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Last active October 25, 2024 05:57
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How to Give a Killer Pitch or Hackathon Demo

How to Give THE Killer Pitch or Hackathon Demo


Here are some high quality demo day pitches for reference

Orange DAO demos (highly recommended to check out as these are also crypto builders)

Lattice YC Demo Day Pitch (W16)


Here are a bunch of example pitches


  • You have very limited time (usually 2-5 minutes) to make a lasting impression
  • Your goal is to convince judges / investors that your product and company are worth their time and money

Key components of a great demo

1. Hook them (15-20 seconds)

  • Start with a powerful statement or question that grabs attention
  • Clearly state the problem you're solving
  • Use a relatable example or startling statistic (the more hard hitting and succinct the analogy, the better)

2. Explain your solution (30-40 seconds)

  • Briefly describe your product/service
  • Highlight what makes it unique and innovative
  • Focus on the core value proposition and / or use case

3. Demonstrate Traction (30-40 seconds)

This is obviously not applicable to most hackathon participants, but is valuable for fundraising.

  • Share key metrics like users, revenue, and growth rate
  • Mention notable customers or partnerships
  • Highlight significant milestones or achievements

4. Market opportunity (20-30 seconds)

  • Define your target market and its size
  • Explain why now is the right time for your solution
  • Briefly touch on your go-to-market strategy

5. Tech stack (20-30 seconds, for hacakthons)

  • Overview of tech stack
  • Why MegaETH/Eigen (or your choice of tech stack) are necessary infrastructure for your project

6. Team and Expertise (15-20 seconds)

  • Highlight key team members and their relevant experience
  • Emphasize why your team is uniquely qualified to solve this problem

7. Live demo (30-60 seconds)

  • Give a short and polished live demo
  • Consider recording your live demo, editing it with a video editor like QuickTime or Camtasia, and just playing the edited / shortened video

Best practices for delivery

  1. Practice and repetition

    • Rehearse your pitch until it feels natural
    • Time yourself to ensure you stay within the limit
  2. Tell a compelling story

    • Use narrative techniques and analogies to make your pitch memorable
    • Connect emotionally with your audience
  3. Keep visuals simple and impactful

    • Use high-quality, easy-to-read slides
    • Limit text. Focus on key points and visuals (i.e. minimal long sentences, no paragraphs)
  4. Anticipate questions

    • Prepare for common questions
    • Have backup slides for detailed information if needed
  5. Speak with passion and confidence

    • Be enthusiastic
    • Maintain good eye contact and positive body language
    • This will come more naturally the more you practice
  6. End strong

    • End with a powerful call-to-action
    • Leave them excited about your potential / future (this is key)

Common pitfalls

  • Trying to cover too much information
  • Using technical jargon or complex explanations
  • Focusing too much on features instead of benefits
  • Neglecting to practice and refine your delivery
  • Failing to clearly articulate your unique value proposition
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