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Created November 20, 2017 15:26
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If you have a SQL column that allows NULL but you want to fallback to a default rather than using an `Option[T]`, you can define your own composite like that. This is probably nota good way to do it but it works and avoid the throwing of `NonNullableColumnRead`
import java.sql.{ResultSet, PreparedStatement}
import doobie.enum.nullability.Nullable
import doobie.imports._
import doobie.util.meta
import doobie.util.meta.Meta
import doobie.util.kernel.Kernel
sealed trait LoginWay {
import LoginWay._
def asString: String = this match {
case UsernamePassword => "UsernamePassword"
case MicrosoftSSO => "MicrosoftSSO"
object LoginWay {
val DefaultValues: NonEmptyList[LoginWay] = NonEmptyList.nels(
case object UsernamePassword extends LoginWay
case object MicrosoftSSO extends LoginWay
def parse(value: String): Option[LoginWay] = value match {
case "UsernamePassword" => Some(UsernamePassword)
case "MicrosoftSSO" => Some(MicrosoftSSO)
case _ => None
implicit val loginWayComposite: Composite[NonEmptyList[LoginWay]] = {
val fromStr: String => NonEmptyList[LoginWay] = { str =>
.map(_.split(",").toList.flatMap(x => LoginWay.parse(x.trim).toList))
val toStr: NonEmptyList[LoginWay] => String =",")
val strMeta = Meta[String]
new Composite[NonEmptyList[LoginWay]] {
val kernel = new Kernel[NonEmptyList[LoginWay]] {
type I = NonEmptyList[LoginWay]
val ia = (i: I) => i
val ai = (a: I) => a
val get = (rs: ResultSet, n: Int) => {
val i = rs.getString(n)
if (rs.wasNull)
val set = (ps: PreparedStatement, n: Int, nel: I) => {
strMeta.unsafeSetNonNullable(ps, n, toStr(nel))
val setNull = strMeta.unsafeSetNull _
val update = (rs: ResultSet, n: Int, nel: I) => {
strMeta.unsafeUpdateNonNullable(rs, n, toStr(nel))
val width = 1
val meta = List((strMeta, Nullable))
val toList = (a: NonEmptyList[LoginWay]) => List(a)
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