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Last active May 25, 2024 10:20
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  • Save dacr/0b8e064aacef1bd69f41380afe9f0592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save dacr/0b8e064aacef1bd69f41380afe9f0592 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Photos model experiments - When you have ~89000 photos/videos tooling is mandatory / published by #6ec702df-15ff-4cd8-83a4-626d8f017649/cdb0e37c503f8fd429dd796a4bec573a0151a473
// summary : Photos model experiments - When you have ~89000 photos/videos tooling is mandatory
// keywords : scala, photos, memories, poc
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 6ec702df-15ff-4cd8-83a4-626d8f017649
// created-on : 2023-07-16T20:15:00+01:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using objectWrapper
//> using dep "com.drewnoakes:metadata-extractor:2.18.0"
//> using dep "com.fasterxml.uuid:java-uuid-generator:4.2.0"
import{File, IOException}
import java.nio.charset.Charset
import java.nio.file.attribute.BasicFileAttributes
import java.nio.file.{Files, Path, Paths}
import java.time.{Instant, OffsetDateTime, ZoneId, ZoneOffset, ZonedDateTime}
import java.util.UUID
import scala.util.matching.Regex
import scala.util.{Either, Failure, Left, Properties, Right, Success, Try}
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE_TIME
import java.time.temporal.ChronoField
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters.*
import scala.Console.{BLUE, GREEN, RED, RESET, YELLOW}
import com.fasterxml.uuid.Generators
import scala.annotation.targetName
// =====================================================================================================================
type AltitudeMeanSeaLevel = Double //
import DecimalDegrees.*
import DegreeMinuteSeconds.*
object DecimalDegrees {
opaque type LatitudeDecimalDegrees = Double //
opaque type LongitudeDecimalDegrees = Double //
object LatitudeDecimalDegrees {
def apply(value:Double):LatitudeDecimalDegrees = value
object LongitudeDecimalDegrees {
def apply(value:Double):LongitudeDecimalDegrees = value
extension (dd: LatitudeDecimalDegrees) {
def toDegreeMinuteSeconds:LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds = ??? //
extension (dd: LongitudeDecimalDegrees) {
def toDegreeMinuteSeconds:LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds = ??? //
object DegreeMinuteSeconds {
val latitudeDmsRE = """[-+]?(\d+)°\s*(\d+)['′]\s*(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)(?:(?:")|(?:'')|(?:′′)|(?:″))\s+([NS])""".r
val longitudeDmsRE = """[-+]?(\d+)°\s*(\d+)['′]\s*(\d+(?:[.,]\d+)?)(?:(?:")|(?:'')|(?:′′)|(?:″))\s+([EW])""".r
private def convert(d: String, m: String, s: String, ref: String) = {
(if ("NE".contains(ref.toUpperCase)) 1 else -1) *
d.toDouble +
m.toDouble / 60d +
s.replaceAll("[,]", ".").toDouble / 3600d
opaque type LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds = String //
opaque type LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds = String //
object LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds {
def apply(dmsSpec: String): Try[LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds] = {
if (!DegreeMinuteSeconds.latitudeDmsRE.matches(dmsSpec))
Failure(IllegalArgumentException(s"given DegreeMinuteSeconds latitude string is invalid"))
else Success(dmsSpec)
object LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds {
def apply(dmsSpec: String): Try[LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds] = {
if (!DegreeMinuteSeconds.longitudeDmsRE.matches(dmsSpec))
Failure(IllegalArgumentException(s"given DegreeMinuteSeconds longitude string is invalid"))
else Success(dmsSpec)
extension (dms: LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds) {
//def toLatitudeDecimalDegrees: LatitudeDecimalDegrees = dms match {
def toDecimalDegrees: LatitudeDecimalDegrees = dms match {
case DegreeMinuteSeconds.latitudeDmsRE(d, m, s, ref) =>
LatitudeDecimalDegrees(convert(d, m, s, ref))
extension (dms: LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds) {
//def toLongitudeDecimalDegrees: LongitudeDecimalDegrees = dms match {
def toDecimalDegrees: LongitudeDecimalDegrees = dms match {
case DegreeMinuteSeconds.longitudeDmsRE(d, m, s, ref) =>
LongitudeDecimalDegrees(convert(d, m, s, ref))
case class GeoPoint(
latitude: LatitudeDecimalDegrees,
longitude: LongitudeDecimalDegrees,
altitude: AltitudeMeanSeaLevel
object GeoPoint {
def apply(
latitudeDMS: LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds,
longitudeDMS: LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds,
altitudeMeanSeaLevel: AltitudeMeanSeaLevel
