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Created April 17, 2011 00:12
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#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stddef.h>
class Square
float _edge;
float edge_getter() {
return _edge;
void edge_setter(float value) {
_edge = value;
class property_edge
int padding;
operator float () { return ((Square*)((char*)this - offsetof(Square, edge)))->edge_getter(); }
float & operator = (float value) { ((Square*)((char*)this - offsetof(Square, edge)))->edge_setter(value); }} edge;
float area_getter() {
return _edge * _edge;
void area_setter(float value) {
_edge = sqrtf(value);
class property_area
int padding;
operator float () { return ((Square*)((char*)this - offsetof(Square, area)))->area_getter(); }
float & operator = (float value) { ((Square*)((char*)this - offsetof(Square, area)))->area_setter(value); }} area;
void print(float edge, float area)
printf("edge = %f, area = %f\n", edge, area);
int main()
Square s;
s.area = 25;
print(s.edge, s.area);
s.edge = 3;
print(s.edge, s.area);
return 0;
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