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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Akka actors based, generic prime calculation parallel algorithm
package fr.janalyse.primes
import ActorDSL._
import akka.routing.SmallestMailboxRouter
import scala.collection.immutable.Queue
class ActorsPrimesGenerator[NUM](
name: String = "DefaultPrimesGeneratorSystem",
startFrom: NUM = 2,
primeNth: NUM = 1,
notPrimeNth: NUM = 0)(implicit numops: Integral[NUM]) extends PrimesDefinitions[NUM] {
import numops._
implicit val system = ActorSystem(name)
case class NextValue(value: NUM)
case class PartialResult(value: NUM, isPrime: Boolean)
object CheckerActor {
def props() = Props(new CheckerActor)
class CheckerActor extends Actor {
def receive = {
case NextValue(value) =>
sender ! PartialResult(value, isPrime(value))
/* ValuesManagerActor is the primes computation coordinator
* it manages checked values order and affect the right position to
* primes and not primes values.
case class CheckedValueAckMessage(count:Long)
class ValuesManagerActor(
forActor: ActorRef,
precomputedCount: Int = 30000,
checkerWorkers: Int = Runtime.getRuntime.availableProcessors) extends Actor {
val checkerRouter = context.actorOf(
private var nextPrimeNth = primeNth
private var nextNotPrimeNth = notPrimeNth
private var currentValue = startFrom // waiting the result for this value
private var nextValue = startFrom // next value to send to checker worker
// buffered partial results, because we need ordering to compute primes & not primes position
private var waitBuffer = Map.empty[NUM, PartialResult]
private var inpg=0L
private var sentAckDelta=0L
private def processPartialResult(partial: PartialResult) {
val digitCount = partial.value.toString.size
currentValue += one
val nth = if (partial.isPrime) nextPrimeNth else nextNotPrimeNth
if (partial.isPrime) nextPrimeNth += one else nextNotPrimeNth += one
val newResult = CheckedValue[NUM](partial.value, partial.isPrime, digitCount, nth)
forActor ! newResult
private def flush2order() {
while (waitBuffer.size > 0 && waitBuffer.contains(currentValue)) {
val pr = waitBuffer(currentValue)
waitBuffer = waitBuffer - pr.value
private def prepareNexts() {
if (sentAckDelta < 20000) {
for { _ <- inpg to precomputedCount } {
checkerRouter ! NextValue(nextValue)
nextValue += one
def receive = {
case pr: PartialResult if pr.value == currentValue =>
case pr: PartialResult => // Then delay
waitBuffer += pr.value -> pr
case CheckedValueAckMessage(count) =>
class PrinterActor[NUM] extends Actor {
val groupedAckSize=2000L
def now = System.currentTimeMillis()
var counter: Long = 0l
var valuesCounter: Long=0l
val startedTime = now
var lastOutputTime = now
def timeSpentSinceStartInS = (now-startedTime)/1000
def timeSpentSinceLastOutput = {
val newLastOutputTime = now
val r = (newLastOutputTime-lastOutputTime)
lastOutputTime = newLastOutputTime
def receive = {
case chk: CheckedValue[NUM] =>
import chk._
if (chk.isPrime) {
counter += 1
// take care with println usage to avoid mailbox congestion
if (counter % 10000L == 0L) {
println(s"$value is the $nth prime number. ${timeSpentSinceStartInS}s - ${timeSpentSinceLastOutput}ms")
if (valuesCounter%groupedAckSize == 0L) sender ! CheckedValueAckMessage(groupedAckSize)
private val printer = actor("ValuesPrinter") {
new PrinterActor
private val manager = actor("ValuesManagerActor") {
new ValuesManagerActor(printer)
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