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Last active December 20, 2015 07:38
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A scala script that counts the number of lines in source code files
exec /opt/analysis/analysis "$0" "$@"
import scalax.file._
import scalax.file.ImplicitConversions._
val dirs = if (args.size>0) args.toList else List(".")
val exts = List(
val excludes = List( "/examples/", "/target/").map(_.r)
case class Result(source:Path, from:String) {
lazy val lines = source.lines().size
val ext ="[.]").last
val sources:List[Result] =
for {
dir <- dirs
found <- (dir ** "*.*").filter(_.isFile).toList
if !excludes.exists(_.findFirstIn(found.path).isDefined)
if exts.exists(ext =>"."+ext))
} yield Result(found, dir)
def showstat4(sources:List[Result], title:String) {
println(s"global lines count : $lines (in ${sources.size} files)")
for {
(ext, sources4ext) <- sources.groupBy(_.ext)
} {
val count =
println(s"lines count for $ext : $count (in ${sources4ext.size} files)")
showstat4(sources, "All directories")
for {(dir, sources4dir) <- sources.groupBy(_.from) if dirs.size>1 }
showstat4(sources4dir, s"For directory : $dir")
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