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Created May 4, 2023 06:47
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ORG 0x1800
INIT LD IY, DATA ; IY points to the video data start address
DISP LD A, (IY) ; load byte of data from memory
OR A ; null termination?
JR Z, DONE ; if so, then we are done
CALL VDP ; call the VDP subroutine to write the byte to the VDP
INC IY ; increment IY to move to next byte
JR DISP ; loop back to display
DONE HALT ; nothing more to do!
VDP PUSH BC ; start of VDP subroutine ... copy BC to the stack for save keeping
LD (VDPB), A ; store the byte to display in memory
LD C, 0xC0 ; C contains the IO address for the VDP
LD A, 0xFF ; load 0xFF into the accumulator
OUT (C), A ; Write the 0xFF to the VDP indicating that the high nibble of the byte will follow
LD B, 50 ; load 50 into the B register for a delay loop
VDPD1 DJNZ VDPD1 ; do the delay loop so that the VDP microcontroller have some time to do it's thing
LD A, (VDPB) ; load the byte we want to load back into the accumulator
RRA ; rotate right ... we wan't to get to the high nibble
RRA ; rotate some more
RRA ; and again
RRA ; yay we made it
OUT (C), A ; write the high nibble to the VDP
LD B, 50 ; again with the delay loop ... that microcontroller is running at 16mhz!
VDPD2 DJNZ VDPD2 ; loopy loop
LD A, (VDPB) ; load the original byte we want to display back into the A register
LD B, $0F ; bitmask to get rid of the high nibble leaving only the lower
AND B ; apply the bitmask to the accumulator
OUT (C), A ; write the low nibble to the VDP
LD B, 200 ; final delay loop ... if we weren't so lazy we could have implented an ACK signal
VDPD3 DJNZ VDPD3 ; last loopy loop
POP BC ; recover BC
RET ; return from subroutine
VDPB DEFB 0x0 ; a place to store the byte we are going to write to the VDP
DATA DEFB 0x1B, 0x2, 0x1 ; The data and commands we will be sending... starting by setting the font to Font4x6
DEFB 0xC, ' ','M','i','n','i','m','a','l','i','s','t'
DEFB ' ','C','o','m','p','u','t','i','n','g', ' '
DEFB 'o', 'n',' ','a',' ','.','.','.',0xA
DEFB 0x1B, 0x2, 0x3 ; larger font 8x8
DEFB 'M','i','c','r','o','-','P','r','o','f','e','s'
DEFB 's','o','r',' ' ; Some text
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 1, 95, 127, 95 ; Grass (Line)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x4, 90, 70, 20, 24 ; House (Rectangle)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 90, 70, 100, 55 ; Roof left (Line)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 101, 54, 110, 70 ; Roof right (Line)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x4, 98, 85, 4, 8 ; Door (Rectangle)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x4, 93, 73, 4, 4 ; Window (Left)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x4, 103, 73, 4, 4 ; Window (Right)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x4, 101, 89, 1, 1 ; Door knob (Rectangle)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x6, 20, 30, 6 ; Sun (Circle)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 27, 37, 32, 42 ; Sunray 1 (Line)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 29, 35, 34, 40 ; Sunray 2 (Line)
DEFB 0x1B, 0x3, 25, 39, 30, 44 ; Sunray 3 (Line)
DEFB 0x0 ; Null terminator
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