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Forked from josephkern/
Created March 12, 2017 18:32
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A Simple Bloom Filter in Python
#!/usr/bin/env python
"""A simple Bloom Filter implementation
Calculating optimal filter size:
m is: self.bitcount (how many bits in self.filter)
n is: the number of expected values added to self.filter
k is: the number of hashes being produced
(1 - math.exp(-float(k * n) / m)) ** k
from hashlib import sha256
class BloomFilter(object):
"""A simple bloom filter for lots of int()"""
def __init__(self, array_size=(1 * 1024), hashes=13):
"""Initializes a BloomFilter() object:
array_size (in bytes): 4 * 1024 for a 4KB filter
hashes (int): for the number of hashes to perform"""
self.filter = bytearray(array_size) # The filter itself
self.bitcount = array_size * 8 # Bits in the filter
self.hashes = hashes # The number of hashes to use
def _hash(self, value):
"""Creates a hash of an int and yields a generator of hash functions
value: int()
generator of ints()"""
# Build an int() around the sha256 digest of int() -> value
value = value.__str__() # Comment out line if you're filtering strings()
digest = int(sha256(value).hexdigest(), 16)
for _ in range(self.hashes):
# bitwise AND of the digest and all of the available bit positions
# in the filter
yield digest & (self.bitcount - 1)
# Shift bits in digest to the right, based on 256 (in sha256)
# divided by the number of hashes needed be produced.
# Rounding the result by using int().
# So: digest >>= (256 / 13) would shift 19 bits to the right.
digest >>= (256 / self.hashes)
def add(self, value):
"""Bitwise OR to add value(s) into the self.filter
value: generator of digest ints()
for digest in self._hash(value):
# In-place bitwise OR of the filter, position is determined
# by the (digest / 8) digest is described above in self._hash()
# Bitwise OR is undertaken on the value at the location and
# 2 to the power of digest modulo 8. Ex: 2 ** (30034 % 8)
# to grantee the value is <= 128, the bytearray not being able
# to store a value >= 256. Q: Why not use ((modulo 9) -1) then?
self.filter[(digest / 8)] |= (2 ** (digest % 8))
# The purpose here is to spread out the hashes to create a unique
# "fingerprint" with unique locations in the filter array,
# rather than just a big long hash blob.
def query(self, value):
"""Bitwise AND to query values in self.filter
value: value to check filter against (assumed int())"""
# If all() hashes return True from a bitwise AND (the opposite
# described above in self.add()) for each digest returned from
# self._hash return True, else False
return all(self.filter[(digest / 8)] & (2 ** (digest % 8))
for digest in self._hash(value))
if __name__ == "__main__":
bf = BloomFilter()
print("Filter size {0} bytes").format(bf.filter.__sizeof__())
print bf.query(1) # True
print bf.query(1230213) # True
print bf.query(12) # False
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