label 0
# not test
# ('br_if', 1), # Goto 1: (break)
# body
# ('br', 0), # Goto 0: (continue)
# ]
# )
# ]
# ) # label 1
elif op == 'return':
raise Return()
raise RuntimeError(f'Bad op {op}')
class Break(Exception):
def __init__(self, level):
self.level = level
class Return(Exception):
def example():
def py_display_player(x):
import time
print(' '*int(x) + '<O:>')
display_player = ImportFunction(nparams=1, returns=None, call=py_display_player)
# def update_position(x, v, dt):
# return x + v*dt
update_position = Function(nparams=3, returns=True, code=[
('local.get', 0), # x
('local.get', 1), # v
('local.get', 2), # dt
functions = [update_position, display_player]
# x = 2
# v = 3
# x = x + v*0.1
x_addr = 22
v_addr = 42
m = Machine(functions), 2.0), 3.0)
# while x > 0 {
# x = update_position(x, v, 0.1)
# if x >= 70 {
# v = -v;
# }
# }
('block', [
('loop', [
('const', x_addr),
('call', 1),
('const', x_addr),
('const', 0.0),
('br_if', 1),
('const', x_addr),
('const', x_addr),
('const', v_addr),
('const', 0.1),
('call', 0),
('block', [
('const', x_addr),
('const', 70.0),
('block', [
('br_if', 0),
('br', 1),
('const', v_addr),
('const', 0.0),
('const', v_addr),
('br', 0),
], None)
print('Result:', m.load(x_addr))
if __name__ == '__main__':
import wadze # Web Assembly Decoder
module = wadze.parse_module(open('program.wasm', 'rb').read())
# Build imported functions
import math
# These functions are imported by Wasm. Must be implemented in the host
# environment (Python). These are listed in the required order.
def imp_Math_atan(x):
return float64(math.atan(x))
def imp_clear_screen():
def imp_cos(x):
return float64(math.cos(x))
def imp_draw_bullet(x, y):
print('draw_bullet', x, y)
def imp_draw_enemy(x, y):
print('draw_enemy', x, y)
def imp_draw_particle(x, y, z):
print('draw_particle', x, y, z)
def imp_draw_player(x, y, z):
print('draw_player', x, y, z)
def imp_draw_score(s):
print('draw_score', s)
def imp_sin(x):
return float64(math.sin(x))
import pygame
size = width, height = (800, 600)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode(size)
# font = pygame.font.SysFont("helvetica", 36)
def imp_clear_screen():
def imp_draw_bullet(x, y):, (255, 255, 255), (int(x), int(y)), 2)
def imp_draw_enemy(x, y):, (255,0,255), (int(x), int(y)), 15, 2)
def imp_draw_particle(x, y, z):, (255,255,0), (int(x),int(y)), abs(int(z)))
def imp_draw_player(x, y, z):, (0,255,255), (int(x), int(y)), 10, 2)
def imp_draw_score(s):
print('draw_score', s)
# text = font.render(f'Score: {int(s)}', True, (200,200, 0))
# screen.blit(text, (5, 5))
import machine
# Declare as imported functions for our "machine"
imported_functions = [
machine.ImportFunction(1, 1, imp_Math_atan),
machine.ImportFunction(0, 0, imp_clear_screen),
machine.ImportFunction(1, 1, imp_cos),
machine.ImportFunction(2, 0, imp_draw_bullet),
machine.ImportFunction(2, 0, imp_draw_enemy),
machine.ImportFunction(3, 0, imp_draw_particle),
machine.ImportFunction(3, 0, imp_draw_player),
machine.ImportFunction(1, 0, imp_draw_score),
machine.ImportFunction(1, 1, imp_sin),
# Declare "defined" functions
defined_functions = [ ]
for typeidx, code in zip(module['func'], module['code']):
functype = module['type'][typeidx] # Signature
func = machine.Function(nparams = len(functype.params),
returns = bool(functype.returns),
code = wadze.parse_code(code).instructions)
functions = imported_functions + defined_functions
# Declare "exported" functions
exports = { functions[exp.ref] for exp in module['export']
if isinstance(exp, wadze.ExportFunction) }
m = machine.Machine(functions, 20*65536) # Hack on memory
# Initialize memory
for data in module['data']:
m.execute(data.offset, None)
offset = m.pop()
m.memory[offset:offset+len(data.values)] = data.values
from machine import float64, int32
# Call something
width = float64(800.0)
height = float64(600.)['resize'], width, height) # Prayer
# Game loop
import time
last = time.time()
while True:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
raise SystemExit()
elif event.type == pygame.KEYUP:
if event.key == 32:['toggle_shoot'], int32(0))
elif event.key == 275:['toggle_turn_right'], int32(0))
elif event.key == 276:['toggle_turn_left'], int32(0))
elif event.key == 273:['toggle_boost'], int32(0))
elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
if event.key == 32:['toggle_shoot'], int32(1))
elif event.key == 275:['toggle_turn_right'], int32(1))
elif event.key == 276:['toggle_turn_left'], int32(1))
elif event.key == 273:['toggle_boost'], int32(1))
now = time.time()
dt = now - last
last = now['update'], float64(dt))['draw'])
# Web Assembly Decoder - Zero Extras
# Copyright (C) 2019
# David M. Beazley (
# All Rights Reserved
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * Neither the name of the David Beazley or Dabeaz LLC may be used to
