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Last active November 4, 2022 19:52
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Refactor Your Slow Form Using PHP Generators and Event Streams
* @license GPLv3 (or any later version)
* @see
namespace KIZU514;
class EventEmitter
const JQUERY_VERSION = '3.3.1';
const JQUERY_UI_VERSION = '1.12.1';
* @var array
public $msgStack = [];
public function __construct()
* This method accepts a generator that yields a key/value pair
* The key is an integer between 1-100 that represents percentage completed
* The value is a string of information for the user
* Emits event-stream responses (SSE)
* @param \Generator $generator
* @return bool
public function emit(\Generator $generator)
$complete = [
'action' => 'complete',
'error' => false
try {
foreach ($generator as $percentage => $info) {
$data = [
'action' => 'updateStatusBar',
'percentage' => $percentage,
'info' => $info,
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$complete['error'] = $e->getMessage();
if ($complete['error'] !== false) {
// Something went wrong
return false;
return true;
* Emit a Server-Sent Events message.
* @param mixed $data Data to be JSON-encoded and sent in the message.
public function emitMessage($data)
$msg = "event: message\n";
$msg .= 'data: ' . json_encode($data) . "\n\n";
$msg .= ':' . str_repeat(' ', 2048) . "\n\n";
// Buffers are nested. While one buffer is active, flushing from child buffers are not really sent to the browser,
// but rather to the parent buffer. Only when there is no parent buffer are contents sent to the browser.
if (ob_get_level()) {
// Keep for later
$this->msgStack[] = $msg;
} else {
// Flush to browser
foreach ($this->msgStack as $stack) {
echo $stack;
$this->msgStack = []; // Reset
echo $msg;
public function sendEventStreamHeaders()
// Turn off PHP output compression
ini_set('output_buffering', 'off');
ini_set('zlib.output_compression', false);
if (strpos($_SERVER['SERVER_SOFTWARE'], 'nginx') !== false) {
header('X-Accel-Buffering: no');
header('Content-Encoding: none');
// Start the event stream
header('Content-Type: text/event-stream');
// 2KB padding for IE
echo ':' . str_repeat(' ', 2048) . "\n\n";
// In it for the long run
// Ensure we're not buffered
$levels = ob_get_level();
for ($i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++) {
$this->msgStack = []; // Reset
* @see
* @see
* @return string
public function jsHeaders()
<script src="<?php echo self::JQUERY_VERSION; ?>/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo self::JQUERY_UI_VERSION; ?>/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css">
<script src="<?php echo self::JQUERY_UI_VERSION; ?>/jquery-ui.min.js"></script>
$buffer = ob_get_clean();
return $buffer;
* @param string $form_id
* @return string
public function jsBody($form_id)
if (substr($form_id, 0, 1) !== '#') {
$form_id = "#{$form_id}";
jQuery(function($) {
$('<?php echo $form_id; ?>').on('submit', function(e) {
let formSubmitButton = $('<?php echo $form_id; ?> :submit');
formSubmitButton.attr('disabled', true);
let form = $('<?php echo $form_id; ?>');
let actionUrl = form.prop('action');
let eventSourceUrl = actionUrl + (actionUrl.includes('?') ? '&' : '?') + $.param(form.find(':input'));
let evtSource = new EventSource(eventSourceUrl);
evtSource.onopen = function() {
evtSource.onmessage = function(message) {
let bar = $('#sse-progressbar');
let info = $('#sse-info');
let data = JSON.parse(;
switch (data.action) {
case 'updateStatusBar':
bar.progressbar({value: parseInt(data.percentage, 10)});
case 'complete':
if (data.error) {
bar.progressbar({value: false});
} else {
window.location = actionUrl;
evtSource.onerror = function() {
$('#sse-progressbar').progressbar({value: false});
$('#sse-info').html('EventStream Connection Error');
$buffer = ob_get_clean();
return $buffer;
* @license GPLv3 (or any later version)
* @see
* @param string $firstame
* @param string $lastname
* @param int $hawaiianshirtday
