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An efficient storage foundation for type erasure.
// Copyright 2020 Penguin Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
/// A substitute for `T.self` that eliminates ambiguity about whether you mean the static or dynamic
/// type.
public struct Type<T> { init() {} }
fileprivate extension MemoryLayout {
/// True iff `T` instances are stored in an existential's inline buffer space.
static var fitsExistentialInlineBuffer: Bool {
MemoryLayout<(T, Any.Type)>.size <= MemoryLayout<Any>.size
&& self.alignment <= MemoryLayout<Any>.alignment
&& _isBitwiseTakable(T.self)
/// A wrapper for a value of any type, with efficient access and inline storage of bounded size for
/// small values.
/// Existential types such as `Any` provide the storage characteristics of `AnyValue`, but many
/// operations on existentials [optimize poorly](, so
/// `AnyValue` may be needed to achieve efficient access.
/// Using `enums` and no existential, it is possible to build such storage for:
/// - types that are trivially copiable (such as Int), or
/// - collections of elements with the inline storage being (roughly) a multiple of the element
/// size.
/// You might consider using the `enum` approach where applicable.
public struct AnyValue {
/// The underlying storage of the value.
internal var storage: Any
/// Creates an instance that stores `x`.
/// - Postcondition: where `a` is the created instance, `a.storedType == T.self`, and `a[T.self]`
/// is equivalent to `x`.
public init<T>(_ x: T) {
if MemoryLayout<T>.fitsExistentialInlineBuffer { storage = x}
else { storage = Box(x) as BoxBase }
/// The layout of an `Any`.
private typealias AnyLayout = (Int, Int, Int, storedType: Any.Type)
/// The type of the value stored directly in `storage`.
private var directlyStoredType: Any.Type {
return Swift.withUnsafePointer(to: self) {
UnsafeRawPointer($0).assumingMemoryBound(to: AnyLayout.self)[0].storedType
/// The type of the stored value.
public var storedType: Any.Type {
let d = directlyStoredType
if d != BoxBase.self { return d }
return self[unsafelyAssuming: Type<BoxBase>()].storedType
/// Returns a pointer to the `T` which is assumed to be stored in `self`.
private func pointer<T>(toStored _: Type<T>) -> UnsafePointer<T> {
.init(Swift.withUnsafePointer(to: self) { Handle<T>($0) }.pointer)
// Existentials that store large types have their own built-in box, but we are unable to detect
// uniqueness of an existential box, and they seem to be reallocated unpredictably in some cases.
// Instead, we box manually and only use the `Any` for its inline storage.
/// A base class for boxing types that don't fit the inline buffer.
private class BoxBase {
/// The type stored in this box.
final let storedType: Any.Type
/// Creates an instance with the given `storedType`
fileprivate init(storedType: Any.Type) {
self.storedType = storedType
/// Returns the boxed value.
fileprivate var asAny: Any { fatalError("override me") }
private final class Box<T>: BoxBase {
/// The boxed value
var value: T
/// Creates an instance storing `value`
init(_ value: T) {
assert(!(value is BoxBase), "unexpected double-boxing!")
self.value = value
super.init(storedType: T.self)
/// Returns the boxed value.
fileprivate override var asAny: Any { value }
/// Returns a pointer to the `T` which is assumed to be stored in `self`.
private mutating func mutablePointer<T>(toStored _: Type<T>) -> UnsafeMutablePointer<T> {
if !MemoryLayout<T>.fitsExistentialInlineBuffer {
if !isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&self[unsafelyAssuming: Type<BoxBase>()]) {
storage = Box(self[unsafelyAssuming: Type<T>()]) as BoxBase
return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &self) { Handle<T>($0) }.pointer
/// A tool for accessing the `T` stored in the `Any`.
private struct Handle<T> {
// Warning: this type may look like needless complication but efficient optimization for
// AnyValue is extremely sensitive to the shape of its implementation and I've been unable to
// eliminate it without hurting the generated code.
