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Created December 11, 2011 01:29
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Fun with C++11 constexpr
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
// Utilities
// RETURNS() is used to avoid writing boilerplate "->decltype(x) { return x; }" phrases.
// USAGE: auto function(<arguments>) RETURNS(<some-expression>);
// Note: we end with a unique typedef so the function can be followed
// by a semicolon. If we omit the semicolon, editors get confused and
// think we haven't completed the function declaration.
#define RETURNS(...) -> decltype(__VA_ARGS__) { return (__VA_ARGS__); } typedef int RETURNS_CAT(RETURNS_, __LINE__)
// Standard PP concatenation formula
#define RETURNS_CAT_0(x, y) x ## y
#define RETURNS_CAT(x, y) RETURNS_CAT_0(x,y)
// Strangely, the message argument to static_assert is mandatory; 99%
// of the time I just want the text of the test. This macro makes
// static_assert usable.
#define static_assert_(x) static_assert(x, #x)
// assert_type(<expression>, <type>)
// A simple static assertion that decltype(<expression>) is <type>
template <class T, class U> struct ERROR_not_same_type;
template <class T> struct ERROR_not_same_type<T,T> { static bool const pass = true; };
#define assert_type(expr, ...) \
static_assert(ERROR_not_same_type<__VA_ARGS__, decltype(expr)>::pass, "dummy")
// Calculate pi via series expansion. See
// This is the traditional Gregory-Leibniz series, which converges
// quite slowly.
constexpr double pi0_(unsigned j)
return j == 0 ? 0.0
: pi0_(j-1) + (j%2?4.0:-4.0)/(2*j-1);
// This one applies the van Wijngaarden transformation
constexpr double pi_(unsigned i, unsigned j)
return i == 0
? pi0_(j)
: ( pi_(i-1,j) + pi_(i-1,j+1) )/2;
// This one keeps going deeper until the value stops changing,
// signifying we've run out of precision in a double
constexpr double calcpi2(unsigned depth)
return pi_(depth,depth) == pi_(depth+1,depth+1)
? pi_(depth,depth)
: calcpi2(depth+1);
// Calculate pi as accurately as possible.
constexpr double pi = calcpi2(1);
// A compile-time linked list
struct node
constexpr node(int n, node const* next = nullptr)
: n{n}, next{next} {}
constexpr node push(int n) { return node(n, this); }
int n;
node const* next;
constexpr node a(0);
constexpr node b = a.push(1);
constexpr node c = b.push(2);
int x0_[a.n];
int x1_[>n];
int x2_[>next->n];
// constexpr node d0 = node(4, c.push(3));
// constexpr node d1 = c.push(3).push(4);
// int x2[>n];
// A more general lisp-style cons list with length and contents
// encoded in its type.
struct nil_ { constexpr nil_() {} };
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, nil_ const&) { return s << "nil"; }
constexpr nil_ nil;
template <class H, class T = nil_>
struct cons_
using head_ = H;
using tail_ = T;
constexpr cons_() {}
constexpr cons_(H const& x, T const& y) : head(x), tail(y) {}
head_ head;
tail_ tail;
template <class H, class T = nil_>
constexpr cons_<H,T> cons(H const& h, T const& t = nil)
{ return cons_<H,T>(h,t); }
// Head
template <class L>
using head_ = typename L::head_;
template <class L>
constexpr head_<L> const& head(L const& l) { return l.head; }
// Tail
template <class L>
using tail_ = typename L::tail_;
template <class L>
constexpr tail_<L> const& tail(L const& l) { return l.tail; }
// Size
template <class List>
constexpr unsigned size(List const& l) { return 0; }
template <class H, class T>
constexpr unsigned size(cons_<H,T> const& l) { return 1 + size(l.tail); }
template <class List>
struct size_
static constexpr unsigned value
#if 0 // awkwardly, you can't do this, even with a hand-coded
// constexpr declval. One must pull the value back from
// compile-time land with a specialization (see below)
= size(declval<List>());
= 0;
template <class H, class T>
struct size_<cons_<H,T> >
static constexpr unsigned value = 1 + size_<T>::value;
// Iterators - For now we make the assumption that the list is
// homogeneous (except for the terminating nil) and that the aggregate
// layout rules guarantee in-memory compatibility with an array of Ts.