# endorse or promote products derived from this software without
# specific prior written permission.
# This software is provided "as is." The risks of using it are yours.
from collections import namedtuple
from itertools import islice
import struct
_typemap = {
0x7f : 'i32',
0x7e : 'i64',
0x7d : 'f32',
0x7c : 'f64',
0x70 : 'anyfunc',
0x60 : 'func',
0x40 : None,
def parse_unsigned(stream):
result = shift = 0
while True:
b = next(stream)
result |= (b & 0x7f) << shift
shift += 7
if not (b & 0x80):
return result
def parse_signed(stream):
result = shift = 0
while True:
b = next(stream)
result |= (b & 0x7f) << shift
shift += 7
if not (b & 0x80):
if b & 0x40:
result |= (~0 << shift)
return result
def parse_float32(stream):
return struct.unpack('<f', bytes(islice(stream, 4)))[0]
def parse_float64(stream):
return struct.unpack('<d', bytes(islice(stream, 8)))[0]
def parse_vector(stream, func):
return [ func(stream) for _ in range(parse_unsigned(stream)) ]
def parse_string(stream):
return bytes(parse_vector(stream, next)).decode('utf-8')
FunctionType = namedtuple('FunctionType', ['params', 'returns'])
def parse_functype(stream):
sigtype = next(stream)
params = [ _typemap[t] for t in parse_vector(stream, next) ]
returns = [ _typemap[t] for t in parse_vector(stream, next) ]
return FunctionType(params, returns)
Limits = namedtuple('Limits', ['min', 'max'])
def parse_limits(stream):
return Limits(parse_unsigned(stream), parse_unsigned(stream)) if next(stream) else (parse_unsigned(stream), None)
TableType = namedtuple('TableType', ['elemtype', 'limits'])
def parse_tabletype(stream):
return TableType(_typemap[next(stream)], parse_limits(stream))
GlobalType = namedtuple('GlobalType', ['type', 'mut'])
def parse_globaltype(stream):
return GlobalType(_typemap[next(stream)], next(stream))
ImportFunction = namedtuple('ImportFunction', ['module','name','typeidx'])
ImportTable = namedtuple('ImportTable', ['module','name', 'tabletype'])
ImportMemory = namedtuple('ImportMemory', ['module', 'name', 'limits'])
ImportGlobal = namedtuple('ImportGlobal', ['module', 'name', 'globaltype'])
_imports = {
0 : (ImportFunction, parse_unsigned),
1 : (ImportTable, parse_tabletype),
2 : (ImportMemory, parse_limits),
3 : (ImportGlobal, parse_globaltype),
def parse_import(stream):
module = parse_string(stream)
name = parse_string(stream)
cls, func = _imports[next(stream)]
return cls(module, name, func(stream))
Global = namedtuple('Global', ['globaltype', 'expr'])
def parse_global(stream):
return Global(parse_globaltype(stream), parse_instructions(stream))
ExportFunction = namedtuple('ExportFunction', ['name', 'ref'])
ExportTable = namedtuple('ExportTable', ['name', 'ref'])
ExportMemory = namedtuple('ExportMemory', ['name', 'ref'])
ExportGlobal = namedtuple('ExportGlobal', ['name', 'ref'])
_exports = { 0: ExportFunction, 1: ExportTable, 2: ExportMemory, 3: ExportGlobal }
def parse_export(stream):
name = parse_string(stream)
return _exports[next(stream)](name, parse_unsigned(stream))
Element = namedtuple('Element', ['tableidx', 'offset', 'values'])
def parse_element(stream):
return Element(parse_unsigned(stream), parse_instructions(stream), parse_vector(stream, parse_unsigned))
def parse_locals(stream):
return parse_unsigned(stream) * (_typemap[next(stream)],)
Code = namedtuple('Code', ['locals', 'instructions'])
def parse_rawcode(stream):
return bytes(islice(stream, parse_unsigned(stream)))
def parse_code(raw):
if isinstance(raw, bytes):
code = iter(raw)
locals = [ ]
for loc in parse_vector(code, parse_locals):
instructions = parse_instructions(code)
return Code(locals, instructions)
Data = namedtuple('Data', ['memidx', 'offset', 'values'])
def parse_data(stream):
return Data(parse_unsigned(stream), parse_instructions(stream), parse_vector(stream, next))
def parse_instructions(stream):
instructions = [ ]
while True:
op = next(stream)
if op == 0x0b:
name, *funcs = _opcodes[op]
instructions.append((name, *(func(stream) for func in funcs)))
return instructions
def _split_else(instructions):
if ('else',) in instructions:
index = instructions.index(('else',))
return (instructions[:index], instructions[index+1:])
return (instructions, [])
_opcodes = {
0x00 : ('unreachable', ),
0x01 : ('nop', ),
0x02 : ('block', lambda s: _typemap[next(s)], parse_instructions),
0x03 : ('loop', lambda s: _typemap[next(s)], parse_instructions),
0x04 : ('if', lambda s: _typemap[next(s)], lambda s: _split_else(parse_instructions(s))),
0x05 : ('else',),
0x0c : ('br', parse_unsigned),
0x0d : ('br_if', parse_unsigned),
0x0e : ('br_table', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_unsigned), parse_unsigned),
0x0f : ('return', ),
0x10 : ('call', parse_unsigned),
0x11 : ('call_indirect', parse_unsigned, next),
0x1a : ('drop', ),
0x1b : ('select', ),
0x20 : ('local.get', parse_unsigned),
0x21 : ('local.set', parse_unsigned),
0x22 : ('local.tee', parse_unsigned),
0x23 : ('global.get', parse_unsigned),
0x24 : ('global.set', parse_unsigned),
0x28 : ('i32.load', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x29 : ('i64.load', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2a : ('f32.load', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2b : ('f64.load', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2c : ('i32.load8_s', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2d : ('i32.load8_u', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2e : ('i32.load16_s', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x2f : ('i32.load16_u', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x30 : ('i64.load8_s', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x31 : ('i64.load8_u', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x32 : ('i64.load16_s', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x33 : ('i64.load16_u', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x34 : ('i64.load32_s', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x35 : ('i64.load32_u', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x36 : ('', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x37 : ('', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x38 : ('', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x39 : ('', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3a : ('i32.store8', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3b : ('i32.store16', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3c : ('i64.store8', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3d : ('i64.store16', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3e : ('i64.store32', parse_signed, parse_signed),
0x3f : ('memory.size', next),
0x40 : ('memory.grow', next),
0x41 : ('i32.const', parse_signed),
0x42 : ('i64.const', parse_signed),
0x43 : ('f32.const', parse_float32),
0x44 : ('f64.const', parse_float64),
0x45 : ('i32.eqz', ),
0x46 : ('i32.eq', ),
0x47 : ('', ),
0x48 : ('i32.lt_s', ),
0x49 : ('i32.lt_u', ),
0x4a : ('i32.gt_s', ),
0x4b : ('i32.gt_u', ),
0x4c : ('i32.le_s', ),
0x4d : ('i32.le_u', ),
0x4e : ('i32.ge_s', ),
0x4f : ('i32.ge_u', ),
0x50 : ('i64.eqz', ),
0x51 : ('i64.eq', ),
0x52 : ('', ),
0x53 : ('i64.lt_s', ),
0x54 : ('i64.lt_u', ),
0x55 : ('i64.gt_s', ),
0x56 : ('i64.gt_u', ),
0x57 : ('i64.le_s', ),
0x58 : ('i64.le_u', ),
0x59 : ('i64.ge_s', ),
0x5a : ('i64.ge_u', ),
0x5b : ('f32.eq', ),
0x5c : ('', ),
0x5d : ('', ),
0x5e : ('', ),
0x5f : ('f32.le', ),
0x60 : ('', ),
0x61 : ('f64.eq', ),
0x62 : ('', ),
0x63 : ('', ),
0x64 : ('', ),
0x65 : ('f64.le', ),
0x66 : ('', ),
0x67 : ('i32.clz', ),
0x68 : ('i32.ctz', ),
0x69 : ('i32.popcnt', ),
0x6a : ('i32.add', ),
0x6b : ('i32.sub', ),
0x6c : ('i32.mul', ),
0x6d : ('i32.div_s', ),
0x6e : ('i32.div_u', ),
0x6f : ('i32.rem_s', ),
0x70 : ('i32.rem_u', ),
0x71 : ('i32.and', ),
0x72 : ('i32.or', ),
0x73 : ('i32.xor', ),
0x74 : ('i32.shl', ),
0x75 : ('i32.shr_s', ),
0x76 : ('i32.shr_u', ),
0x77 : ('i32.rotl', ),
0x78 : ('i32.rotr', ),
0x79 : ('i64.clz', ),
0x7a : ('i64.ctz', ),
0x7b : ('i64.popcnt', ),
0x7c : ('i64.add', ),
0x7d : ('i64.sub', ),
0x7e : ('i64.mul', ),
0x7f : ('i64.div_s', ),
0x80 : ('i64.div_u', ),
