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Created September 30, 2017 03:27
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5300 diff
;;; Sierra Script 1.0 - (do not remove this comment)
(script# 5300)
(use n000)
(use n011)
(use n016)
(use n018)
(use n019)
(use n64923)
(use n64928)
(use n64935)
(use n64938)
(use n64945)
(use n64946)
(use n64950)
(use n64989)
(use n64992)
(use n64998)
(use n64999)
rm5300 0
chickenPetite 1
chickenSound 2
proc5300_4 4
archDuke 5
townHallDoor 6
gateGuard 7
enterFromGate 8
archDukeSound 9
fauxDoor 10
bull 11
chinaDoor 12
glint1 13
glint2 14
glint3 15
proc5300_16 16
bigGate 17
fauxSign 18
badger 19
curtain 20
chinaBird 21
mockingBird 22
stork 23
hippo 24
moon 25
nickel 26
yBranch 27
rubChicken 28
archTalker 29
chickenTalker 30
guardTalker 31
cageCover 32
mockingBirdTalker 33
snakeTalker 34
chinaBirdTalker 35
bullTalker 36
fauxOwnerTalker 37
fauxDoorExit 38
crook 39
partySound1 40
partySound2 41
feather 45
wagonSign 46
cageDoor 47
iSign 50
sky 51
bigGate 52
littleDoor 53
littleDoorExit 54
chinaDoorExit 55
wagon 56
pool 57
birdCage 58
snakeSalesman 59
chickenRunsOff 61
archDukeTalk 62
unCoverCage 63
openCageDoor 64
getTheChinaBird 65
tryGetBird 66
getBlownOn 67
showTheComb 68
standUpDuke 69
theMoonFalls 70
bobbingMoon 71
mockingBirdFlysAway 72
cantPassDuke 73
stepBackEgo 74
walkThroughDoor 75
partyGoers 76
rosellaFirstEnter 77
snakeChickenCartoon 78
getTheMoon 79
crookFalls 80
talkToChickenAboutMoon 81
[local3 2]
(procedure (proc5300_4)
((and (gKQEgo has: 47) (not (proc11_0 111)))
(Load rsVIEW 5314)
view: 5311
setLoop: 0 1
cel: 0
x: 607
y: 117
setCycle: 0
((not (proc11_0 409))
view: 5323
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 520
y: 108
setCycle: 0
((gNewCast contains: chickenPetite) (chickenPetite dispose:))
(procedure (proc5300_16 param1 &tmp temp0)
(<= (= temp0 (Abs (gNewPlane_2 left:))) param1)
(<= param1 (+ temp0 (gNewPlane_2 resX?)))
(instance rm5300 of KQRoom
picture 5301
screen_mid 5302
(method (init &tmp temp0 temp1)
(proc11_1 21)
(Load rsMESSAGE 5300)
(super init:)
(= global372 -1)
(= temp1 0)
(= local10 0)
(= temp0 5300)
(= theGRoomFeatureInitCode gRoomFeatureInitCode)
(= gRoomFeatureInitCode roomFeatureInitCode)
(proc11_1 55)
(= local5 ((ScriptID 19 1) nsTop?))
(= local6 ((ScriptID 19 0) nsTop?))