// Attempt to use these iterators when those assumptions are false and
// you get undefined behavior.
template <class H, class T>
constexpr auto begin(nil_)
template <class H, class T>
constexpr auto end(nil_)
template <class H, class T>
constexpr auto begin(cons_<H,T> const& x)
template <class H, class T>
constexpr auto end(cons_<H,T> const& x)
-> H const* { return end(tail(x)); }
template <class H>
constexpr auto end(cons_<H,nil_> const& x)
// Easy list construction
constexpr auto list() RETURNS( nil );
template <class T>
constexpr auto list(T x) RETURNS( cons(x, nil) );
template <class... T>
struct list_t;
template <class H, class... T>
struct list_t<H,T...>
using type = cons_<H,typename list_t<T...>::type>;
template <class H>
struct list_t<H>
using type = cons_<H,nil_>;
#if 0
// It should be this simple, but GCC has a bug: see
template <class H, class ...T>
constexpr auto list(H h, T ...args)
RETURNS(cons( h, list( args... ) ));
// Workaround: list type computation.
template <class... T> struct list_;
template <class H, class... T>
struct list_<H,T...>
using type = cons_<H,typename list_<T...>::type>;
template <> struct list_<>
using type = nil_;
// Used to prove we're doing the workaround correctly.
template <class T, class U> struct assert_same;
template <class T> struct assert_same<T,T>{};
template <class H, class ...T>
constexpr auto list(H h, T ...args)
-> typename list_<H,T...>::type
return assert_same<
decltype(cons( h, list(args...) )),
typename list_<H,T...>::type
>(), // <== comma operator
cons( h, list(args...) );
constexpr auto list0 = list();
constexpr auto list1 = list('a');
constexpr auto list2 = list('a', 2);
constexpr auto list3 = list('a', 2, "booze");
// s-expression printing
template <class X>
void print_list_tail(std::ostream& s, X const& x)
s << ". " << x;
template <class H>
void print_list_tail(std::ostream& s, cons_<H,nil_> const& x)
s << head(x);
template <class H, class T>
void print_list_tail(std::ostream& s, cons_<H,T> const& x)
s << head(x) << " ";
print_list_tail(s, tail(x));
template <class H, class T>
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, cons_<H,T> const& x)
s << "( ";
print_list_tail(s, x);
return s << " )";
// Split a list into two parts, the first of which has length n
// Unfortunately it seems impossible to make n be a function parameter
// or to fully deduce the result type. We resort here to old-style
// TMP.
template <unsigned, class List> struct split_;
template <unsigned n, class List>
constexpr auto split(List const& x) RETURNS(split_<n,List>::call(x));
// Handle the case where n != 0
template <unsigned n, class List>
struct split_
using next_result_type = decltype(split<n-1>(tail(std::declval<List>())));
static constexpr auto
call2(List const& l, next_result_type const& next)
cons(cons(head(l), head(next)), tail(next))
static constexpr auto
call(List const& l)
call2( l, split<(n-1)>(tail(l)) )
// Basis case
template <class List>
struct split_<0, List>
static constexpr auto
call(List const& l) RETURNS( cons(nil,l) );
constexpr auto x0 = split<0>(cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))));
constexpr auto x1 = split<1>(cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))));
constexpr auto x2 = split<2>(cons(1, cons(2, cons(3, nil))));
// Comparisons
template <class T, class U>
constexpr bool less(T const& l, U const& r) { return l < r; }
// string comparison
constexpr bool less(char const*s1, char const*s2)
return *s1 < *s2 || *s1 == *s2 && *s1 && less(s1+1, s2+1);
// Make all strings less than non-strings. That will allow us to test
// heterogeneous sorting (which doesn't work---see below).
template <class L>
constexpr bool less(L const&, char const*)
return false;
template <class R>
constexpr bool less(char const*, R const&)
return true;
// Merge two sorted lists
#if 0
// This version should work, but it looks like GCC has a bug(?)
constexpr auto merge(nil_, nil_) RETURNS(nil);
template <class L2>
constexpr auto merge(nil_, L2 const& l2)
template <class L1>
constexpr auto merge(L1 const& l1,nil_)
template <class L1, class L2>
constexpr auto merge(L1 const& l1,L2 const& l2)
less(head(l1), head(l2))
? cons(head(l1), merge(tail(l1), l2))
: cons(head(l2), merge(l1, tail(l2))));
template <class L1, class L2>
struct merge_
constexpr static auto call(L1 const& l1,L2 const& l2)
less(head(l1), head(l2))
? cons(head(l1), merge(tail(l1), l2))
: cons(head(l2), merge(l1, tail(l2))));
template <class L1>
struct merge_<L1,nil_>
constexpr static auto call(L1 const& l1,nil_) RETURNS(l1);
template <class L2>
struct merge_<nil_,L2>
constexpr static auto call(nil_,L2 const& l2) RETURNS(l2);
template <>
struct merge_<nil_,nil_>
constexpr static auto call(nil_,nil_) RETURNS(nil);
template <class L1, class L2>
constexpr auto merge(L1 const& l1,L2 const& l2)
constexpr auto x4 = merge(cons(1, nil), cons(2,nil));
constexpr auto x5 = merge(cons(2, nil), cons(1,nil));
assert_type(x4, decltype(x5));
// Mergesort implementation
// Take a cons of two lists, sort each one, and merge them
template <class Pair>
constexpr auto merge2(Pair const& p)
RETURNS( merge(sort(head(p)),sort(tail(p))) );
#if 0
// This version should work, but it looks like GCC has a bug
template <class List>
constexpr auto sort(List const& l)
// A list of length <= 1 is already sorted
size_<List>::value <= 1 ? l
: merge2(split<(size_<List>::value/2)>(l) ) );
template <class List, bool trivial = (size_<List>::value <= 1)>
struct sort_
constexpr static auto call(List const& l)
RETURNS( merge2(split<(size_<List>::value/2)>(l) ) );
template <class List>
struct sort_<List,true>
constexpr static auto call(List const& l) RETURNS(l);
template <class List>
constexpr auto sort(List const& l)
// See test() function below where we print these out.
