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Last active May 25, 2024 08:39
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open location code / published by #4075d3d8-e8de-46d9-a984-e5e3a694a34c/307ab822b28ec219788d3fbb819b6c0d084d8bcd
// summary : open location code
// keywords : scala, open-location-code, olc, pluscodes, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 4075d3d8-e8de-46d9-a984-e5e3a694a34c
// created-on : 2024-02-11T10:09:30+01:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
// ---------------------
import scala.util.Random.*
import scala.math.*
// Inspired from
case class CodeArea(
southLatitude: Double,
westLongitude: Double,
northLatitude: Double,
eastLongitude: Double,
length: Int
) {
def longitudeWidth = eastLongitude - westLongitude
def centerLatitude = (southLatitude + northLatitude) / 2
def centerLongitude = (westLongitude + eastLongitude) / 2
case class OpenLocationCode private (code: String) {
import OpenLocationCode.*
def decode(): CodeArea = {
if (!isFullCode(code)) throw IllegalStateException(s"Method decode() could only be called on valid full codes, code was $code.")
// Strip padding and separator characters out of the code.
val clean = code.replace(String.valueOf(SEPARATOR), "").replace(String.valueOf(PADDING_CHARACTER), "")
// Initialise the values. We work them out as integers and convert them to doubles at the end.
// Define the place value for the digits. We'll divide this down as we work through the code.
var latPlaceVal = LAT_MSP_VALUE
var lngPlaceVal = LNG_MSP_VALUE
var i = 0
while (i < Math.min(clean.length, PAIR_CODE_LENGTH)) {
latPlaceVal /= ENCODING_BASE
lngPlaceVal /= ENCODING_BASE
latVal += CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(clean.charAt(i)) * latPlaceVal
lngVal += CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(clean.charAt(i + 1)) * lngPlaceVal
i += 2
while (i < Math.min(clean.length, MAX_DIGIT_COUNT)) {
latPlaceVal /= GRID_ROWS
lngPlaceVal /= GRID_COLUMNS
val digit = CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(clean.charAt(i))
val row = digit / GRID_COLUMNS
val col = digit % GRID_COLUMNS
latVal += row * latPlaceVal
lngVal += col * lngPlaceVal
i += 1
val latitudeLo = latVal.toDouble / LAT_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER
val longitudeLo = lngVal.toDouble / LNG_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER
val latitudeHi = (latVal + latPlaceVal).toDouble / LAT_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER
val longitudeHi = (lngVal + lngPlaceVal).toDouble / LNG_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER
CodeArea(latitudeLo, longitudeLo, latitudeHi, longitudeHi, Math.min(clean.length, MAX_DIGIT_COUNT))
def isFull = code.indexOf(SEPARATOR) == SEPARATOR_POSITION
def isShort = code.indexOf(SEPARATOR) >= 0 && code.indexOf(SEPARATOR) < SEPARATOR_POSITION
def isPadded = code.indexOf(PADDING_CHARACTER) >= 0
def shorten(referenceLatitude: Double, referenceLongitude: Double): OpenLocationCode = {
if (!isFull) throw new IllegalStateException("shorten() method could only be called on a full code.")
if (isPadded) throw new IllegalStateException("shorten() method can not be called on a padded code.")
val codeArea = decode()
val range = Math.max(Math.abs(referenceLatitude - codeArea.centerLatitude), Math.abs(referenceLongitude - codeArea.centerLongitude))
// We are going to check to see if we can remove three pairs, two pairs or just one pair of
// digits from the code.
for (i <- 4 to 1 by -1) {
// Check if we're close enough to shorten. The range must be less than 1/2
// the precision to shorten at all, and we want to allow some safety, so
// use 0.3 instead of 0.5 as a multiplier.
if (range < (computeLatitudePrecision(i * 2) * 0.3)) {
// We're done.
return new OpenLocationCode(code.substring(i * 2))
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Reference location is too far from the Open Location Code center.")
def recover(thatReferenceLatitude: Double, thatReferenceLongitude: Double): OpenLocationCode = {
if (isFull) {
// Note: each code is either full xor short, no other option.