): GeoPoint = {
case class Dimension2D(
width: Int,
height: Int
case class BoundingBox(
x: Int,
y: Int,
dimension: Dimension2D
case class SomeoneId(
uuid: UUID
) extends AnyVal
case class PhotoOwnerId(
uuid: UUID
) extends AnyVal
case class PhotoId(
uuid: UUID
) extends AnyVal
case class PhotoHash(
code: String
) extends AnyVal
case class PhotoKeyword(
text: String
) extends AnyVal
case class PhotoCategory(
text: String
) extends AnyVal
case class Someone(
id: SomeoneId,
firstName: String,
lastName: String,
birthDate: Option[OffsetDateTime]
case class DetectedClassification(
name: String
case class DetectedObject(
name: String,
box: BoundingBox
case class DetectedFace(
someoneId: Option[SomeoneId],
box: BoundingBox
enum PhotoSource {
case PhotoFile(
path: String,
size: Long,
hash: PhotoHash,
lastModified: OffsetDateTime
case class PhotoOrientation(
code: Int
case class PhotoMetaData(
dimension: Dimension2D,
shootDateTime: Option[OffsetDateTime],
orientation: Option[PhotoOrientation],
cameraName: Option[String],
tags: Map[String, String],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
case class PhotoKeywords(
keywords: List[PhotoKeyword],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
case class PhotoClassifications(
classifications: List[DetectedClassification],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
case class PhotoObjects(
objects: List[DetectedObject],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
case class PhotoFaces(
faces: List[DetectedFace],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
enum MiniatureSource {
case MiniatureFile(
path: String,
dimension: Dimension2D
case class Miniatures(
sources: List[MiniatureSource],
lastUpdated: OffsetDateTime
case class Photo(
id: PhotoId,
ownerId: PhotoOwnerId,
timestamp: OffsetDateTime,
source: PhotoSource,
miniatures: Option[Miniatures],
metaData: Option[PhotoMetaData],
foundPlace: Option[GeoPoint],
foundCategory: Option[PhotoCategory],
foundKeywords: Option[PhotoKeywords],
foundClassifications: Option[PhotoClassifications],
foundObjects: Option[PhotoObjects],
foundFaces: Option[PhotoFaces]
// =====================================================================================================================
val generatorPUUID = Generators.nameBasedGenerator()
/* Attempt to generate a unique photo identifier */
def makePUUID(camera: Option[String], shootDateTime: Option[Instant], filePath: Path, fileHash: String): UUID = {
// generatorPUUID.generate(filePath.getFileName().toString +""))
object Photo {
implicit val pathEncoder: JsonEncoder[Path] = JsonEncoder[String].contramap(p => p.toString)
implicit val pathDecoder: JsonDecoder[Path] = JsonDecoder[String].map(p => Path.of(p))
def makeTagKey(tag: com.drew.metadata.Tag): String = {
val prefix = tag.getDirectoryName().trim.replaceAll("""\s+""", "")
val name = tag.getTagName().trim.replaceAll("""\s+""", "")
val key = s"$prefix$name"
key.head.toLower + key.tail
def tagsToMap(tags: List[com.drew.metadata.Tag]): Map[String, String] = {
.filterNot(_.getDescription == null)
.map(tag => makeTagKey(tag) -> tag.getDescription)
def now = // TODO : migrate to ZIO
def checkTimestampValid(ts: OffsetDateTime) = ts.get(ChronoField.YEAR) >= 2000 & ts.isBefore(now)
def computeTimestamp(mayBeShootDateTime: Option[OffsetDateTime], fileLastUpdated: OffsetDateTime): OffsetDateTime =
mayBeShootDateTime match
case Some(shootDateTime) if checkTimestampValid(shootDateTime) => shootDateTime
case _ => fileLastUpdated
def makePhoto(
uuid: UUID,
filePath: Path,
fileSize: Long,
fileHash: String,
fileLastUpdated: Instant,
category: Option[String],
shootDateTime: Option[Instant],
camera: Option[String],
metaDataTags: List[com.drew.metadata.Tag],
keywords: List[String], // Extracted from category
classifications: List[String], // Extracted from AI DJL
detectedObjects: List[String] // Extracted from AI DJL
): Photo = {
val shootOffsetDateTime =
val fileLastUpdatedOffsetDateTime = fileLastUpdated.atOffset(ZoneOffset.UTC)
val tags = tagsToMap(metaDataTags)
uuid = uuid,
timestamp = computeTimestamp(shootOffsetDateTime, fileLastUpdatedOffsetDateTime),
filePath = filePath,
fileSize = fileSize,
fileHash = fileHash,
fileLastUpdated = fileLastUpdatedOffsetDateTime,
category = category,
shootDateTime = shootOffsetDateTime,
camera = camera,
tags = tags,
keywords = keywords,
classifications = classifications,
detectedObjects = detectedObjects,
place = computeGeoPoint(tags)
for {
lat <- LatitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds("38° 53′ 23″ N")
lon <- LongitudeDegreeMinuteSeconds("77° 00′ 32″ W")
} {
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