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N.Nakasato dadeba

  • University of Aizu
  • Japan
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dadeba / gist:1557145
Created January 3, 2012 21:55
Compute the average of relative error between 3D vectors a0 & a1 in Eigen
// a0 and a1 are row-major Array
Vector3f a_err = (std::abs((a0 - a1)/a0)).colwise().sum()/a0.rows();
dadeba / gist:1582789
Created January 9, 2012 12:45
Tahiti ISA for my DGEMM code
v_fma_f64 v[29:30], v[39:40], v[41:42], v[29:30] // 0000025C: D298001D 04765327
v_fma_f64 v[31:32], v[39:40], v[43:44], v[31:32] // 00000264: D298001F 047E5727
v_fma_f64 v[33:34], v[39:40], v[45:46], v[33:34] // 0000026C: D2980021 04865B27
v_fma_f64 v[35:36], v[39:40], v[47:48], v[35:36] // 00000274: D2980023 048E5F27
s_branch label_002E // 0000027C: BF82FF8E
dadeba / Tahiti_DGEMM.isa
Created January 18, 2012 11:23
Tahiti ISA for 4x4 DGEMM kernel generated from our IL DGEMM code
shader main
// s_ps_state in s0
s_mov_b64 s[44:45], exec // 00000000: BEAC047E
s_wqm_b64 exec, exec // 00000004: BEFE0A7E
v_floor_f32 v0, v2 // 00000008: 7E004902
v_floor_f32 v1, v3 // 0000000C: 7E024903
v_mul_legacy_f32 v55, 2.0, v0 // 00000010: 0E6E00F4
dadeba / gist:1700860
Created January 29, 2012 21:46
Tahiti ISA for 4x4 DGEMM kernel Catalyst 12.1
shader main
// s_ps_state in s0
s_mov_b64 s[44:45], exec // 00000000: BEAC047E
s_wqm_b64 exec, exec // 00000004: BEFE0A7E
s_load_dwordx4 s[12:15], s[10:11], 0x00 // 00000008: C0860B00
v_floor_f32 v0, v2 // 0000000C: 7E004902
v_floor_f32 v1, v3 // 00000010: 7E024903
dadeba / e_time.c
Created February 1, 2012 09:01
measure the elapsed time on linux
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
// How to use?
// double st = e_time();
// ... where computation going on ...
// double en = e_time();
dadeba /
Created February 3, 2012 00:10
An OpenCL kernel for neighbor search
#define NNMAX 16
float R2(float4 p)
return p.x*p.x + p.y*p.y + p.z*p.z;
__kernel void sph_neighbor(__global float4 *pos,
__global float *size,
__global int *next,
__global int *more,
dadeba /
Created March 23, 2012 02:43
OpenCL: A vectorized kernel for gravity interaction
#define READONLY_P const * restrict
__global float4 READONLY_P x,
__global float4 READONLY_P y,
__global float4 READONLY_P z,
__global float4 READONLY_P m,
__global float4 *ax,
dadeba /
Created March 23, 2012 05:59
OpenCL: A vectorized kernel for gravity interaction inspired by Tanikawa etal. 2012
#define READONLY_P const * restrict
float4 sum(float8 x)
float4 tmp;
tmp.x = x.s0 + x.s4;
tmp.y = x.s1 + x.s5;
tmp.z = x.s2 + x.s6;
tmp.w = x.s3 + x.s7;
return tmp;
dadeba / html.rb
Created March 23, 2012 06:21
def self.get(url)
return"curl", "--location", "--compressed", url) {|i,o,e| })
dadeba / gravity_v4v2.asm
Created March 23, 2012 13:01
ASM file for (
.file "/tmp/5d41e25b-e85e-4f10-836a-5b23eab3f6a7.TMP"
.globl _Z12native_rsqrtDv8_f
.align 16, 0x90
.type _Z12native_rsqrtDv8_f,@function
_Z12native_rsqrtDv8_f: # @_Z12native_rsqrtDv8_f
# BB#0:
vrsqrtps YMM0, YMM0