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Created March 30, 2024 00:04
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  • Save daegalus/b3e15eebb2d7b468e48ac78ff086129e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save daegalus/b3e15eebb2d7b468e48ac78ff086129e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
# Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the paths it should
# manage.
home.username = "yulian";
home.stateVersion = "22.11";
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
programs.eza = {
enable = true;
git = true;
extraOptions = [
programs.atuin = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
settings = {
style = "compact";
inline_height = 10;
show_preview = true;
programs.starship = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
settings = {
add_newline = false;
format = "$os $directory$fill$time$all";
directory.fish_style_pwd_dir_length = 3;
hostname.format = "[$ssh_symbol$hostname]($style) ";
time.disabled = false;
os = {
disabled = false;
symbols = {
Alpaquita = " ";
Alpine = " ";
Amazon = " ";
Android = " ";
Arch = " ";
Artix = " ";
CentOS = " ";
Debian = " ";
DragonFly = " ";
Emscripten = " ";
EndeavourOS = " ";
Fedora = " ";
FreeBSD = " ";
Garuda = "󰛓 ";
Gentoo = " ";
HardenedBSD = "󰞌 ";
Illumos = "󰈸 ";
Linux = " ";
Mabox = " ";
Macos = " ";
Manjaro = " ";
Mariner = " ";
MidnightBSD = " ";
Mint = " ";
NetBSD = " ";
NixOS = " ";
OpenBSD = "󰈺 ";
openSUSE = " ";
OracleLinux = "󰌷 ";
Pop = " ";
Raspbian = " ";
Redhat = " ";
RedHatEnterprise = " ";
Redox = "󰀘 ";
Solus = "󰠳 ";
SUSE = " ";
Ubuntu = " ";
Unknown = " ";
Windows = "󰍲 ";
aws.symbol = " ";
buf.symbol = " ";
c.symbol = " ";
conda.symbol = " ";
dart.symbol = " ";
directory.read_only = " 󰌾";
docker_context.symbol = " ";
elixir.symbol = " ";
elm.symbol = " ";
fossil_branch.symbol = " ";
gcloud.symbol = "󱇶 ";
git_branch.symbol = " ";
golang.symbol = " ";
guix_shell.symbol = " ";
haskell.symbol = " ";
haxe.symbol = " ";
hg_branch.symbol = " ";
hostname.ssh_symbol = " ";
java.symbol = " ";
julia.symbol = " ";
lua.symbol = " ";
memory_usage.symbol = "󰍛 ";
meson.symbol = "󰔷 ";
nim.symbol = "󰆥 ";
nix_shell.symbol = " ";
nodejs.symbol = " ";
package.symbol = "󰏗 ";
pijul_channel.symbol = " ";
python.symbol = " ";
rlang.symbol = "󰟔 ";
ruby.symbol = " ";
rust.symbol = " ";
scala.symbol = " ";
programs.zsh = {
enable = true;
enableCompletion = true;
enableVteIntegration = true;
autocd = true;
dirHashes = {
docs = "$HOME/Documents";
workspace = "$HOME/workspace";
dl = "$HOME/Downloads";
history = {
extended = true;
size = 20000;
save = 10000;
zplug = {
enable = true;
plugins = [
{ name = "johannchangpro/zsh-interactive-cd"; }
initExtra =
"source ~/.nix-profile/etc/profile.d/" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/easy_colors.zsh" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/fzf.zsh" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/nodejs.zsh" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/copilot-cli.zsh" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/zicd.zsh" + "\n" +
"source ~/.zsh/apps/wasmer.zsh" + "\n" +
"for file in ~/.zsh/scripts/*; do" + "\n" +
" source $file" + "\n" +
shellAliases = {
# VS Code Wayland
code = "code --enable-features=UseOzonePlatform,WaylandWindowDecorations,WebRTCPipeWireCapturer --ozone-platform=wayland";
# Docker
dpsc = "docker rm \$(docker ps -a -q)";
dimgc = "docker rmi \$(docker images | grep \"^<none>\" | awk '{print $3}')";
dps = "docker ps";
dkr = "docker";
# Podman
ppsc = "podman rm \$(podman ps -a -q)";
pimgc = "podman rmi \$(podman images | grep \"^<none>\" | awk '{print $3}')";
pps = "podman ps";
pm = "podman";
# Files
freq = "cut -f1 -d\" \" ~/.zhist | sort | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -n 30";
lr = "ls -R | grep \":$\" | sed -e '\''s/:$//'\'' -e '\''s/[^-][^\/]*\//--/g'\'' -e '\''s/^/ /'\'' -e '\''s/-/|/'\''";
ll = lib.mkForce "ls -alh";
# Git
gb = "git for-each-ref --sort=-committerdate refs/heads/";
gg = "git status -s";
gl = "git log --pretty=format:'%Cred%h%Creset -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit";
glh = "gl | head";
gls = "gl --since '1 day ago' --author";
glsw = "gl -- since '1 day ago' --author";
gr = "git for-each-ref --sort=committerdate refs/heads/ --format='%(HEAD) %(color:yellow)%(refname:short)%(color:reset) - %(color:red)%(objectname:short)%(color:reset) - %(contents:subject) - %(authorname) (%(color:green)%(committerdate:relative)%(color:reset))'";
lg = "git log --graph --full-history --all --color --pretty=format:\"%x1b[31m%h%x09%x1b[32m%d%x1b[0m%x20%s\"";
# Linux
open = "xdg-open";
# Other
rake = "noglob rake";
bundle = "noglob bundle";
curl = "noglob curl";
# foot
programs.foot = {
enable = true;
settings = {
main = {
font = "CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font:size=8";
# Set git config
programs.git = {
enable = true;
userName = "Yulian Kuncheff";
userEmail = lib.mkDefault "";
extraConfig = {
core = {
pager = "delta";
editor = "micro";
excludesFile = "${config.home.homeDirectory}/.gitignore";
init = {
defaultBranch = "main";
required = true;
pull = {
rebase = true;
rebase = {
autostash = true;
push = {
autoSetupRemote = true;
delta = {
features = "side-by-side line-numbers decorations";
whitespace-error-style = "22 reverse";
side-by-side = true;
plus-style = "syntax #012800";
minus-style = "syntax #340001";
syntax-theme = "gruvbox-dark";
decorations = {
commit-decoration-style = "yellow box ul";
file-style = "yellow ul";
file-decoration-style = "yellow ul";
interactive = {
diffFilter = "delta --color-only";
url = {
"" = {
insteadOf = "";
programs.fzf = {
enable = true;
enableZshIntegration = true;
defaultCommand = "fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git";
fileWidgetCommand = "fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git";
# programs.go = {
# enable = true;
# };
home.file = {
#".zshrc".source = dotfiles/zshrc;
".zsh".source = dotfiles/zsh;
#".npmrc".source = dotfiles/npmrc;
home.sessionVariables = {
TERM = "xterm-256color";
EDITOR = "micro";
LSOPTIONS = "--color=always";
LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
# golang
# other
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.bin/vale:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.cargo/bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.local/share/ivm/bin" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.local/bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.go/bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.poetry/bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.pyenv/bin:" +
"${config.home.homeDirectory}/.npm-packages/bin:" +
nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true;
fonts.fontconfig.enable = true;
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