return this
val referenceLatitude = clipLatitude(thatReferenceLatitude)
val referenceLongitude = normalizeLongitude(thatReferenceLongitude)
val digitsToRecover = SEPARATOR_POSITION - code.indexOf(SEPARATOR)
// The precision (height and width) of the missing prefix in degrees.
val prefixPrecision = Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE, 2 - (digitsToRecover / 2))
// Use the reference location to generate the prefix.
val recoveredPrefix = OpenLocationCode(referenceLatitude, referenceLongitude).code.substring(0, digitsToRecover)
// Combine the prefix with the short code and decode it.
val recovered = OpenLocationCode(recoveredPrefix + code)
val recoveredCodeArea = recovered.decode()
// Work out whether the new code area is too far from the reference location. If it is, we
// move it. It can only be out by a single precision step.
var recoveredLatitude = recoveredCodeArea.centerLatitude
var recoveredLongitude = recoveredCodeArea.centerLongitude
// Move the recovered latitude by one precision up or down if it is too far from the reference,
// unless doing so would lead to an invalid latitude.
val latitudeDiff = recoveredLatitude - referenceLatitude
if (latitudeDiff > prefixPrecision / 2 && recoveredLatitude - prefixPrecision > -LATITUDE_MAX) recoveredLatitude -= prefixPrecision
else if (latitudeDiff < -prefixPrecision / 2 && recoveredLatitude + prefixPrecision < LATITUDE_MAX) recoveredLatitude += prefixPrecision
// Move the recovered longitude by one precision up or down if it is too far from the
// reference.
val longitudeDiff = recoveredCodeArea.centerLongitude - referenceLongitude
if (longitudeDiff > prefixPrecision / 2) recoveredLongitude -= prefixPrecision
else if (longitudeDiff < -prefixPrecision / 2) recoveredLongitude += prefixPrecision
OpenLocationCode.apply(recoveredLatitude, recoveredLongitude, recovered.code.length - 1)
def contains(latitude: Double, longitude: Double) = {
val codeArea = decode()
codeArea.southLatitude <= latitude &&
latitude < codeArea.northLatitude &&
codeArea.westLongitude <= longitude &&
longitude < codeArea.eastLongitude
object OpenLocationCode {
// Provides a normal precision code, approximately 14x14 meters. // Provides a normal precision code, approximately 14x14 meters.
// The character set used to encode the values.
// A separator used to break the code into two parts to aid memorability.
val SEPARATOR = '+'
// The character used to pad codes.
// The number of characters to place before the separator.
private val SEPARATOR_POSITION = 8
// The max number of digits to process in a plus code.
// Maximum code length using just lat/lng pair encoding.
private val PAIR_CODE_LENGTH = 10
// Number of digits in the grid coding section.
// The base to use to convert numbers to/from.
private val ENCODING_BASE = CODE_ALPHABET.length
// The maximum value for latitude in degrees.
private val LATITUDE_MAX = 90
// The maximum value for longitude in degrees.
private val LONGITUDE_MAX = 180
// Number of columns in the grid refinement method.
private val GRID_COLUMNS = 4
// Number of rows in the grid refinement method.
private val GRID_ROWS = 5
// Value to multiple latitude degrees to convert it to an integer with the maximum encoding
private val LAT_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER = 8000 * 3125
// Value to multiple longitude degrees to convert it to an integer with the maximum encoding
private val LNG_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER = 8000 * 1024
// Value of the most significant latitude digit after it has been converted to an integer.
// Value of the most significant longitude digit after it has been converted to an integer.
/** Creates Open Location Code.
* @param latitude
* The latitude in decimal degrees.
* @param longitude
* The longitude in decimal degrees.