((ScriptID 19 1) nsTop: 60)
((ScriptID 19 0) nsTop: 60)
ignoreActors: 1
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(= local0
(if (or (gKQEgo has: 43) (proc11_0 137))
(proc11_0 121)
(if (gKQEgo has: 47) (proc11_1 123))
(proc11_2 138)
((ScriptID 5302 8) register: 0)
(switch global12
(self setRect: 0 0 640 136)
(gKQEgo normalize: 3 heading: 0 posn: 20 112)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 8))
(self setRect: 0 0 640 136)
(gKQEgo normalize: 3 heading: 0 posn: 127 118)
((ScriptID 5302 8)
register: (chinaDoor cel: 4 yourself:)
(self setRect: 0 0 640 136)
(gKQEgo posn: 239 100 normalize: 4 heading: 135)
(proc11_1 449)
(self setRect: -318 0 321 136)
(gKQEgo normalize: 6 heading: 45 posn: 419 75)
(fauxDoor cel: 5)
((ScriptID 5302 8) register: fauxDoor)
(self setRect: -318 0 321 136)
(gKQEgo hide: setScale: 0)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 7))
(self setRect: 0 0 640 136)
(gKQEgo normalize: 0 heading: 90 posn: 35 112)
(if (and (== global122 5) (not (proc11_0 202)))
(gKQEgo posn: 72 117)
(chinaDoor init:)
(littleDoor init:)
(glint1 init:)
(cageDoor init:)
(townHallDoor init:)
(fauxDoor init:)
(fauxSign init:)
(!= global122 4)
(not (proc11_0 203))
(not (proc11_0 204))
(wagon init:)
(if (or (<= global122 4) (proc11_0 202))
(littleDoorExit init:)
(gateGuard init:)
(if (and (proc11_0 110) (not (proc11_0 203)))
(chinaDoorExit init:)
(if ((ScriptID 5302 8) register?)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5302 8))
(switch global122
(and (not (gKQEgo has: 42)) (not (proc11_0 109)))
(birdCage init:)
(cageCover init:)
(chinaBird init:)
(if (and (not (proc11_0 126)) (proc11_0 111))
(pool init:)
view: 5312
loop: 6
setScript: (ScriptID 5300 71)
(if (not (proc11_0 113)) (mockingBird init:))
(proc11_0 113)
(not (gKQEgo has: 44))
(not (proc11_0 125))
(nickel init:)
(if (not (proc11_0 123))
(fauxDoor loop: 5 x: 433 y: 71)
(UpdateScreenItem fauxDoor)
(snakeSalesman init: setScript: (ScriptID 5302 0))
(if (proc11_0 122) (fauxDoorExit init:))
(wagonSign init:)
(gKQEgo actions: egoActions)
(if local0
(= local1 (if (< (gKQEgo x?) 181) 181 else 239))
(= local2
(Abs (GetDistance (gKQEgo x?) 0 local1 0))
(= local12 1)
(partySound1 play: local2 0)
(partySound2 play: local2 0)
(switch global12
(5400 0)
(townHallDoor cel: 4)
(Load rsVIEW 5309)
(Load rsVIEW 5307)
normalize: 4 9050
posn: 206 88
setPri: 88
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 19))
((not (proc11_0 404))
(Load rsSOUND 5301)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 2))
((not (proc11_0 110))
(archDuke view: 5301 setLoop: 4 posn: 157 111)
(archDuke cel: (archDuke lastCel:) init:)
(proc64999_5 global12 5050 5400)
(not (proc11_0 407))
(proc11_1 407)
(= local10 1)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 0))
(proc11_0 407)
(!= global12 5100)
(not (proc11_0 408))
(proc11_1 449)
(townHallDoor cel: 4 setPri: 20)
view: 5313
setLoop: 2
setCel: 0
x: 218
y: 99
setPri: 110
(stork init:)
(hippo init:)
(mockingBird init:)
(curtain init:)
(if (proc11_0 149) (fauxDoorExit init:))
(if (== global12 5100)
(townHallDoor cel: 4)
posn: 206 88
normalize: 4
setPri: 88
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 19))
(if (not (proc11_1 450))
(= temp1 1)
(proc11_1 166)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 77))
(if (not (proc11_0 198))
(snakeSalesman init: setScript: (ScriptID 5302 0))
(curtain init:)
(if (not (proc11_0 203)) (mockingBird init:))
(if (not (proc11_0 202)) (bigGate init:))
(proc11_0 202)
(not (proc11_0 136))
(not (gKQEgo has: 41))
(feather init:)
(if (proc11_0 203)
(= local1 (if (< (gKQEgo x?) 181) 181 else 239))
(= local2
(Abs (GetDistance (gKQEgo x?) 0 local1 0))
(= local12 1)
(partySound1 number: 5409 play: local2 0)
(if (gKQEgo has: 48) (sky init:))
(if (not (proc11_0 203)) (fauxDoorExit init:))
((proc11_0 273) (rubChicken init:))
((not (proc11_0 202)) (yBranch init:))
(if (== global12 5100)
(townHallDoor cel: 4)
(if (proc11_0 154)
posn: 206 88
normalize: 4
setPri: 88
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 19))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 14))
(= global377 (gNewCast contains: snakeSalesman))
(== global12 5000)
(= temp0 5325)
(!= (gKqMusic1 number?) temp0)
(not (gKqMusic1 handle?))
