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Last active May 25, 2024 10:20
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ZIO learning - an enhanced authentication service with http service used multiple times / published by #4917e032-083a-4844-8104-3044fcb53f3e/9ae119c6e9fb12ff7f9ac8207f4d822907612d66
// summary : ZIO learning - an enhanced authentication service with http service used multiple times
// keywords : scala, zio, learning, authentication, pure-functional, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 4917e032-083a-4844-8104-3044fcb53f3e
// created-on : 2022-01-16T19:12:41+01:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio:2.0.13"
//> using dep "fr.janalyse::zio-worksheet:"
// ---------------------
import zio.*, zio.worksheet.*
// -------------------------------------------------------------
trait HttpService:
def httpGet(query: String): Task[String]
case class HttpServiceLive() extends HttpService:
override def httpGet(query: String): Task[String] =
httpProxy <- System.env("http_proxy")
body <- ZIO.succeed("secured-auth-token")
yield body
object HttpService:
val live = ZLayer.succeed(HttpServiceLive())
def httpGet(query: String): RIO[HttpService, String] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.httpGet(query))
// -------------------------------------------------------------
case class AuthToken(token: String)
trait Authenticator:
def authenticate: Task[AuthToken]
case class AuthenticatorLive(httpService: HttpService) extends Authenticator:
override def authenticate: Task[AuthToken] =
username <- System.env("APP_USERNAME")
password <- System.env("APP_PASSWORD")
body <- httpService.httpGet("")
token = "secured-auth-token"
yield AuthToken(token)
object Authenticator:
val live = ZLayer(
for httpService <- ZIO.service[HttpService]
yield AuthenticatorLive(httpService)
def authenticate: RIO[Authenticator, AuthToken] = ZIO.serviceWithZIO(_.authenticate)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
val app: ZIO[HttpService & Authenticator, Throwable, Unit] =
_ <- Console.printLine("started")
token <- Authenticator.authenticate
_ <- Console.printLine(s"got token $token")
yield ()
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Better to write :
val layers = ZLayer.make[HttpService & Authenticator](,
// -- Rather than that which requires to resolve by yourself the dependencies graph
val layersAlt = >>> ++
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// -- And even better we can use provide in order to let ZIO build the dependency graph for us :)
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