* @param codeLength
* The desired number of digits in the code.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException
* if the code length is not valid.
def apply(thatLatitude: Double, thatLongitude: Double, thatCodeLength: Int): OpenLocationCode = {
var latitude = thatLatitude
var longitude = thatLongitude
// Limit the maximum number of digits in the code.
var codeLength = Math.min(thatCodeLength, MAX_DIGIT_COUNT)
// Check that the code length requested is valid.
if (codeLength < PAIR_CODE_LENGTH && (codeLength % 2 eq 1) || codeLength < 4) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal code length " + codeLength)
// Ensure that latitude and longitude are valid.
latitude = clipLatitude(latitude)
longitude = normalizeLongitude(longitude)
// Latitude 90 needs to be adjusted to be just less, so the returned code can also be decoded.
if (latitude eq LATITUDE_MAX) latitude = latitude - 0.9 * computeLatitudePrecision(codeLength)
// Store the code - we build it in reverse and reorder it afterwards.
val revCodeBuilder = new java.lang.StringBuilder()
// Compute the code.
// This approach converts each value to an integer after multiplying it by
// the final precision. This allows us to use only integer operations, so
// avoiding any accumulation of floating point representation errors.
// Multiply values by their precision and convert to positive. Rounding
// avoids/minimises errors due to floating point precision.
var latVal = (Math.round((latitude + LATITUDE_MAX) * LAT_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER * 1e6) / 1e6).asInstanceOf[Long]
var lngVal = (Math.round((longitude + LONGITUDE_MAX) * LNG_INTEGER_MULTIPLIER * 1e6) / 1e6).asInstanceOf[Long]
// Compute the grid part of the code if necessary.
if (codeLength > PAIR_CODE_LENGTH) {
var i = 0
while (i < GRID_CODE_LENGTH) {
val latDigit = latVal % GRID_ROWS
val lngDigit = lngVal % GRID_COLUMNS
val ndx = (latDigit * GRID_COLUMNS + lngDigit).asInstanceOf[Int]
latVal /= GRID_ROWS
i += 1
} else {
latVal = (latVal / Math.pow(GRID_ROWS, GRID_CODE_LENGTH)).toLong
lngVal = (lngVal / Math.pow(GRID_COLUMNS, GRID_CODE_LENGTH)).toLong
// Compute the pair section of the code.
var i = 0
while (i < PAIR_CODE_LENGTH / 2) {
revCodeBuilder.append(CODE_ALPHABET.charAt((lngVal % ENCODING_BASE).asInstanceOf[Int]))
revCodeBuilder.append(CODE_ALPHABET.charAt((latVal % ENCODING_BASE).asInstanceOf[Int]))
// If we are at the separator position, add the separator.
if (i == 0) revCodeBuilder.append(SEPARATOR)
i += 1
// Reverse the code.
val codeBuilder = revCodeBuilder.reverse
// If we need to pad the code, replace some of the digits.
if (codeLength < SEPARATOR_POSITION) {
var i = codeLength
codeBuilder.setCharAt(i, PADDING_CHARACTER)
i += 1
OpenLocationCode(codeBuilder.subSequence(0, Math.max(SEPARATOR_POSITION + 1, codeLength + 1)).toString)
/** Creates Open Location Code with the default precision length.
* @param latitude
* The latitude in decimal degrees.
* @param longitude
* The longitude in decimal degrees.
def apply(latitude: Double, longitude: Double): OpenLocationCode = {
apply(latitude, longitude, CODE_PRECISION_NORMAL)
* Creates Open Location Code object for the provided code.
* @param code A valid OLC code. Can be a full code or a shortened code.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when the passed code is not valid.
def fromCode(code: String): OpenLocationCode = {
if (!isValidCode(code.toUpperCase))
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"The provided code '$code' is not a valid Open Location Code.")
/** Encodes latitude/longitude into 10 digit Open Location Code. This method is equivalent to creating the OpenLocationCode object and getting the code from it.
* @param latitude
* The latitude in decimal degrees.
* @param longitude
* The longitude in decimal degrees.
