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convert a list of paths into a tree / published by #0973ef6b-9a78-4e2d-a6fb-eb4e710b0283/436ba287a3ee417a3832b08cc4713161f6c3ea05
// summary : convert a list of paths into a tree
// keywords : scala, algorithm, path, tree, node, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 0973ef6b-9a78-4e2d-a6fb-eb4e710b0283
// created-on : 2020-04-07T19:12:57Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio-test:2.0.5"
// ---------------------
import zio.*
import zio.test.*
import zio.test.TestAspect.*
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
object ThatSpec extends ZIOSpecDefault {
sealed trait Tree[K, T] {
val key: K
case class Leaf[K, T](key: K, content: T) extends Tree[K, T]
case class Node[K, T](key: K, children: Set[Tree[K, T]] = Set.empty) extends Tree[K, T] {
def isLeaf = children.isEmpty
/** Build a tree from a list of tuple made of path and content. The path must contain both the node keys and the leaf key.
* @param pathContentTuples
* the list of path/content tuple - <b>all path must at least contain one key</b>
* @param rootKey
* the key used for the tree root
* @tparam K
* the data type used for node key
* @tparam T
* the data type used for content
* @return
* the built tree
* @author
* David Crosson
def pathsToTree[K, T](pathContentTuples: List[(List[K], T)], rootKey: K): Tree[K, T] = {
def worker(PathContentTuples: List[(List[K], T)], currentKey: K): Tree[K, T] = {
PathContentTuples.partition { case (path, _) => path.size == 1 } match {
case (leafPaths, nodePaths) =>
val nodeChildren: List[Tree[K, T]] =
.groupBy { case (path, _) => path.head }
.map { case (key, subpaths) => key -> { case (path, item) => path.tail -> item } }
.map { case (key, subpaths) => worker(subpaths, key) }
val leafChildren: List[Tree[K, T]] = leafPaths.collect { case (key :: Nil, item) => Leaf(key, item) }
Node(currentKey, children = nodeChildren.toSet ++ leafChildren)
worker(pathContentTuples, rootKey)
/** Build the list of all possible path and content tuples from a tree
* @param tree
* the tree to walk though in order to be build possible paths
* @param ignoreRootKey
* do not insert the root key on generated paths
* @tparam K
* the data type used for node key
* @tparam T
* the data type used for content
* @return
* the built list of path/content tuples
* @author
* David Crosson
def treeToPaths[K, T](tree: Tree[K, T], ignoreRootKey: Boolean = true): List[(List[K], T)] = {
def worker(subtrees: List[Tree[K, T]], currentPath: List[K]): List[(List[K], T)] = {
subtrees.flatMap {
case Leaf(key, content) => List((key :: currentPath).reverse -> content)
case Node(key, children) => worker(children.toList, key :: currentPath)
tree match {
case Leaf(key, content) => List((key :: Nil) -> content)
case Node(key, children) => worker(children.toList, if (ignoreRootKey) Nil else key :: Nil)
def spec = suite("paths and trees test")(
// -------------------------------------------------
test("just a leaf") {
val paths = List((1 :: Nil) -> "A")
val tree = Node(0, Set(Leaf(1, "A")))
pathsToTree(paths, 0) == tree,
treeToPaths(tree) == paths
// -------------------------------------------------
test("one path to tree") {
val paths = List(
(1 :: 1 :: 1 :: Nil) -> "A"
val tree = Node(0, Set(Node(1, Set(Node(1, Set(Leaf(1, "A")))))))
pathsToTree(paths, 0) == tree,
treeToPaths(tree) == paths
// -------------------------------------------------
test("fixed size paths to tree") {
val paths = List(
(1 :: 1 :: Nil) -> "A",
(1 :: 2 :: Nil) -> "B"
val tree = Node("root", Set(Node(1, Set(Leaf(1, "A"), Leaf(2, "B")))))
pathsToTree(paths, "root") == tree,
treeToPaths(tree) == paths
) @@ sequential @@ timed
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