(gKqMusic1 number: temp0 loop: -1)
(if (not temp1) (gKqMusic1 play:))
(gKqMusic1 fade: 127 25 10 0)
(proc11_1 404)
(if (not script) (global1 handsOn:))
(method (doit)
(super doit:)
(if (== global122 3)
(proc11_0 138)
(gKQEgo has: 42)
(gNewCast contains: cageCover)
(not (proc5300_16 (- (cageCover nsLeft?) 40)))
(cageCover dispose:)
(cageDoor cel: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem cageDoor)
(if (not script)
(and (not (proc11_0 110)) (>= (gKQEgo x?) 107))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 73))
(if (and (not (proc11_0 409)) (proc5300_16 561))
(proc11_1 409)
(if (proc11_0 97) (gKQEgo setMotion: 0))
(snakeSalesman setScript: 0)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 78))
(proc11_0 407)
(not local10)
(not (proc11_0 408))
(proc5300_16 193)
(proc11_1 408)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 76))
(not (proc11_0 111))
(gKQEgo has: 47)
(proc5300_16 500)
(proc11_1 111)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 9))
(if local12
(not (if (<= 181 (gKQEgo x?)) (<= (gKQEgo x?) 239)))
((proc5300_16 239)
(= local1 (if (< (gKQEgo x?) 181) 181 else 239))
(= local2
(Abs (GetDistance (gKQEgo x?) 0 local1 0))
(partySound1 vol?)
(partySound1 setVol: local2)
(partySound2 setVol: local2)
((partySound1 vol?) (partySound1 setVol: 20) (partySound2 setVol: 20))
(if (== global122 5)
(if local12
(not (if (<= 181 (gKQEgo x?)) (<= (gKQEgo x?) 239)))
((proc5300_16 239)
(= local1 (if (< (gKQEgo x?) 181) 181 else 239))
(= local2
(Abs (GetDistance (gKQEgo x?) 0 local1 0))
(partySound1 vol?)
(partySound1 setVol: local2)
((partySound1 vol?) (partySound1 setVol: 0))
(not (proc11_0 347))
(<= 181 (gKQEgo x?))
(<= (gKQEgo x?) 239)
(proc11_0 203)
(proc11_1 347)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 6))
(if (not global378)
(proc5300_16 541)
(== (gKqMusic1 number?) 5300)
(= global378 1)
(gKQEgo setScript: (ScriptID 5302 23) 0 5325)
(!= (gKqMusic1 number?) 5300)
(or (not (proc5300_16 541)) (not global377))
(= global378 1)
(gKQEgo setScript: (ScriptID 5302 23) 0 5300)
(method (dispose)
(gKQEgo actions: 0)
(super dispose:)
(method (setScript theScript)
(ScriptID 5301 2)
(ScriptID 5300 77)
(ScriptID 5302 14)
(ScriptID 5302 8)
(ScriptID 5300 8)
(ScriptID 5302 19)
(script next: theScript)
(super setScript: theScript &rest)
(gKQEgo setSpeed: 6)
(method (newRoom)
(= gRoomFeatureInitCode theGRoomFeatureInitCode)
((ScriptID 19 1) nsTop: local5)
((ScriptID 19 0) nsTop: local6)
(super newRoom: &rest)
(method (notify)
(fauxDoor setHotspot: 0)
(fauxDoorExit init:)
(instance glint1 of Prop
x 365
y 92
priority 109
fixPriority 1
view 5300
loop 4
cycleSpeed 9
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5301 9))
(instance glint2 of Prop
x 414
y 94
priority 109
fixPriority 1
view 5300
loop 5
cycleSpeed 10
(instance glint3 of Prop
x 394
y 93
priority 109
fixPriority 1
view 5300
loop 6
cycleSpeed 14
(instance chinaDoor of Prop
noun 11
approachX 116
approachY 109
x 128
y 104
priority 10
fixPriority 1
view 5302
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(if (and (proc11_0 203) (not (proc11_0 284)))
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(method (doVerb)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 6))
(instance fauxDoor of Prop
noun 12
approachX 435
approachY 69
x 439
y 69
z 3
priority 66
fixPriority 1
view 5302
loop 2
(method (init)
(super init:)
(if (not (proc11_0 276)) (self setHotspot: 8 10))
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 1
init: 438 65 446 67 443 30 431 33
(method (doVerb)
((== global104 -4)
((proc11_0 203) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 4)))
((== global122 5) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 4)))
((and (proc11_0 120) (proc11_0 121)) (gKqMessager say: 8 8 34 0))
((not (proc11_0 123)) (gKqMessager say: 8 8 33 0))
((proc11_0 122) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 4)))
(else (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 75)))
((proc11_0 149) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 4)))
(else (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 75)))
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(= temp0 (super onMe: param1))
(param1 type?)