* @return
* The code.
def encode(latitude: Double, longitude: Double): String = {
OpenLocationCode.apply(latitude, longitude).code
/** Returns whether the provided Open Location Code is a full Open Location Code.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is a full code.
def isFull(code: String): Boolean = OpenLocationCode.apply(code).isFull
/** Returns whether the provided Open Location Code is a short Open Location Code.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is short.
def isShort(code: String): Boolean = OpenLocationCode.apply(code).isShort
/** Returns whether the provided Open Location Code is a padded Open Location Code, meaning that it contains less than 8 valid digits.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is padded.
def isPadded(code: String): Boolean = OpenLocationCode(code).isPadded
/** Returns whether the provided string is a valid Open Location code.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is a valid full or short code.
def isValidCode(thatCode: String): Boolean = {
if (thatCode == null || thatCode.length < 2) false
else {
val code = thatCode.toUpperCase
// There must be exactly one separator.
val separatorPosition = code.indexOf(SEPARATOR)
if (separatorPosition == -1) return false
if (separatorPosition != code.lastIndexOf(SEPARATOR)) return false
// There must be an even number of at most 8 characters before the separator.
if (separatorPosition % 2 != 0 || separatorPosition > SEPARATOR_POSITION) return false
// Check first two characters: only some values from the alphabet are permitted.
if (separatorPosition == SEPARATOR_POSITION) {
// First latitude character can only have first 9 values.
if (CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(code.charAt(0)) > 8) return false
// First longitude character can only have first 18 values.
if (CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(code.charAt(1)) > 17) return false
// Check the characters before the separator.
var paddingStarted = false
for (i <- 0 until separatorPosition) {
if ((CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(code.charAt(i)) eq -1) && code.charAt(i) != PADDING_CHARACTER) {
// Invalid character.
return false
if (paddingStarted) {
// Once padding starts, there must not be anything but padding.
if (code.charAt(i) != PADDING_CHARACTER) return false
} else if (code.charAt(i) == PADDING_CHARACTER) {
paddingStarted = true
// Short codes cannot have padding
if (separatorPosition < SEPARATOR_POSITION) return false
// Padding can start on even character: 2, 4 or 6.
if (i != 2 && i != 4 && i != 6) return false
// Check the characters after the separator.
if (code.length > separatorPosition + 1) {
if (paddingStarted) return false
// Only one character after separator is forbidden.
if (code.length == separatorPosition + 2) return false
for (i <- separatorPosition + 1 until code.length) {
if (CODE_ALPHABET.indexOf(code.charAt(i)) eq -1) return false
return true
/** Returns if the code is a valid full Open Location Code.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is a valid full code.
def isFullCode(code: String): Boolean = {
try {
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => false
/** Returns if the code is a valid short Open Location Code.
* @param code
* The code to check.
* @return
* True if it is a valid short code.
def isShortCode(code: String): Boolean = {
try {
} catch {
case _: IllegalArgumentException => false
private def clipLatitude(latitude: Double) = Math.min(Math.max(latitude, -LATITUDE_MAX), LATITUDE_MAX)
private def normalizeLongitude(longitude: Double): Double = {
if (longitude >= -LONGITUDE_MAX && longitude < LONGITUDE_MAX) {
// longitude is within proper range, no normalization necessary
} else {
// % in Java uses truncated division with the remainder having the same sign as
// the dividend. For any input longitude < -360, the result of longitude%CIRCLE_DEG
// will still be negative but > -360, so we need to add 360 and apply % a second time.
val CIRCLE_DEG = 2 * LONGITUDE_MAX // 360 degrees
/** Compute the latitude precision value for a given code length. Lengths <= 10 have the same precision for latitude and longitude, but lengths > 10 have different precisions due to the grid method
* having fewer columns than rows. Copied from the JS implementation.
private def computeLatitudePrecision(codeLength: Int): Double = {
if (codeLength <= CODE_PRECISION_NORMAL) Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE, (codeLength / -2 + 2).toDouble)
else Math.pow(ENCODING_BASE, -3) / Math.pow(GRID_ROWS, codeLength - PAIR_CODE_LENGTH)
// C673+RQ Plouarzel
// 8CWQC673+RQ
val openLocationCode = OpenLocationCode(48.41457616899414d, -4.7955160075925045d)
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