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Created October 20, 2017 19:25
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Curio Benchmark of Large Data Transfer
# A Curio adaption of benchmark code at:
import struct
from time import perf_counter as clock
except ImportError:
from time import time as clock
import sys
sys.path.insert(0, '..')
import curio
async def read_frame(stream):
nbytes = await stream.read_exactly(8)
nbytes = struct.unpack('L', nbytes)[0]
data = bytearray(nbytes)
nread = await stream.readinto(data)
assert nread == nbytes
return data
async def write_frame(stream, msg):
await stream.write(struct.pack('L', len(msg)))
await stream.write(msg)
async def handler(sock, addr):
async with sock:
s = sock.as_stream()
msg = await read_frame(s)
print('server', len(msg))
await write_frame(s, msg)
async def run_client(sock, msg):
async with sock:
s = sock.as_stream()
await write_frame(s, msg)
msg2 = await read_frame(s)
print('client', len(msg))
async def f():
data = b"x" * (100 * 1000**2) # 100 MB
niters = 5
serv_task = await curio.spawn(curio.tcp_server('', 8000, handler))
start = clock()
for i in range(niters):
sock = await curio.open_connection('', 8000)
await run_client(sock, msg=data)
end = clock()
dt = end - start
rate = len(data) * niters / dt
print("duration: %s => rate: %d MB/s"
% (dt, rate / 1e6))
await serv_task.cancel()
if __name__ == "__main__":
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