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Playing with trees and distances between nodes / published by #8b946284-42d7-4aa7-bf1e-5758be2783b4/202044a3e1e89f2cecd1cf683832930e5bcfb564
// summary : Playing with trees and distances between nodes
// keywords : scala, algorithm, scalatest, tree, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 8b946284-42d7-4aa7-bf1e-5758be2783b4
// created-on : 2019-12-06T22:06:08Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.16"
//> using objectWrapper
// ---------------------
import org.scalatest._, flatspec.AnyFlatSpec, matchers.should.Matchers
import org.scalatest.OptionValues._
case class Node(name: String)
case class Tree(node: Node, children: List[Tree]=Nil)
def buildTree(treeDesc: String, connectionMarkerRegex:String="[)]"): List[Tree] = {
val connections =
.map(_.split(connectionMarkerRegex, 2))
.map { case Array(aName, bName) => Node(aName) -> Node(bName) }
.groupMap { case (a, _) => a } { case (_, b) => b }
val children = connections.values.flatten.toList
val nodes = connections.keys.toSet ++ children
val rootNodes = nodes -- children
def build(fromNode: Node, remainingConnections: Map[Node, List[Node]]): Tree = {
val newRemainingConnections = remainingConnections - fromNode
val subtrees =
.map(node => build(node,newRemainingConnections))
Tree(fromNode, subtrees)
} => build(rootNode, connections))
// distance from root to the given node
def distanceTo(tree:Tree, node:Node):Option[Int] = {
def searchDistance(current:Tree, node:Node, depth:Int):Option[Int] = {
if (current.node == node) Some(depth)
else if (current.children.isEmpty) None
else {
.map(subTree => searchDistance(subTree, node, depth+1))
searchDistance(tree, node, 0)
// minimal distance between two nodes
def distanceBetween(tree: Tree, nodeA: Node, nodeB: Node): Option[Int] = {
def explore(currentTree:Tree, bestDistance:Option[Int]):Option[Int] = {
(distanceTo(currentTree, nodeA), distanceTo(currentTree, nodeB)) match {
case (None, _) => bestDistance
case (_, None) => bestDistance
case (Some(da), Some(db)) =>
val newBestDistance = bestDistance.filter(_ < (da+db)).orElse(Some(da+db))
val results = => explore(child, newBestDistance)).flatten
results.minByOption(x => x).orElse(newBestDistance)
explore(tree, None)
class TreeTest extends AnyFlatSpec with Matchers {
override def suiteName: String = "TreeTest"
"buildTree" should "be able to build a one root/leaf tree" in {
val treeDesc = "a)b"
buildTree(treeDesc).head shouldBe Tree(Node("a"),List(Tree(Node("b"),Nil)))
it should "be able to build a one root, two leaves tree" in {
val treeDesc = "a)b\na)c"
buildTree(treeDesc).head shouldBe Tree(Node("a"),List(Tree(Node("b")), Tree(Node("c"))))
it should "be able several trees" in {
val treeDesc = "a)b\nc)d"
buildTree(treeDesc) should contain allOf (
"distanceTo" should "return the distance from root to a give node" in {
val treeDesc = "a)b\nb)c"
val tree = buildTree(treeDesc).headOption.value
distanceTo(tree, Node("a")).value shouldBe 0
distanceTo(tree, Node("b")).value shouldBe 1
distanceTo(tree, Node("c")).value shouldBe 2
"distanceBetween" should "return the shortest distance between two nodes" in {
val treeDesc = "root)a\na)b\nb)c\nb)d\nd)e\ne)f"
val tree = buildTree(treeDesc).headOption.value
distanceBetween(tree, Node("c"), Node("f")).value shouldBe 4
}"-oDF", "-s", classOf[TreeTest].getName))
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