(== loop 5)
(= approachX (- x 3))
(= approachY y)
(return temp0)
(instance townHallDoor of Prop
heading 90
noun 3
sightAngle 15
approachX 239
approachY 100
x 231
y 90
priority 85
fixPriority 1
view 5302
loop 4
(method (init)
(super init:)
(and (== global122 3) (not local0))
(and (== global122 5) (proc11_0 203))
(= loop 3)
(if (not (proc11_0 110))
(= cel 4)
(self setHotspot: 8 10)
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
init: 211 98 206 67 206 52 212 45 220 44 227 47 231 55 233 70 235 91
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(and (> global122 3) (== noun 3) (== theVerb 8))
setScript: (ScriptID 5302 32) 0 (== global122 5)
(if (and (== global122 5) (== noun 2))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 31))
(return 1)
(not (proc11_0 137))
(and (== loop 3) (not (proc11_0 449)))
(== noun 2)
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 1)
(gKqMessager say: 2 theVerb 7 0 self)
(proc11_1 449)
((== global104 -3) (global2 newRoom: 5100))
((!= global122 3) (global2 newRoom: 5100))
((proc11_0 137) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 16)))
(else (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 1)))
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0 temp1 temp2)
(= temp0 (super onMe: param1))
(= temp1 (- (param1 x?) nsLeft))
(= temp2 (- (param1 y?) nsTop))
(== loop 3)
(not (proc11_0 137))
(proc64999_5 temp1 9 10)
(<= 24 temp2)
(<= temp2 34)
(<= 10 temp1)
(<= temp1 18)
(proc64999_5 temp2 23 24)
(proc64999_5 temp1 18 19)
(<= 24 temp2)
(<= temp2 34)
(<= 10 temp1)
(<= temp1 18)
(proc64999_5 temp2 34 35)
(return 0)
(if (and temp0 (param1 type?))
(== loop 3)
(not (proc11_0 137))
(<= 10 temp1)
(<= temp1 18)
(<= 24 temp2)
(<= temp2 34)
(if (proc11_0 137) (return 0))
(= noun 2)
(if (not (proc11_0 137))
(= approachX 239)
(= approachY 100)
(= approachX (gKQEgo x?))
(= approachY (gKQEgo y?))
