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Created October 26, 2015 05:34
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EPS = .03125
clamp = (x) -> Math.min Math.max(x, 0), 1
class Collider
constructor: (@tree) ->
checkCollision: (a, b, bbox) ->
outputStartsOut = true
outputAllSolid = false
outputFraction = 1
checkNode = (node, startFraction, endFraction, start, end) ->
if node[0] == 0
sd =[1][0]) - node[1][1]
ed =[1][0]) - node[1][1]
if sd >= 0 and ed >= 0
checkNode node[4], startFraction, endFraction, start, end
else if sd < 0 and ed < 0
checkNode node[5], startFraction, endFraction, start, end
if sd < ed
side = 1
id = 1 / (sd - ed)
fraction1 = fraction2 = clamp (sd + EPS) * id
else if ed < sd
side = 0
id = 1 / (sd - ed)
fraction1 = clamp (sd + EPS) * id
fraction2 = clamp (sd - EPS) * id
side = 0
fraction1 = 1
fraction2 = 0
middleFraction = startFraction + (endFraction - startFraction) * fraction1
middle = start.clone().add(end.clone().sub(start).multiplyScalar fraction1)
checkNode node[4], startFraction, middleFraction, start, middle
middleFraction = startFraction + (endFraction - startFraction) * fraction2
middle = start.clone().add(end.clone().sub(start).multiplyScalar fraction2)
checkNode node[5], middleFraction, endFraction, start, middle
for brush in node[3]
if brush.length > 0
checkBrush brush
checkBrush = (brush) ->
startsOut = false
endsOut = false
startFraction = -1
endFraction = 1
for plane in brush
sd =[0]) - plane[1]
ed =[0]) - plane[1]
startsOut = true if sd > 0
endsOut = true if ed > 0
if sd > 0 and ed > 0
else if sd <= 0 and ed <= 0
console.log '...'
console.log 'dsfaopj'
if sd > ed
fraction = (sd - EPS) / (sd - ed)
startFraction = fraction if fraction > startFraction
fraction = (sd + EPS) / (sd - ed)
endFraction = fraction if fraction < endFraction
if not startsOut
outputStartsOut = false
if not endsOut
outputAllSolid = true
if startFraction < endFraction
if startFraction > -1 and startFraction < outputFraction
startFraction = Math.max(startFraction, 0)
outputFraction = startFraction
checkNode @tree, 0, 1, a, b
console.log outputFraction, outputAllSolid, outputStartsOut
if outputFraction != 1
console.log 'collided'
return a.clone().add(b.clone().sub(a).multiplyScalar outputFraction)
return undefined
module.exports = Collider
void CheckNode( int nodeIndex,
float startFraction, float endFraction,
vector start, vector end )
object *node = &BSP.nodes[nodeIndex];
object *plane = &BSP.planes[node->planeIndex];
float startDistance = DotProduct( start, plane->normal ) - plane->distance;
float endDistance = DotProduct( end, plane->normal ) - plane->distance;
if (startDistance >= 0 && endDistance >= 0)
{ // both points are in front of the plane
// so check the front child
CheckNode( node->children[0], startFraction, endFraction, start, end );
else if (startDistance < 0 && endDistance < 0)
{ // both points are behind the plane
// so check the back child
CheckNode( node->children[1], startFraction, endFraction, start, end );
{ // the line spans the splitting plane
int side;
float fraction1, fraction2, middleFraction;
vector middle;
// STEP 1: split the segment into two
if (startDistance < endDistance)
side = 1; // back
float inverseDistance = 1.0f / (startDistance - endDistance);
fraction1 = (startDistance + EPSILON) * inverseDistance;
fraction2 = (startDistance + EPSILON) * inverseDistance;
else if (endDistance < startDistance)
side = 0; // front
float inverseDistance = 1.0f / (startDistance - endDistance);
fraction1 = (startDistance + EPSILON) * inverseDistance;
fraction2 = (startDistance - EPSILON) * inverseDistance;
side = 0; // front
fraction1 = 1.0f;
fraction2 = 0.0f;
// STEP 2: make sure the numbers are valid
if (fraction1 < 0.0f) fraction1 = 0.0f;
else if (fraction1 > 1.0f) fraction1 = 1.0f;
if (fraction2 < 0.0f) fraction2 = 0.0f;
else if (fraction2 > 1.0f) fraction2 = 1.0f;
// STEP 3: calculate the middle point for the first side
middleFraction = startFraction +
(endFraction - startFraction) * fraction1;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
middle[i] = start[i] + fraction1 * (end[i] - start[i]);
// STEP 4: check the first side
CheckNode( node->children[side], startFraction, middleFraction,
start, middle );
// STEP 5: calculate the middle point for the second side
middleFraction = startFraction +
(endFraction - startFraction) * fraction2;
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
middle[i] = start[i] + fraction2 * (end[i] - start[i]);
// STEP 6: check the second side
CheckNode( node->children[!side], middleFraction, endFraction,
middle, end );
void CheckBrush( object *brush )
float startFraction = -1.0f;
float endFraction = 1.0f;
boolean startsOut = false;
boolean endsOut = false;
for (int i = 0; i < brush->numSides; i++)
object *brushSide = &BSP.brushSides[brush->firstSide + i];
object *plane = &BSP.planes[brushSide->planeIndex];
float startDistance = DotProduct( inputStart, plane->normal ) -
float endDistance = DotProduct( inputEnd, plane->normal ) -
if (startDistance > 0)
startsOut = true;
if (endDistance > 0)
endsOut = true;
// make sure the trace isn't completely on one side of the brush
if (startDistance > 0 && endDistance > 0)
{ // both are in front of the plane, its outside of this brush
if (startDistance <= 0 && endDistance <= 0)
{ // both are behind this plane, it will get clipped by another one
if (startDistance > endDistance)
{ // line is entering into the brush
float fraction = (startDistance - EPSILON) / (startDistance - endDistance);
if (fraction > startFraction)
startFraction = fraction;
{ // line is leaving the brush
float fraction = (startDistance + EPSILON) / (startDistance - endDistance);
if (fraction < endFraction)
endFraction = fraction;
if (startsOut == false)
outputStartOut = false;
if (endsOut == false)
outputAllSolid = true;
if (startFraction < endFraction)
if (startFraction > -1 && startFraction < outputFraction)
if (startFraction < 0)
startFraction = 0;
outputFraction = startFraction;
void Trace( vector inputStart, vector inputEnd )
outputStartsOut = true;
outputAllSolid = false;
outputFraction = 1.0f;
// walk through the BSP tree
CheckNode( 0, 0.0f, 1.0f, inputStart, inputEnd );
if (outputFraction == 1.0f)
{ // nothing blocked the trace
outputEnd = inputEnd;
{ // collided with something
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++)
outputEnd[i] = inputStart[i] +
outputFraction * (inputEnd[i] - inputStart[i]);
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