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Last active September 27, 2023 10:07
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Phone permutations interview question
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
// Image of a telephone's keypad:
// Problem: Given phone number, output all possible letter values or "words".
// Example:
// Input: 123-000
// Output: 1ad-000 1ae-000 1af-000 1bd-000 1be-000 1bf-000 1cd-000 1ce-000 1cf-000
// Example:
// Input: 523
// 5 - jkl
// 2 - abc
// 3 - def
// Output:
// jad, jae, jaf, jbd, jbe, jbf, jcd, jce, jcf,
// jad, jae, jaf, jbd, jbe, jbf, jcd, jce, jcf, j -> k
// 1: 1
// 2: abc
// 3: def
// 4: ghi
// 5: jkl
// 6: mno
// 7: pqrs
// 8: tuv
// 9: wxyz
// 0: 0
class Solution
static string[] symbols = new[] { "0", "1", "abc", "def", "ghi", "jkl", "mno", "pqrs", "tuv", "wxyz", };
static void Main(string[] args)
// Solution1();
static void Solution2()
//const string input = "1";
//const string input = "234";
const string input = "23";
// output: ad, ae, af, bd, be, bf
Console.WriteLine($"Input: '{input}'");
List<byte> digits = new();
foreach (var ch in input)
// filter only valid digits
if (byte.TryParse("" + ch, out var d) && d >= 0 & d <= 9)
Console.WriteLine("Skipping non digit '{ch}'");
if (digits.Count == 0)
Console.WriteLine("No valid digits found");
var firstSymbols = symbols[digits[0]];
if (digits.Count == 1)
Console.WriteLine($"A single result is {firstSymbols}");
List<string> results = new();
Permutate(digits, results, firstSymbols);
Console.WriteLine($"All permutation results are: [{string.Join(", ", results)}]");
static void Permutate(List<byte> digits, List<string> results, string digitSymbols, string res = "", int i = 0)
if (i >= digits.Count)
foreach (var s in digitSymbols)
results.Add(res + s);
var nextDigitSymbols = symbols[digits[i]];
foreach (var s in digitSymbols)
Permutate(digits, results, nextDigitSymbols, res + s, i);
static void Solution1()
const string input = "123";
var n1 = int.Parse("" + input[0]);
var n2 = int.Parse("" + input[1]);
var n3 = int.Parse("" + input[2]);
var s1 = symbols[n1];
var s2 = symbols[n2];
var s3 = symbols[n3];
foreach (var a in s1)
foreach (var b in s2)
foreach (var c in s3)
Console.WriteLine($"{n1}, {n2}, {n3}");
Console.WriteLine($"{s1}, {s2}, {s3}");
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dadhi commented Sep 26, 2023

The newer solution is here:
For input 23 it outputs:

Input: '23'
All permutation results are: [ad, ae, af, bd, be, bf, cd, ce, cf]

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