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Last active June 29, 2021 15:01
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yet another rust developer's kakrc file
# daboross's kakrc
# ###
# Copyright (c) 2019 David Ross
# This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
# warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
# arising from the use of this software.
# Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
# including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
# freely.
# ###
# Plugins Required:
# -
# -
# I recommend installing and configuring
# kak-lsp to use it for Rust.
# ###
# ###
# General Preferences
# ###
# gruvbox!
colorscheme gruvbox
# save a bit of window space by removing clippy from popups
set global ui_options ncurses_assistant=off
# add line numbers
add-highlighter global/ number-lines
# if not configured per file type, just wrap to 100 characters
add-highlighter global/ wrap -width 101 -indent -word
set global autowrap_column 100
set global autowrap_fmtcmd 'fmt -w %c'
# if not configured per file type, set tabs as 4 spaces
set global tabstop 4
# insert 4 spaces on tab key
hook global InsertChar \t %{ exec -draft -itersel h@ } -group kakrc-replace-tabs-with-spaces
# # use tab for tab completion (
# hook global InsertCompletionShow .* %{
# map window insert <tab> <c-n>
# map window insert <s-tab> <c-p>
# }
# hook global InsertCompletionHide .* %{
# unmap window insert <tab> <c-n>
# unmap window insert <s-tab> <c-p>
# }
# ###
# Document Cleanup Utilities
# ###
define-command -params 0 -docstring %{
clear all whitespace before newlines in the current file
} whitespace-clear %{
try %{
# this is an attempt at clearing all whitespace except that on the current line
# execute-keys -no-hooks -draft <a-x> '"' a y <a-h> <a-h> Z '%' s\h+$ <ret> d z <a-x> '"' a R
execute-keys -draft '%s\h+$<ret>d'
define-command -params 0 -docstring %{
replaces all tabs with spaces in the current file
} tabs-to-spaces %{
try %{
execute-keys -draft '%s\t<ret>c<tab>'
define-command -params 0 -docstring "removes whitespace before newlines and tabs->spaces" cleanup %{
eval %sh{
if [ "$kak_opt_filetype" != 'python' ] && [ "$kak_opt_filetype" != 'javascript' ]; then
echo "whitespace-clear"
eval %sh{
if [ "$kak_opt_filetype" != 'makefile' ]; then
echo "tabs-to-spaces"
# ###
# Executing Cleanup and Save
# ###
# cleanup file & save all on focus out
hook global InsertEnd .* %{
nop %sh{
if [ -n "${kak_opt_formatcmd}" ]; then
echo "try %{ format }"
} -group kak-save-on-insert-end
# save after idling
hook global NormalIdle .* write-all -group kakrc-save-on-insert-idle
# save when de-focused
hook global FocusOut .* %{
} -group kakrc-save-on-lost-focus
# ###
# Utility Commands
# ###
define-command -params 0 -docstring "copies the current selection into the OS copy buffer" copy %{
execute-keys -draft <a-|> xclip <space> -sel <space> clip <ret>
define-command -params 1 -file-completion -docstring "executes mkdir -p" mkdir %{
nop %sh{ mkdir -p "$1" }
define-command -params 1 -file-completion -docstring "sends file to trash" rm %{
nop %sh{ trash "$1" }
define-command -params 0 -docstring "removes spell checker highlighting" unspell %{
try %{
remove-highlighter 'window/ranges_spell_regions'
# ###
# Utility Mappings
# ###
map -docstring 'format' global user f ': format<ret>'
map -docstring 'wrap' global user j '<a-x>|fmt -w $(($kak_opt_autowrap_column + 1)) -g $kak_opt_autowrap_column<ret>'
map -docstring 'down' global user d '<c-d>gc'
map -docstring 'up' global user u '<c-u>gc'
map -docstring 'up' global user e ': lsp-find-error<ret>'
map -docstring 'lsp' global user l ': enter-user-mode lsp<ret>'
# ###
# Dealing With Brackets
# ###
# highlight matching brackets when moving cursor in normal mode
hook global WinCreate .* %{
add-highlighter window/ show-matching
# highlight the matching bracket immediately after inserting a new bracket
# on insertion, highlights the matching character to the character just typed
# see:
# (this is a version changed to remove highlight after any action)
declare-option -hidden range-specs show_matching_range
hook global -group kakrc-matching-ranges InsertChar '[[\](){}<>]' %{
eval -draft %{
try %{
exec '<esc>;hm<a-k>..<ret>;'
set window show_matching_range %val{timestamp} "%val{selection_desc}|MatchingChar"
} catch %{
set window show_matching_range 0
hook window -group kakrc-matching-ranges-temp-hooks InsertChar '[^[\](){}<>]' %{
set window show_matching_range 0
remove-hooks window kakrc-matching-ranges-temp-hooks
hook window -group kmrih-temp557 ModeChange .* %{
set window show_matching_range 0
remove-hooks window kakrc-matching-ranges-temp-hooks
hook window -group kakrc-matching-ranges-temp-hooks InsertMove .* %{
set window show_matching_range 0
remove-hooks window kakrc-matching-ranges-temp-hooks
add-highlighter global/ ranges show_matching_range
# Enable 'auto-pairs' plugin for all filetypes
hook global WinCreate .* %{
# ###
# Filetype Specific Options
# ###
hook global WinSetOption filetype=rust %{
# format rust code with 'rustfmt'
set buffer formatcmd 'rustfmt'
# rust code uses tabs as 4 spaces
set buffer tabstop 4
set buffer indentwidth 4
# rust code uses 120-width lines
add-highlighter buffer/ wrap -word -width 120
set buffer autowrap_column 120
# the default auto-pairs pair list includes the single quote ', which is not usually paired in
# Rust
set buffer auto_pairs ( ) { } [ ] \" \" ` `
# autocompletion via 'rls' is enabled at the bottom of the file.
# disabled for now
# lsp-auto-hover-enable
# show function signature when writing function calls
hook global WinSetOption filetype=c %{
# the C code I work on usually has tabs as 2 spaces
set buffer tabstop 2
set buffer indentwidth 2
# show function signature when writing function calls
# Racket does not have a dedicated filetype
hook global BufCreate .*[.](racket|rkt) %{
# treat racket code as common lisp code, it's close enough
set buffer filetype lisp
hook global WinSetOption filetype=lisp %{
# use 2-space tabs in lisp files
set buffer tabstop 2
set buffer indentwidth 2
hook global WinSetOption filetype=git-commit %{
# wrap to 70 lines
add-highlighter buffer/ wrap -word -width 72
set window autowrap_column 71
# auto-wrap lines
hook global BufCreate .*[.](txt|text) %{
# don't limit text file lines to 100 characters
add-highlighter buffer/ wrap -word
# ###
# Extensions
# ###
# enable kak-lsp
eval %sh{ kak-lsp --kakoune -s $kak_session }
# output debug logs for kak-lsp
nop %sh{
(kak-lsp -s $kak_session -vvv ) > /tmp/lsp_"$(date +%F-%T-%N)"_kak-lsp_log 2>&1 < /dev/null &
# enable kak-lsp globally
# ###
# Experimental Extensions
# ###
# rofi...?
# TODO: encorporate
define-command rofi-buffers -docstring 'Select an open buffer using Rofi' %{
BUFFER=$(printf %s\\n "${kak_buflist}" | tr : '\n' | rofi -dmenu)
if [ -n "$BUFFER" ]; then
echo "eval -client '$kak_client' 'buffer ${BUFFER}'" | kak -p ${kak_session}
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