* @return \Generator
function loooooooooooooooooooooooongGenerator($firstname, $lastname, $hawaiianshirtday)
yield 10 => "Hey {$firstname} what's happening. I'm going to need those TPS reports... ASAP...";
yield 30 => "Ah, ah, I almost forgot... I'm also going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too. We, uhhh, lost some people this week and we sorta need to play catch-up. Mmmmmkay? Thaaaaaanks.";
yield 50 => '...So, if you could do that, that would be great...';
yield 60 => 'Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler.';
yield 90 => 'PC LOAD LETTER';
yield 100 => 'Success!';
$emitter = new \KIZU514\EventEmitter();
$messages = [];
if (isset($_GET['firstname'], $_GET['lastname'], $_GET['hawaiianshirtday'])) {
$firstname = !empty($_GET['firstname']) ? strip_tags($_GET['firstname']) : 'Peter';
$lastname = !empty($_GET['lastname']) ? strip_tags($_GET['lastname']) : 'Gibbons';
$hawaiianshirtday = !empty($_GET['hawaiianshirtday']) ? strtotime($_GET['hawaiianshirtday']) : strtotime('1999-02-19');
$emitter->emit(loooooooooooooooooooooooongGenerator($firstname, $lastname, $hawaiianshirtday));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TPS REPORT</title>
@import url(//|Amatic+SC:700);
body { font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif; margin: 1em; background: #ffffff; color: #000000; }
h1 { font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive; text-transform: uppercase; }
<?php echo $emitter->jsHeaders(); ?>
<form id='tpsreport' action="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method="POST">
<h1>TPS REPORT</h1>
First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Peter"><br>
Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Gibbons"><br>
Hawaiian Shirt Day: <input type="date" name="hawaiianshirtday" value="1999-02-19"><br>
<p><input type="submit"></p>
<div id="sse-progressbar"></div>
<p id="sse-info" style='color:orangered;'></p>
<?php echo $emitter->jsBody('tpsreport'); ?>
* @license GPLv3 (or any later version)
* @see
* @param string $firstame
* @param string $lastname
* @param int $hawaiianshirtday
* @return array
function loooooooooooooooooooooooong($firstname, $lastname, $hawaiianshirtday)
$messages[] = "Hey {$firstname} what's happening. I'm going to need those TPS reports... ASAP...";
$messages[] = "Ah, ah, I almost forgot... I'm also going to need you to go ahead and come in on Sunday, too. We, uhhh, lost some people this week and we sorta need to play catch-up. Mmmmmkay? Thaaaaaanks.";
$messages [] = '...So, if you could do that, that would be great...';
$messages[] = 'Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler.';
$messages[] = 'PC LOAD LETTER';
$messages[] = 'Success!';
return $messages;
$messages = [];
if (isset($_POST['firstname'], $_POST['lastname'], $_POST['hawaiianshirtday'])) {
$firstname = !empty($_POST['firstname']) ? strip_tags($_POST['firstname']) : 'Peter';
$lastname = !empty($_POST['lastname']) ? strip_tags($_POST['lastname']) : 'Gibbons';
$hawaiianshirtday = !empty($_POST['hawaiianshirtday']) ? strtotime($_POST['hawaiianshirtday']) : strtotime('1999-02-19');
$messages = loooooooooooooooooooooooong($firstname, $lastname, $hawaiianshirtday);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>TPS REPORT</title>
@import url(//|Amatic+SC:700);
body { font-family: 'Josefin Sans', sans-serif; margin: 1em; background: #ffffff; color: #000000; }
h1 { font-family: 'Amatic SC', cursive; text-transform: uppercase; }
<form id='tpsreport' action="<?php echo basename(__FILE__); ?>" method="POST">
<h1>TPS REPORT</h1>
if (!empty($messages)) {
foreach ($messages as $message) {
echo "<p style='color:orangered;'>$message</p>\n";
First name: <input type="text" name="firstname" value="Peter"><br>
Last name: <input type="text" name="lastname" value="Gibbons"><br>
Hawaiian Shirt Day: <input type="date" name="hawaiianshirtday" value="1999-02-19"><br>
<p><input type="submit"></p>
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