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Created May 10, 2019 21:01
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MTGA Land Shuffler
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<title>MTGA Land Shuffler</title>
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let lands =
['Forest (DAR) 266',
'Forest (DAR) 267',
'Forest (DAR) 268',
'Forest (DAR) 269',
'Forest (GRN) 264',
'Forest (M19) 277',
'Forest (M19) 278',
'Forest (M19) 279',
'Forest (M19) 280',
'Forest (RIX) 196',
'Forest (RNA) 264',
'Forest (WAR) 262',
'Forest (WAR) 263',
'Forest (WAR) 264',
'Forest (XLN) 276',
'Forest (XLN) 277',
'Forest (XLN) 278',
'Forest (XLN) 279',
'Island (DAR) 254',
'Island (DAR) 255',
'Island (DAR) 256',
'Island (DAR) 257',
'Island (GRN) 261',
'Island (M19) 265',
'Island (M19) 266',
'Island (M19) 267',
'Island (M19) 268',
'Island (RIX) 193',
'Island (RNA) 261',
'Island (WAR) 253',
'Island (WAR) 254',
'Island (WAR) 255',
'Island (XLN) 264',
'Island (XLN) 265',
'Island (XLN) 266',
'Island (XLN) 267',
'Mountain (DAR) 262',
'Mountain (DAR) 263',
'Mountain (DAR) 264',
'Mountain (DAR) 265',
'Mountain (GRN) 263',
'Mountain (M19) 273',
'Mountain (M19) 274',
'Mountain (M19) 275',
'Mountain (M19) 276',
'Mountain (RIX) 195',
'Mountain (RNA) 263',
'Mountain (WAR) 259',
'Mountain (WAR) 260',
'Mountain (WAR) 261',
'Mountain (XLN) 272',
'Mountain (XLN) 273',
'Mountain (XLN) 274',
'Mountain (XLN) 275',
'Plains (DAR) 250',
'Plains (DAR) 251',
'Plains (DAR) 252',
'Plains (DAR) 253',
'Plains (GRN) 260',
'Plains (M19) 261',
'Plains (M19) 262',
'Plains (M19) 263',
'Plains (M19) 264',
'Plains (RIX) 192',
'Plains (RNA) 260',
'Plains (WAR) 250',
'Plains (WAR) 251',
'Plains (WAR) 252',
'Plains (XLN) 260',
'Plains (XLN) 261',
'Plains (XLN) 262',
'Plains (XLN) 263',
'Swamp (DAR) 258',
'Swamp (DAR) 259',
'Swamp (DAR) 260',
'Swamp (DAR) 261',
'Swamp (GRN) 262',
'Swamp (M19) 269',
'Swamp (M19) 270',
'Swamp (M19) 271',
'Swamp (M19) 272',
'Swamp (RIX) 194',
'Swamp (RNA) 262',
'Swamp (WAR) 256',
'Swamp (WAR) 257',
'Swamp (WAR) 258',
'Swamp (XLN) 268',
'Swamp (XLN) 269',
'Swamp (XLN) 270',
'Swamp (XLN) 271'];
let landsByColor = {};
let colors = [];
$.each(lands, function() {
let land = this;
let splitLand = land.split(' ');
let color = splitLand[0];
let identifier = splitLand[1] + ' ' + splitLand[2];
if (!landsByColor[color]) {
landsByColor[color] = [];
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#importArea').on('input', function(e) {
if ( === '') {
$('#copyButton').attr('disabled', true);
} else {
$('#copyButton').attr('disabled', false);
$('#shuffleButton').click(function() {
let importArea = $('#importArea');
let newCardList = [];
if (importArea.val()) {
let lines = importArea.val().split('\n');
$.each(lines, function() {
let line = this;
let cardName = line.slice(line.indexOf(' ') + 1);
if ($.inArray(cardName, lands) != -1) {
let splitLand = line.split(' ');
let count = splitLand[0];
let color = splitLand[1];
for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) {
let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * landsByColor[color].length);
newCardList.push('1 ' + color + ' ' + landsByColor[color][randomIndex]);
} else if (line == "") {
} else {
$('#copyButton').click(function() {
$.notify("Your deck has been copied into clipboard", {
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enter: 'animated bounceInDown',
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<div id="wrapper" class="d-flex flex-column justify-content-center align-items-center">
<textarea id="importArea" type="text" class="form-control" placeholder="Paste your deck here and click on shuffle..."></textarea>
<div class="d-flex w-100 mt-1">
<button id="shuffleButton" name="shuffleButton" type="button" class="btn btn-primary w-100 mr-1">Shuffle</button>
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