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Last active April 2, 2023 10:13
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Playing with scalatest selenium integration to test remote sites. / published by #b28bd758-e932-45ab-90b0-baeea5b28d50/dbd0826cf0095e5786693f4892855eadec0a3ab7
// summary : Playing with scalatest selenium integration to test remote sites.
// keywords : scala, scalatest, selenium
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : b28bd758-e932-45ab-90b0-baeea5b28d50
// created-on : 2020-05-31T19:54:52Z
// managed-by :
// execution : scala ammonite script ( - run as follow 'amm'
import $ivy.`org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.6`
import $ivy.`org.scalatestplus::selenium-3-141:`
// Mandatory because by default selenium tools are very verbose...
import org.scalatest._, matchers._
import org.scalatestplus.selenium._
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver
class ThatSpec extends flatspec.AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers with WebBrowser {
override def suiteName="ThatSpec"
implicit val driver: WebDriver = new HtmlUnitDriver()
"selenium" should "check home page" in {
val home = ""
go to (home)
pageTitle shouldBe ""
pageSource should include ("the developer - Website")
it should "navigate on" in {
val home = ""
go to (home)
pageTitle should be ("")
click on linkText("the developer - Website")
pageTitle should be ("")
pageSource should include ("uncomment to enable the green top header")
it should "navigate on wikipedia" in {
val wikihome= ""
go to (wikihome)
pageTitle should be ("Selenium (software) - Wikipedia")
click on linkText("Software testing")
pageTitle should be ("Software testing - Wikipedia")
pageSource should include ("stakeholders")
}"-oDF", "-s", classOf[ThatSpec].getName))
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