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Last active May 25, 2024 10:18
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ZIO live session - Writing a more complex application / published by #fb874ad4-4adc-489a-95ba-5c16198a8782/d93879241261ea16476233b5fce3487f704ec5d1
// summary : ZIO live session - Writing a more complex application
// keywords : scala, zio, live, demo, pure-functional, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : fb874ad4-4adc-489a-95ba-5c16198a8782
// created-on : 2021-09-26T16:27:18+02:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "dev.zio::zio:2.0.13"
//> using dep "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3::async-http-client-backend-zio:3.8.15"
//> using dep "com.softwaremill.sttp.client3::zio-json:3.8.15"
//> using dep "fr.janalyse::zio-worksheet:"
//> using dep "org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:2.0.7"
// ---------------------
import zio.*
import zio.json.*
import zio.worksheet.*
import sttp.client3.ziojson.*
import sttp.client3.*
import sttp.client3.asynchttpclient.zio.*
case class ClientInfo(clientIP: String, userAgent: String)
object ClientInfo:
implicit val codec: JsonCodec[ClientInfo] = DeriveJsonCodec.gen
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
val app =
_ <- ZIO.log("Application starts")
backend <- ZIO.service[SttpBackend[Task, Any]]
response <- backend.send(basicRequest.get(uri"").response(asJson[ClientInfo]))
clientInfo <- ZIO.from(response.body)
_ <- ZIO.log(s"my ip is ${clientInfo.clientIP}")
_ <- ZIO.log("Application ends")
yield clientInfo
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
val stub =
.whenRequestMatches(_.uri.toString() == "")
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