/// Creates an instance for accessing the `Any` whose address is `address`.
init(_ address: UnsafeRawPointer) {
self.address = .init(mutating: address)
/// The address of the `Any` accessed by `self`
private let address: UnsafeMutableRawPointer
/// A pointer to the stored instance of type `T`.
public var pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<T> {
if MemoryLayout<T>.fitsExistentialInlineBuffer {
return address.assumingMemoryBound(to: T.self)
else {
let boxBase = address.assumingMemoryBound(to: BoxBase.self).pointee
let box = unsafeDowncast(boxBase, to: Box<T>.self)
return withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &box.value) { $0 }
/// Iff `storedType != T.self`, traps with an appropriate error message.
private func typeCheck<T>(_: Type<T>) {
if storedType != T.self { typeCheckFailure(T.self) }
/// Traps with an appropriate error message assuming that `storedType != T.self`.
private func typeCheckFailure(_ expectedType: Any.Type) {
fatalError("stored type \(storedType) != \(expectedType)")
/// Accesses the `T` stored in `self`.
/// - Requires: `storedType == T.self`.
@inline(__always) // Compiler likes to skip inlining this otherwise.
public subscript<T>(_: Type<T>) -> T {
get {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return pointer(toStored: Type<T>()).pointee
_modify {
yield &mutablePointer(toStored: Type<T>()).pointee
/// Unsafely accesses the `T` stored in `self`.
/// - Requires: `storedType == T.self`.
@inline(__always) // Compiler likes to skip inlining this otherwise.
public subscript<T>(unsafelyAssuming _: Type<T>) -> T {
get {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
return pointer(toStored: Type<T>()).pointee
_modify {
yield &mutablePointer(toStored: Type<T>()).pointee
/// Stores `x` in `self`.
/// This may be more efficient than `self = AnyValue(x)` because it uses the same allocated buffer
/// when possible for large types.
public mutating func store<T>(_ x: T) {
defer { _fixLifetime(self) }
if storedType == T.self { mutablePointer(toStored: Type<T>()).pointee = x }
else { self = .init(x) }
/// The stored value.
/// This property can be useful for interoperability with the rest of Swift, especially when you
/// don't know the full dynamic type of the stored value.
public var asAny: Any {
if directlyStoredType != BoxBase.self { return storage }
return self[unsafelyAssuming: Type<BoxBase>()].asAny
/// If the stored value is boxed or is an object, returns the ID of the box or object; returns
/// `nil` otherwise.
/// Used by tests.
internal var boxOrObjectID_: ObjectIdentifier? {
if !(directlyStoredType is AnyObject.Type) { return nil }
return .init(self[unsafelyAssuming: Type<AnyObject>()])
extension AnyValue: CustomStringConvertible, CustomDebugStringConvertible {
/// A textual representation of this instance.
public var description: String { String(describing: storage) }
/// A string, suitable for debugging, that represents the instance.
public var debugDescription: String { "AnyValue(\(String(reflecting: storage)))" }
// =========== Testing ======
import XCTest
fileprivate protocol P {}
extension Double: P {}
fileprivate class Base {}
fileprivate class Derived: Base {}
final class AnyValueTests: XCTestCase {
// A type that will not fit in existential inline storage.
typealias BufferOverflow = (Int, Int, Int, Int)
// A value that will not fit in existential inline storage.
let bufferOverflow = (1, 2, 3, 4)
func test_Int() {
var a = AnyValue(3)
XCTAssert(a.storedType == Int.self)
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 3)
XCTAssertEqual(a[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Int>()], 3)
a[Type<Int>()] += 1
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 4)
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, nil)
a[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Int>()] += 1
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 5)
func test_String() {
var a = AnyValue("Three")
XCTAssert(a.storedType == String.self)
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<String>()], "Three")
XCTAssertEqual(a[unsafelyAssuming: Type<String>()], "Three")
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<String>()], "ThreeD")
// I don't know how big String is off the top of my head.
let inlineStorageExpected = MemoryLayout<String>.size < 3 * MemoryLayout<Int>.size
&& MemoryLayout<String>.alignment <= MemoryLayout<Any>.alignment
if inlineStorageExpected {
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, nil)
else {
XCTAssertNotEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, nil)
func test_BufferOverflow() {
var a = AnyValue(bufferOverflow)
XCTAssert(a.storedType == type(of: bufferOverflow))
XCTAssert(a[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == bufferOverflow)
XCTAssert(a[unsafelyAssuming: Type<BufferOverflow>()] == bufferOverflow)
let boxID = a.boxOrObjectID
XCTAssertNotEqual(boxID, nil)
a[Type<BufferOverflow>()].0 += 42
XCTAssert(a[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == (43, 2, 3, 4))
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, boxID, "Unexpected reallocation of box")
func test_class() {
let base = Base()
var a = AnyValue(base)
XCTAssert(a.storedType == type(of: base))
XCTAssert(a[Type<Base>()] === base)
XCTAssert(a[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Base>()] === base)
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, ObjectIdentifier(base))
let otherBase = Base()
XCTAssert(otherBase !== base)
a[Type<Base>()] = otherBase
XCTAssert(a[Type<Base>()] === otherBase)
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, ObjectIdentifier(otherBase))
func testUpcastedSource() {
// test postconditions storing a derived class instance as base.