(= noun 3)
(and (== global122 5) (== (global80 message?) 8))
(= approachX 226)
(= approachY 102)
(if (or (!= global122 3) (proc11_0 449))
(= approachX 232)
(= approachY 103)
(if (proc11_0 137) (= approachX 237) (= approachY 98))
(return temp0)
(method (cue)
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 0)
(instance fauxSign of Feature
noun 8
approachX 413
approachY 75
x 413
y 70
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 1
init: 398 32 399 31 412 30 425 36 425 38 398 40
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(if (== global104 -3)
(gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 37)
(gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 0)
(instance archDuke of Actor
heading 270
noun 1
sightAngle 90
approachX 105
approachY 116
x 210
y 115
view 5301
loop 2
(method (init)
(super init:)
(if (!= global122 4)
(self setHotspot: 9998 approachVerbs: 9998)
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 24))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 68))
(gKqMessager say: noun 0 5 0)
(instance chickenPetite of Actor
noun 4
x 180
y 90
view 5300
cel 1
(method (doVerb)
(if (proc11_0 111)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 81))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5301 8))
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(= temp0 (super onMe: param1))
(if (and (param1 type?) (proc11_0 111))
(= approachX 464)
(= approachY 97)
(return temp0)
(method (cue)
(if (!= global372 -1)
(self setLoop: global372 1)
(== global372 -1)
(instance badger of Actor
noun 10
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setHotspot: 8 10)
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
((not (proc11_1 411)) (gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 39 0))
((not (proc11_1 412)) (gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 38 0))
(else (gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 40 0))
(instance curtain of View
x 533
y 84
priority 90
fixPriority 1
view 5302
loop 6
(instance chinaBird of Prop
x 504
y 143
priority 95
fixPriority 1
view 5327
loop 1
(method (onMe)
(return 0)
(instance mockingBird of Actor
noun 5
sightAngle 10
approachX 371
approachY 89
x 349
y 89
z 40
priority 93
fixPriority 1
view 5321
cel 2
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
((and (== global104 -3) (not (proc11_1 414))) (gKqMessager say: 5 8 37 0))
((and (== global104 -4) (not (proc11_1 413))) (gKqMessager say: 5 8 19 0))
(if (proc11_0 415)
(gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 20 global315)
(gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 0 global315)
((proc11_0 415) (if (== global315 15) (proc11_2 415) (= global315 0)))
((== global315 35) (proc11_1 415) (= global315 0))
(++ global315)
(instance stork of Prop
x 272
y 106
view 5313
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(if (not (proc5300_16 195)) (= cel 11))
(instance hippo of Prop
x 264
y 107
view 5313
loop 1
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(if (not (proc5300_16 195)) (= cel 9))
(method (cue)
(gateGuard view: 5326 setLoop: 0 cel: 1 setCycle: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem gateGuard)
(instance moon of Prop
approachX 362
approachY 78
x 350
y 75
view 5312
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self heading: 135 setHotspot: 0 52 approachVerbs: 52)
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(pool doVerb: theVerb)
(instance nickel of View
approachX 371
approachY 89
x 351
y 48
priority 95
fixPriority 1
view 5321
loop 1
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(= signal (& signal $efff))
(method (doVerb)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 3))
(instance yBranch of Feature
approachX 279
approachY 102
x 288
y 81
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10 60
approachVerbs: 8 60
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
init: 287 57 294 47 316 53 311 89
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 25))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 26))
(self dispose:)
(return 1)
(instance rubChicken of Actor
approachX 279
approachY 102
x 298
y 61
priority 93
fixPriority 1
view 5331
loop 4
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setHotspot: 8 10 71 approachVerbs: 8 71)
(= signal (& signal $efff))
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 27))
(return 1)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 28))
(return 1)
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(if (= temp0 (super onMe: param1))
(if (== (global80 message?) 8)
(= approachX 279)
(= approachY 102)
(if (== (global80 message?) 71)
(= approachX 282)
(= approachY 100)
(return temp0)
(instance cageCover of View
x 572
y 89
view 5300
loop 1
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(if (proc11_0 138)
(self loop: 0 x: 510 y: 120 setPri: 1)
(self loop: 1 cel: 0 x: 559 y: 70 setPri: 110)
(self ignoreActors:)
(method (onMe)
(return 0)
(instance fauxDoorExit of ExitFeature
noun 12
approachX 435
approachY 69
x 439
y 66
exitDir 2
(method (init)
(super init:)
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(fauxDoor setHotspot: 0)
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(fauxDoor doVerb: theVerb)
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(= temp0 (fauxDoor onMe: param1))
(param1 type?)
