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Last active May 25, 2024 10:19
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deep case/data class changes / published by #c198c8b6-672a-4a5a-8554-4f234ac665c2/b6f6d408899a24b252173ef96208180c470f00d4
// summary : deep case/data class changes
// keywords : scala, lens, changes, pure-functional, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : c198c8b6-672a-4a5a-8554-4f234ac665c2
// created-on : 2022-05-18T18:32:33+02:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "com.softwaremill.quicklens::quicklens:1.8.8"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio-test:2.0.0-RC6"
// ---------------------
import zio.*
import zio.test.*
import zio.test.TestAspect.*
import com.softwaremill.quicklens.*
import zio.test.TestAspect.*
import java.time.*
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
object QuickLensTest extends ZIOSpecDefault {
case class Editor(name: String)
case class Owner(firstName: String, lastName: String, birthYear: Int)
case class ComicAuthor(name: String, birthYear: Int)
case class ComicBook(title: String, volume: Int, editor: Editor, publishedDate: LocalDate, author: ComicAuthor)
case class ComicSeries(name: String, comics: List[ComicBook])
case class ComicCollection(owner: Owner, series: List[ComicSeries])
val dargaud = Editor("dargaud")
val leo = ComicAuthor("leo", 1944)
val aldebaran1 = ComicBook("la catastrophe", 1, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("1994-01-01"), leo)
val aldebaran2 = ComicBook("la blonde", 2, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("1995-01-01"), leo)
val aldebaran3 = ComicBook("la photo", 3, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("1996-01-01"), leo)
val aldebaran4 = ComicBook("le groupe", 4, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("1997-01-01"), leo)
val aldebaran5 = ComicBook("la créature", 5, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("1998-01-01"), leo)
val aldebaran = ComicSeries("aldebaran", List(aldebaran1, aldebaran2, aldebaran3, aldebaran4, aldebaran5))
val kenya1 = ComicBook("apparitions", 1, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("2001-10-01"), leo)
val kenya2 = ComicBook("rencontres", 2, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("2003-01-01"), leo)
val kenya3 = ComicBook("aberrations", 3, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("2004-06-01"), leo)
val kenya4 = ComicBook("interventions", 4, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("2006-01-01"), leo)
val kenya5 = ComicBook("illusions", 5, dargaud, LocalDate.parse("2008-06-01"), leo)
val joe = Owner("john", "doe", 1942)
val joeCollection = ComicCollection(joe, List(aldebaran))
override def spec = suite("quick lens tests")(
test("basic usages") {
val updatedCollection =
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