0x81 : ('i64.rem_s', ),
0x82 : ('i64.rem_u', ),
0x83 : ('i64.and', ),
0x84 : ('i64.or', ),
0x85 : ('i64.xor', ),
0x86 : ('i64.shl', ),
0x87 : ('i64.shr_s', ),
0x88 : ('i64.shr_u', ),
0x89 : ('i64.rotl', ),
0x8a : ('i64.rotr', ),
0x8b : ('f32.abs', ),
0x8c : ('f32.neg', ),
0x8d : ('f32.ceil', ),
0x8e : ('f32.floor', ),
0x8f : ('f32.trunc', ),
0x90 : ('f32.nearest', ),
0x91 : ('f32.sqrt', ),
0x92 : ('f32.add', ),
0x93 : ('f32.sub', ),
0x94 : ('f32.mul', ),
0x95 : ('f32.div', ),
0x96 : ('f32.min', ),
0x97 : ('f32.max', ),
0x98 : ('f32.copysign', ),
0x99 : ('f64.abs', ),
0x9a : ('f64.neg', ),
0x9b : ('f64.ceil', ),
0x9c : ('f64.floor', ),
0x9d : ('f64.trunc', ),
0x9e : ('f64.nearest', ),
0x9f : ('f64.sqrt', ),
0xa0 : ('f64.add', ),
0xa1 : ('f64.sub', ),
0xa2 : ('f64.mul', ),
0xa3 : ('f64.div', ),
0xa4 : ('f64.min', ),
0xa5 : ('f64.max', ),
0xa6 : ('f64.copysign', ),
0xa7 : ('i32.wrap_i64', ),
0xa8 : ('i32.trunc_f32_s', ),
0xa9 : ('i32.trunc_f32_u', ),
0xaa : ('i32.trunc_f64_s', ),
0xab : ('i32.trunc_f64_u', ),
0xac : ('i64.extend_i32_s', ),
0xad : ('i64.extend_i32_u', ),
0xae : ('i64.trunc_f32_s', ),
0xaf : ('i64.trunc_f32_u', ),
0xb0 : ('i64.trunc_f64_s', ),
0xb1 : ('i64.trunc_f64_u', ),
0xb2 : ('f32.convert_i32_s', ),
0xb3 : ('f32.convert_i32_u', ),
0xb4 : ('f32.convert_i64_s', ),
0xb5 : ('f32.convert_i64_u', ),
0xb6 : ('f32.demote_f64', ),
0xb7 : ('f64.convert_i32_s', ),
0xb8 : ('f64.convert_i32_u', ),
0xb9 : ('f64.convert_i64_s', ),
0xba : ('f64.convert_i64_u', ),
0xbb : ('f64.promote_f32', ),
0xbc : ('i32.reinterpret_f32', ),
0xbd : ('i64.reinterpret_f64', ),
0xbe : ('f32.reinterpret_i32', ),
0xbf : ('f64.reinterpret_i64', ),
_sections = {
1 : ('type', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_functype)),
2 : ('import', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_import)),
3 : ('func', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_unsigned)),
4 : ('table', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_tabletype)),
5 : ('memory', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_limits)),
6 : ('global', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_global)),
7 : ('export', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_export)),
8 : ('start', parse_unsigned),
9 : ('element', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_element)),
10 : ('code', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_rawcode)),
11 : ('data', lambda s: parse_vector(s, parse_data)),
def parse_section(stream):
sectnum = next(stream)
size = parse_unsigned(stream)
if sectnum in _sections:
sectname, parse_func = _sections[sectnum]
return (sectname, parse_func(stream))
return (sectnum, bytes(islice(stream, size)))
def parse_module(stream):
Parse binary .wasm format data into a dictionary representing the
different sections of a Wasm module. stream is either an iterator
producing bytes or a byte string containing the raw data from a
.wasm file.
if isinstance(stream, bytes):
stream = iter(stream)
header = bytes(islice(stream, 8))
if header[:4] != b'\x00asm':
raise ValueError('Expected .wasm')
sections = { }
while True:
sectname, items = parse_section(stream)
sections[sectname] = items
except StopIteration:
return sections
# Example use
if __name__ == '__main__':
module = parse_module(open('input.wasm','rb').read())
# If you want to parse instruction code, also include this
module['code'] = [ parse_code(c) for c in module['code']]
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This is a very concise, but imminently readable, description. Thank you. Does this exist as a git repo somewhere so we can fix the bugs?

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vitiral commented Jul 17, 2021

wadze and rocket have licenses. Can we consider to be in the public domain?

I'm developing a super-slim educational programming language that I want to remain in the public domain, and your talk was super inspiring for my approach to compiletime execution of const/macro functions.

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