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Walk through possible paths within a simple bidirectional graph with potentially revisitable vertex / published by #492a2aa4-4413-44d6-9f96-5cf8687d43dc/7db01c40802f016920b492a062c1f91963f43d10
// summary : Walk through possible paths within a simple bidirectional graph with potentially revisitable vertex
// keywords : scala, algorithm, scalatest, graph, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// id : 492a2aa4-4413-44d6-9f96-5cf8687d43dc
// created-on : 2021-12-12T10:02:14+01:00
// managed-by :
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.18"
//> using objectWrapper
// ---------------------
import org.scalatest.*
import flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
import matchers.should.Matchers
import scala.annotation.tailrec
// inspired from :
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
case class Vertex[A](id: A):
override def toString() = id.toString
case class Edge[A](from: Vertex[A], to: Vertex[A]):
override def toString() = s"$from-$to"
type Graph[A] = Map[Vertex[A], List[Vertex[A]]]
type Path[A] = List[Edge[A]]
def edgesToBiDirGraph[A](edges: List[Edge[A]]): Graph[A] =
(edges ++ => Edge(, edge.from)))
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// simple implementation which is using the stack, so take care ! NOT TAILREC, SEE NEXT implementation below...
def paths[A](graph: Graph[A], from: Vertex[A], to: Vertex[A], revisitable: Vertex[A] => Boolean):List[Path[A]] =
def walk(current: Vertex[A], path: List[Edge[A]], visited: Set[Vertex[A]]): List[Path[A]] =
if current == to then path :: Nil
val children = graph(current).filterNot(_ == current).filterNot(visited)
val newVisited = visited ++ Option(current).filter(revisitable)
children.flatMap(child => walk(child, Edge(current, child) :: path, newVisited))
walk(from, Nil, Set.empty)
case class PartialPath[A](
def tailRecPaths[A](graph: Graph[A], from: Vertex[A], to: Vertex[A], revisitable: Vertex[A] => Boolean):List[Path[A]] =
def walk(partialPaths:List[PartialPath[A]], foundPaths:List[Path[A]]): List[Path[A]] =
partialPaths match {
case Nil => foundPaths
case PartialPath(currentPartialPath, visited)::remainingPartialPaths =>
currentPartialPath match {
case Edge(currentFrom,currentTo)::path if currentTo == to =>
walk(remainingPartialPaths, currentPartialPath::foundPaths)
case Edge(currentFrom,currentTo)::path =>
val children = graph(currentTo).filterNot(_ == currentTo).filterNot(visited)
val newVisited = visited ++ Option(currentTo).filter(revisitable)
val newPartialPaths = =>
PartialPath(Edge(currentTo,child)::currentPartialPath, newVisited)
walk(newPartialPaths ++ remainingPartialPaths, foundPaths)
val bootpaths = graph(from).map(to => PartialPath(Edge(from, to)::Nil, Set(from)))
walk(bootpaths, Nil)
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parseEdge(vertexSeparator: String)(input: String): Edge[String] =
input.split("-", 2) match
case Array(a, b) => Edge(Vertex(a), Vertex(b))
def parseEdges(input: String, vertexSeparator:String="-"): List[Edge[String]] =
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TestThat extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
override def suiteName: String = "TestGraphPaths"
"recursive paths finder" should "return the right distinct paths" in {
val edgesSpec =
val graph = edgesToBiDirGraph(parseEdges(edgesSpec))
val revisitable = (vertex:Vertex[String]) =>
paths(graph, Vertex("start"), Vertex("end"), revisitable).distinct.size shouldBe 226
tailRecPaths(graph, Vertex("start"), Vertex("end"), revisitable).distinct.size shouldBe 226
}"-oDF", "-s", classOf[TestThat].getName))
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