constexpr auto numbers = sort(list(1, 7, 2, 4, 50, 9, 23, 11, 13, 15, 20, 50));
constexpr auto strings = sort(list("the", "quick", "brown", "fox", "jumps", "over", "the", "lazy", "dog"));
// This doesn't work, but ought to be possible in principle:
// constexpr auto numstrings = sort(list(10, "toes", "and", 5, "fat", "fingers"));
// Heterogeneous sorting seems to be up against the obstacle of
// crossing the weird "runtime-compile-time" boundary. The problem is
// that the type you want to return from merge() depends on the
// *values* being merged, and those values aren't usable to compute
// the return type.
// I am beginning to doubt there's a way around this issue in the
// world of constexpr.
int main()
std::cout << "length(numbers) = " << (end(numbers) - begin(numbers)) << std::endl;
std::cout << "length(strings) = " << (end(strings) - begin(strings)) << std::endl;
std::cout << numbers << std::endl;
std::cout << strings << std::endl;
// std::cout << numstrings << std::endl;
std::cout << std::endl;
for (auto x : strings)
std::cout << x << " ";
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << std::setprecision(100);
std::cout << "pi is " << pi << std::endl;
// This shows that Gregory-Leibniz doesn't converge very quickly
// by comparison. 512 is GCC's default maximum constexpr depth.
std::cout << "pi0 is " << pi0_(511) << std::endl;
// By Marc.Glisse
// This file is just
// reformatted and commented a bit
#include <iostream>
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>
#include <array>
template<int...> struct Indices{};
struct Next_increasing_indices;
struct Next_increasing_indices<Indices<I...> > {
typedef Indices<I...,sizeof...(I)> type;
template<int N>
struct N_increasing_indices
: Next_increasing_indices<
typename N_increasing_indices<N-1>::type
template<> struct N_increasing_indices<0> {
typedef Indices<> type;
constexpr bool compare(const char*x, const char*y){
return (*x==0)?(*y!=0):(*y==0)?false:(*x==*y)?compare(x+1,y+1):(*x<*y);
constexpr std::array<const char*,4> x={{"cd","c","ab","ac"}};
constexpr bool c=compare(x[0],x[1]);
// Array-ify a permutation of a tuple.
template<int D, class T, int...I>
constexpr std::array<const char*,D>
g( T t, Indices<I...> )
return {{ std::get<I>(t)... }};
// f<D>(n, tuple): array-ify a tuple of length D
template<int D, class T>
constexpr std::array<const char*,D>
f(int N, T t)
return g<D>(t, typename N_increasing_indices<D>::type());
// f<D>(n, tuple, elt): array-ify cat(tuple, tuple(elt))
template<int D,class T>
constexpr std::array<const char*,D>
f(int N, T t, const char* mini)
return f<D>(
0, std::tuple_cat(t,std::make_tuple(mini)));
// f<D>(n, tuple, e0, e1, ...):
// Bubble sort.
template<int D,class T,class...U>
constexpr std::array<const char*,D>
f(int N, T t, const char* mini, const char* u0, U...u)
return (N==sizeof...(U)+1)
? f<D>(
0, std::tuple_cat(
t, std::make_tuple(mini))
,u0 , u...
: compare(mini,u0)
? f<D>(N+1, t, mini, u..., u0 )
: f<D>(N+1, t, u0, u..., mini);
constexpr std::array<const char*,sizeof...(U)>
return f<sizeof...(U)>(0,std::make_tuple(),u...);
constexpr auto y=make_sorted_array("cd","c","ab","ac");
int main(){
for(auto s:y) std::cout << s << '\n';
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