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Created November 25, 2015 18:03
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// Name:
// Purpose: Draw triangles on a binary image
// Author: Daeyun Shin <>
// Created: 04.05.2015
// Modified: 04.05.2015
// Version: 0.1
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at
* Example usage - drawing a silhouette from isosurface
* fv = isosurface(X, Y, Z, V, 0.5);
* xy = worldToImage(camera, fv.vertices);
* triangles = round([xy(fv.faces(:,1),:) xy(fv.faces(:,2),:)
* sz = size(image);
* silhouette = rasterizeTriangles(triangles, sz(1:2));
#include "mex.h"
#include "mexutil.h"
struct Vertex {
int x, y;
void DrawVertLine(const int x, const int y1, const int y2, int8_t* im,
const int* dims) {
if (x < 0 || y2 < 0 || x >= dims[1] || y1 >= dims[0]) return;
for (int y = std::max(y1, 0); y <= std::min(y2, dims[0] - 1); ++y) {
im[x * dims[0] + y] = 1;
void FillLeftFlatTriangle(const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3,
int8_t* im, const int* dims) {
float slope1 = (float)(v1.y - v2.y) / (float)(v1.x - v2.x);
float slope2 = (float)(v1.y - v3.y) / (float)(v1.x - v3.x);
float cury1 = v1.y;
float cury2 = v1.y;
for (int scanlineX = v1.x; scanlineX >= v2.x; scanlineX--) {
DrawVertLine(scanlineX, cury1, cury2, im, dims);
cury1 -= slope1;
cury2 -= slope2;
void FillRightFlatTriangle(const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3,
int8_t* im, const int* dims) {
float slope1 = (float)(v3.y - v1.y) / (float)(v3.x - v1.x);
float slope2 = (float)(v3.y - v2.y) / (float)(v3.x - v2.x);
float cury1 = v3.y;
float cury2 = v3.y;
for (int scanlineX = v3.x; scanlineX < v1.x; scanlineX++) {
DrawVertLine(scanlineX, cury1, cury2, im, dims);
cury1 += slope1;
cury2 += slope2;
void DrawTriangle(Vertex& v1, Vertex& v2, Vertex& v3, int8_t* im,
const int* dims) {
if (v1.x < v2.x) std::swap(v1, v2);
if (v1.x < v3.x) std::swap(v1, v3);
if (v2.x < v3.x) std::swap(v2, v3);
if (v2.x == v3.x) {
if (v2.y > v3.y) {
FillLeftFlatTriangle(v1, v3, v2, im, dims);
} else {
FillLeftFlatTriangle(v1, v2, v3, im, dims);
} else if (v1.x == v2.x) {
if (v1.y > v2.y) {
FillRightFlatTriangle(v2, v1, v3, im, dims);
} else {
FillRightFlatTriangle(v1, v2, v3, im, dims);
} else {
Vertex v4;
v4.x = v2.x;
float slope = (float)(v3.y - v1.y) / (float)(v1.x - v3.x);
v4.y = v3.y - (v2.x - v3.x) * slope;
if (v2.y > v4.y) {
FillLeftFlatTriangle(v1, v4, v2, im, dims);
FillRightFlatTriangle(v4, v2, v3, im, dims);
} else {
FillLeftFlatTriangle(v1, v2, v4, im, dims);
FillRightFlatTriangle(v2, v4, v3, im, dims);
void DrawTriangles(const int* triangle, int num_triangles, int8_t* im,
const int* dims) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_triangles; ++i) {
Vertex v1, v2, v3;
v1.x = triangle[i * 6];
v1.y = triangle[i * 6 + 1];
v2.x = triangle[i * 6 + 2];
v2.y = triangle[i * 6 + 3];
v3.x = triangle[i * 6 + 4];
v3.y = triangle[i * 6 + 5];
DrawTriangle(v1, v2, v3, im, dims);
void mexFunction(int nargout, mxArray* out[], int nargin, const mxArray* in[]) {
using namespace mexutil;
M_ASSERT(mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[0]) == 2);
M_ASSERT(mxGetNumberOfDimensions(in[1]) == 2);
const mwSize* dims0 = mxGetDimensions(in[0]);
M_ASSERT(dims0[0] >= 1);
M_ASSERT(dims0[1] == 6);
const mwSize* dims1 = mxGetDimensions(in[1]);
M_ASSERT(dims1[0] == 1);
M_ASSERT(dims1[1] == 2);
int tri_mat_size[2] = {(int)dims0[0], (int)dims0[1]};
double* triangles = (double*)mxGetPr(in[0]);
double* size1 = (double*)mxGetPr(in[1]);
int imsize[2] = {(int)size1[0], (int)size1[1]};
int* triangles_t =
(int*)calloc(tri_mat_size[0] * tri_mat_size[1], sizeof(int));
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < tri_mat_size[0]; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < tri_mat_size[1]; ++j) {
triangles_t[count++] = (int)(triangles[i + j * tri_mat_size[0]] + 0.5);
int8_t* im = (int8_t*)calloc(imsize[0] * imsize[1], sizeof(int8_t));
DrawTriangles(triangles_t, tri_mat_size[0], im, imsize);
mwSize out_dims[2] = {(mwSize)imsize[0], (mwSize)imsize[1]};
out[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(2, out_dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
double* out_im = (double*)mxGetPr(out[0]);
for (int i = 0; i < imsize[1]; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < imsize[0]; ++j) {
out_im[i * imsize[0] + j] = (double)im[i * imsize[0] + j];
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