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Last active May 25, 2024 10:19
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Experimenting scala logging approach. / published by #db278342-7a77-4013-9609-b74ad5a4f8e0/d35a81a1c8bf16ef08810e23ecca0c9640429648
// summary : Experimenting scala logging approach.
// keywords : scala, logs, experiment
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : db278342-7a77-4013-9609-b74ad5a4f8e0
// created-on : 2020-05-31T19:54:52Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
// ---------------------
def now() = System.currentTimeMillis
case class LogContext(tuples: Map[LogContext.TagKey, LogContext.TagValue])
object LogContext {
type TagKey = Symbol
type TagValue = String
type TagTuple = Tuple2[TagKey, TagValue]
def apply(tuples: TagTuple*): LogContext = LogContext(tuples.toMap)
implicit def tuplesArray2LogContext(tuples: Array[LogContext.TagTuple]): LogContext = LogContext(tuples.toMap)
def log(msg: String)(implicit ctx: LogContext) = println(msg + " " + ctx.tuples.toString)
def logprov[T](proc: ((String) => Any) => T)(implicit ctx: LogContext): T = proc(log(_))
def logaround[T](what: String)(proc: => T)(implicit ctx: LogContext): T = {
log(s"$what starts")
val result = proc
log(s"$what ends")
def logperf[T](msg: String)(proc: => T)(implicit ctx: LogContext): T = {
val started = now()
val result = proc
val ended = now() - started
log(s"$msg")(new LogContext(ctx.tuples + (Symbol("duration") -> ended.toString)))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit val ctx: LogContext = LogContext(Symbol("pid") -> "32", Symbol("client") -> "toto", Symbol("logger") -> "dummy")
logprov { logger =>
// some initialization
// some processing
logger(" it")
// some other thing
logperf("3.howmuchtime") {
// some synchronous potentially long processing
logaround("4.complex processing") {
// do some very complex processing
1 + 1
val eventualFuture = Future(1+1)
logfut("5.some future result")(eventualFuture)
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