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Created October 7, 2015 08:05
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Extracts field, property, event or method name(s) from provided delegate using IL analysis
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Reflection.Emit;
namespace DryTools
public static class ExtractName
public static string From(Action source)
return From(source.Method);
public static string From<T>(Func<T> source)
return From(source.Method);
public static string From<TModel, TProperty>(Func<TModel, TProperty> source)
return From(source.Method);
public static string From(MethodInfo method)
return Setup.ExtractName(method);
public static class Setup
public static Func<MethodInfo, string> ExtractName = ExtractNameImplementation.ExtractLast;
public static class ExtractNames
public static string[] From(Action source)
return From(source.Method);
public static string[] From<T>(Func<T> source)
return From(source.Method);
public static string[] From(MethodInfo method)
return Setup.ExtractNames(method);
public static class Setup
public static Func<MethodInfo, string[]> ExtractNames = ExtractNameImplementation.ExtractAll;
#region Implementation
internal class ExtractNameImplementation
internal static string[] ExtractAll(MethodInfo method)
var names = new List<string>();
ExtractLastOrAll(method, names);
return names.ToArray();
internal static string ExtractLast(MethodInfo method)
return ExtractLastOrAll(method);
private static string ExtractLastOrAll(MethodBase method, ICollection<string> names = null)
var methodBody = method.GetMethodBody();
Debug.Assert(methodBody != null);
var methodIL = methodBody.GetILAsByteArray();
var module = method.Module;
var declaringType = method.DeclaringType;
Debug.Assert(declaringType != null);
var declaringTypeGenericArgs = declaringType.IsGenericType ? declaringType.GetGenericArguments() : null;
var methodGenericArgs = method.IsGenericMethod ? method.GetGenericArguments() : null;
var ilToLook = methodIL.Length - TOKEN_LENGTH_BYTES;
var tokenIndeces = new List<int>(2);
for (var i = 0; i < ilToLook; ++i)
var code = methodIL[i];
if (code == _field ||
code == _staticField ||
code == _call ||
code == _calli ||
code == _callvirt)
if (names == null)
tokenIndeces.Add(i + 1);
names.Add(GetNameByTokenIndex(module, declaringTypeGenericArgs, methodGenericArgs, methodIL, i + 1));
if (names != null || // for names collection returning empty string - it will be ignored
tokenIndeces.Count == 0) // if no tokens found, returning empty string
return string.Empty;
return GetNameByTokenIndex(module, declaringTypeGenericArgs, methodGenericArgs, methodIL, tokenIndeces[tokenIndeces.Count - 1]);
private static string GetNameByTokenIndex(
Module module,
Type[] declaringTypeGenericArgs,
Type[] methodGenericArgs,
byte[] methodIL,
int index)
// Preventing sometimes possible InvalidOperationException "Token 0xX is not a valid MemberInfo token in the scope of module Y".
return StripPrefixFast(module.ResolveMember(BitConverter.ToInt32(methodIL, index), declaringTypeGenericArgs, methodGenericArgs));
return string.Empty;
private static string StripPrefixFast(MemberInfo member)
var name = member.Name;
if (!(member is MethodInfo))
return name;
if (name.Length > 4)
// get_, set_, add_
if (name[3] == '_')
if (name[0] == 'g' &&
name[1] == 'e' &&
name[2] == 't' ||
name[0] == 's' &&
name[1] == 'e' &&
name[2] == 't' ||
name[0] == 'a' &&
name[1] == 'd' &&
name[2] == 'd')
return name.Substring(4);
// remove_
else if (
name.Length > 7 && name[6] == '_' &&
name[0] == 'r' &&
name[1] == 'e' &&
name[2] == 'm' &&
name[3] == 'o' &&
name[4] == 'v' &&
name[5] == 'e')
return name.Substring(7);
return name;
private const int TOKEN_LENGTH_BYTES = 4;
private static readonly byte _field = (byte)OpCodes.Ldfld.Value;
private static readonly byte _staticField = (byte)OpCodes.Ldsfld.Value;
private static readonly byte _call = (byte)OpCodes.Call.Value;
private static readonly byte _calli = (byte)OpCodes.Calli.Value;
private static readonly byte _callvirt = (byte)OpCodes.Callvirt.Value;
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