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Last active August 11, 2016 22:01
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Save daedalus/96d8b58112f2685abb96b8565fe4c6c9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import socket
import struct
DNS_QUERY_SECTION_FORMAT = struct.Struct("!2H")
DNS_QUERY_MESSAGE_HEADER = struct.Struct("!6H")
def decode_question_section(message, offset, qdcount):
questions = []
for _ in range(qdcount):
qname, offset = decode_labels(message, offset)
qtype, qclass = DNS_QUERY_SECTION_FORMAT.unpack_from(message, offset)
question = {"domain_name": qname,
"query_type": qtype,
"query_class": qclass}
return questions, offset
def decode_labels(message, offset):
labels = []
while True:
length, = struct.unpack_from("!B", message, offset)
if (length & 0xC0) == 0xC0:
pointer, = struct.unpack_from("!H", message, offset)
offset += 2
return labels + decode_labels(message, pointer & 0x3FFF), offset
if (length & 0xC0) != 0x00:
raise StandardError("unknown label encoding")
offset += 1
if length == 0:
return labels, offset
labels.append(*struct.unpack_from("!%ds" % length, message, offset))
offset += length
def decode_dns_message(message):
id, misc, qdcount, ancount, nscount, arcount = DNS_QUERY_MESSAGE_HEADER.unpack_from(message)
qr = (misc & 0x8000) != 0
opcode = (misc & 0x7800) >> 11
aa = (misc & 0x0400) != 0
tc = (misc & 0x200) != 0
rd = (misc & 0x100) != 0
ra = (misc & 0x80) != 0
z = (misc & 0x70) >> 4
rcode = misc & 0xF
questions, offset = decode_question_section(message, offset, qdcount)
result = {"id": id,
"is_response": qr,
"opcode": opcode,
"is_authoritative": aa,
"is_truncated": tc,
"recursion_desired": rd,
"recursion_available": ra,
"reserved": z,
"response_code": rcode,
"question_count": qdcount,
"answer_count": ancount,
"authority_count": nscount,
"additional_count": arcount,
"questions": questions}
return result
def save(data):
fp = open('output.txt','a')
fp.write(data + "\n")
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
host = ''
port = 53
size = 512
s.bind((host, port))
while True:
data, addr = s.recvfrom(size)
ret = (decode_dns_message(data))
strlog = str({'addr':addr,'message':ret})
print strlog
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