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Basic drools usage examples through unit test cases. / published by #e23fa6f0-a1d4-4333-81ae-26ebe7512174/4bcc4e02b25d436d975e9e05afb44011588caf6f
// summary : Basic drools usage examples through unit test cases.
// keywords : scala, drools, mvel, scalatest, ai, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : e23fa6f0-a1d4-4333-81ae-26ebe7512174
// execution : scala ammonite script ( - run as follow 'amm'
// created-on : 2018-09-12T21:11:39+02:00
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "fr.janalyse::drools-scripting:1.1.0"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.16"
// ---------------------
import fr.janalyse.droolscripting._, org.scalatest._, flatspec._, matchers._, OptionValues._
import scala.jdk.CollectionConverters._
import DroolsEngineConfig._
class SimpleTest extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
override val suiteName = "SimpleTest"
"Drools" should "say hello" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|rule "hello" when
| insert("HELLO WORLD");
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.getObjects.headOption.value shouldBe "HELLO WORLD"
it should "support logging within defined kb" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|global org.slf4j.Logger logger
|rule "hello" when
| insert("HELLO WORLD");
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.getObjects.headOption.value shouldBe "HELLO WORLD"
it should "be possible to get objects" in {
val drl=
"""package test
|declare Top
| age:int
|rule "init"
| insert(new Top(42));
| insert(new Top(24));
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.getObjects.size shouldBe 2
it should "be possible to get object by their types" in {
val drl=
"""package test
|declare Top
| age:int
|rule "init"
| insert(new Top(42));
| insert(new Top(24));
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.getModelInstances("test.Top").size shouldBe 2
it should "be possible to get object by their super types" in {
val drl=
"""package test
|declare Top
| age:int
|declare Bottom extends Top end
|rule "init"
| insert(new Bottom(42));
| insert(new Bottom(24));
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.getModelInstances("test.Top").size shouldBe 2
it should "be possible to get java raw types from working memory" in {
val drl=
"""package test
|rule "init" when then
| insert("Cool Raoul");
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
val strings = engine.getModelInstances("java.lang.String")
strings should have size 1
strings.headOption.value shouldBe "Cool Raoul"
it should "be possible to get easily java Strings from working memory" in {
val drl=
"""package test
|rule "init" when then
| insert("Cool Raoul");
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.strings shouldBe List("Cool Raoul")
it should "react on an inserted message" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|rule "hello message"
| $msg:String()
| insert(1);
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
engine.insert("some message")
engine.getObjects.size shouldBe 2
engine.getModelInstances("java.lang.Integer").headOption.value shouldBe 1
it should "allow us to access internal model definitions" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|global org.slf4j.Logger logger
|declare Message
| content:String
|rule "init"
| insert(new Message("Hello World"));
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
val instances = engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.Message")
instances should have size 1
engine.getModelInstanceAttribute(instances.head, "content").value shouldBe "Hello World"
engine.getModelFirstInstanceAttribute("testdrools.Message", "content").value shouldBe "Hello World"
it should "be possible collect things and loop over found occurences" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|global org.slf4j.Logger logger
|import java.util.LinkedList
|declare Message
| content:String
|declare AllMessages
| all:String
|rule "init"
| insert(new Message("msg1"));
| insert(new Message("msg2"));
| insert(new Message("msg3"));
|rule "collect"
| $messages: LinkedList(size>0) from collect( Message() )
| StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
| for(Object msg: $messages) sb.append(((Message)msg).getContent()+"-");
| insert(new AllMessages(sb.toString()));
info("Drools collect objects into List without supporting generics.")
info("In this example $messages is a LinkedList of Objects.")
info("In order to iterate in the then clause you'll to iterate through objects and use explicit cast.")
info("WARNING : it is forbidden to access the field ")
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl)
val instances = engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.AllMessages")
instances should have size 1
.getModelFirstInstanceAttribute("testdrools.AllMessages", "all")
.split("[-]").toList.sorted.mkString("-") shouldBe "msg1-msg2-msg3"
it should "be possible to update logically inserted fact" in {
val drl =
"""package testdrools
|global org.slf4j.Logger logger
|declare That
| value:int
|declare Something
| content:String
|declare Flag
|rule "init"
| insert(new That(42));
|rule "found something"
| That($value:value)
| insertLogical(new Something("found-"+$value));
| insert(new Flag());
|rule "update found"
| String(this == "update")
| $that:That()
| update($that);
val engine = DroolsEngine(drl,configWithIdentity)
engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.Something") should have size 1
engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.Flag") should have size 1
engine.getModelFirstInstanceAttribute("testdrools.Something", "content") shouldBe Some("found-42")
engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.Something") should have size 1
engine.getModelInstances("testdrools.Flag") should have size 2
engine.getModelFirstInstanceAttribute("testdrools.Something", "content") shouldBe Some("found-42")
info("As Something is logically inserted, it is removed on updateThat and then reinserted.")
(new SimpleTest).execute()
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