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Created August 19, 2015 20:19
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;; handlers
(defn- login
"Verifies that the user credentials are valid and returns a token
that can be used for future requests to secure resources."
[{{username :username} :body}]
(let [auth (authenticate username)]
(response/ok auth)))
(defn- register
"Creates a user record in the database and sends an activation email
to the user."
(let [username (get-in request [:body :username])
;; FIXME: these two strings should probably come from some
;; resource file that establishes email templates (da 2015-08-17)
subject "An account has been created for you on ...!"
message "Click here to activate your account."]
#_(email email-service username subject message)
(create-user<! db username)
(response/ok (authenticate username))))
;; schema
(def ^:private LoginRequest {:body {:username s/Str, :password s/Str}, s/Any s/Any})
(def ^:private RegisterRequest {:body {:username s/Str, :password s/Str}, s/Any s/Any})
;; endpoint
(defn accounts-endpoint [{{uri :uri} :db}]
(let [db {:connection-uri uri}]
(POST "/login" [] (-> login
(wrap-credentials-pass? db)
(wrap-validates? LoginRequest)))
(POST "/users" [] (-> register
(wrap-taken? db)
(wrap-validates? RegisterRequest))))))
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