let derived = Derived() as Base
var a = AnyValue(derived)
XCTAssert(a.storedType == Base.self)
XCTAssert(a[Type<Base>()] === derived)
// test postconditions when storing an existential.
a = AnyValue(Double.pi as P)
XCTAssert(a.storedType == P.self)
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<P>()] as? Double, .pi)
func test_store() {
var a = AnyValue(3)
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, nil)
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 4, "store didn't update the stored int")
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, nil)
var bufferOverflow = self.bufferOverflow
let boxID = a.boxOrObjectID
XCTAssertNotEqual(boxID, nil, "BufferOverflow is too big, but apparently is stored inline.")
a[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == bufferOverflow, "store didn't update stored BufferOverflow")
bufferOverflow.0 += 43
a[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == bufferOverflow,
"store didn't correctly update stored BufferOverflow")
XCTAssertEqual(a.boxOrObjectID, boxID, "store didn't reuse the box")
let b = a
b.boxOrObjectID, a.boxOrObjectID,
"copies of boxed values unexpectedly don't share a box using CoW")
a = AnyValue(bufferOverflow)
a.boxOrObjectID, boxID,
"Using store is no better than assigning over it with a new Any?")
withExtendedLifetime(b) {}
func staticType<T>(of _: T) -> Any.Type { T.self }
func test_asAny() {
var a = AnyValue(3)
let aInt = a.asAny
XCTAssert(staticType(of: aInt) == Any.self)
XCTAssertEqual(aInt as? Int, 3)
let aBufferOverflow = a.asAny
XCTAssert(aBufferOverflow is BufferOverflow)
if aBufferOverflow is BufferOverflow {
XCTAssert(aBufferOverflow as! BufferOverflow == bufferOverflow)
let base = Base()
let aBase = a.asAny
XCTAssert(aBase as? Base === base)
func test_inlineValueSemantics() {
var a = AnyValue(3)
var b = a
a[Type<Int>()] += 1
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 4)
XCTAssertEqual(b[Type<Int>()], 3, "value semantics of stored Int not preserved by subscript.")
b = a
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<Int>()], 9)
XCTAssertEqual(b[Type<Int>()], 4, "value semantics of stored Int not preserved by store()")
func test_boxedValueSemantics() {
var a = AnyValue(bufferOverflow)
var b = a
a[Type<BufferOverflow>()].0 += 41
XCTAssertEqual(a[Type<BufferOverflow>()].0, 42)
b[Type<BufferOverflow>()].0, 1, "value semantics of boxed value not preserved by subscript.")
b = a, 3, 2, 1))
XCTAssert(a[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == (4, 3, 2, 1))
b[Type<BufferOverflow>()] == (42, 2, 3, 4),
"value semantics of boxed value not preserved by store()")
static let allTests = [
("test_Int", test_Int),
("test_String", test_String),
("test_BufferOverflow", test_BufferOverflow),
("test_class", test_class),
("testUpcastedSource", testUpcastedSource),
("test_store", test_store),
("test_asAny", test_asAny),
("test_inlineValueSemantics", test_inlineValueSemantics),
("test_boxedValueSemantics", test_boxedValueSemantics),
// ==== Some Functions of which to inspect the disassembly ===
struct Int4 { var a, b, c, d: Int }
func disassembleMe0(_ x: AnyValue) -> Int {
x[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Int>()]
struct Int2 { var a, b: Int }
func disassembleMe1(_ x: AnyValue) -> Int2 {
let a = x[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Int>()]
var y = x 3, b: 4))
let b = y[Type<Int2>()].a
return Int2(a: a, b: b)
func disassembleMe1a(_ x: inout AnyValue) {
x[Type<Int4>()].a += 1
func disassembleMe2(_ x: inout AnyValue) -> Int {
x[unsafelyAssuming: Type<Int>()] += 1
return x[Type<Int>()]
func disassembleMe4(_ x: AnyValue) -> Int {
func disassembleMe00(_ x: Any) -> Int {
// Would be nice if this was efficient, but…
(x as? Int).unsafelyUnwrapped
// Local Variables:
// fill-column: 100
// End:
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