(proc11_0 203)
(= approachX 424)
(= approachY 72)
(return temp0)
(instance crook of Prop
(method (cue)
(gKQEgo view: 5326 loop: 0 cel: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem gKQEgo)
(instance partySound1 of Sound
flags $0004
number 5100
loop -1
(instance partySound2 of Sound
flags $0004
number 5102
loop -1
(instance archDukeSound of Sound
flags $0004
number 5301
loop -1
(instance chickenSound of Sound
flags $0004
number 5310
loop -1
(instance gateGuard of Actor
noun 10
approachX 61
approachY 113
x 29
y 113
view 5328
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(method (doVerb)
(guardTalker client: self)
((not (proc11_1 542)) (gKqMessager say: noun 8 39 0))
((not (proc11_1 543)) (gKqMessager say: noun 8 38 0))
(else (gKqMessager say: noun 8 40 0))
(method (cue)
(self view: 5328 setLoop: 0 cel: 0 setCycle: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem self)
(instance feather of View
approachX 280
approachY 93
x 295
y 62
priority 93
fixPriority 1
view 5331
loop 5
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(if (not (gKQEgo has: 41))
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(= signal (& signal $efff))
(method (doVerb)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 29))
(instance wagonSign of View
x 520
y 53
priority 95
fixPriority 1
view 5300
loop 7
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(= local11 1)
(instance cageDoor of Prop
x 577
y 94
priority 98
fixPriority 1
view 5300
loop 3
(instance archTalker of KQTalker
clientCel -1
(method (init)
(= client archDuke)
(super init: &rest)
(instance bull of Prop
x 108
y 78
priority 92
fixPriority 1
view 5337
loop 1
(instance bullTalker of KQTalker
(method (init)
(= client bull)
(super init: &rest)
(instance fauxOwnerTalker of KQTalker
(method (init)
(= client fauxDoor)
(= mouth_y (* (client z?) -1))
(super init: &rest)
(instance mockingBirdTalker of KQTalker
(method (init)
(= client mockingBird)
(= loop 2)
(= mouth_y (* (client z?) -1))
(super init: &rest)
(instance guardTalker of KQTalker
clientCel -1
(method (init)
(if (not client) (= client badger))
(super init: &rest)
(instance snakeTalker of KQTalker
(method (init)
(if (!= client gKQEgo) (= client snakeSalesman))
(super init: &rest)
(instance chickenTalker of KQTalker
hide_mouth 1
(method (init)
(= client chickenPetite)
(super init: &rest)
(instance chinaBirdTalker of KQTalker
(method (init)
(= client chinaBird)
(super init: &rest)
(instance iSign of Inset
picture 5303
priority 200
(method (init)
(= x (Abs ((global2 plane?) left:)))
(super init: &rest)
(instance sky of Feature
nsRight 640
nsBottom 45
y 1
(method (init)
(super init: &rest)
(self setHotspot: 0 71 sightAngle: 7000)
(method (doVerb)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 30))
(instance bigGate of Feature
noun 9
nsLeft 38
nsTop 25
nsRight 59
nsBottom 70
approachX 55
approachY 106
y 2
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(if (== theVerb 8)
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 1)
(gKqMessager say: noun theVerb 38 0)
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 0)
(self setHotspot: 0)
(return 1)
(instance littleDoor of Prop
approachX 50
approachY 112
x 7
y 109
priority 10
fixPriority 1
view 5302
loop 1
(method (onMe)
(return 0)
(instance littleDoorExit of ExitFeature
approachX 42
approachY 112
x 20
y 113
exitDir 4
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
init: 12 110 7 95 8 83 11 74 15 73 22 78 24 89 24 105
(method (doVerb)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 5))
(return 1)
(instance chinaDoorExit of ExitFeature
noun 11
approachX 116
approachY 109
exitDir 1
(method (init)
(super init:)
(= x approachX)
(= y (chinaDoor y?))
(self setHotspot: 8 10 approachVerbs: 8)
(method (doVerb)
(if (or (proc11_0 110) (!= global122 3))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 6))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 17))
(return 1)
(method (onMe param1)
(chinaDoor onMe: param1)
(instance wagon of Feature
noun 6
approachX 511
approachY 115
x 534
y 112
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 9998
approachVerbs: 9998
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
init: 518 57 550 55 550 81 541 86 516 81 521 98
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(if local11 (gKqMessager say: noun 8 46 0) (return 1))
(if (!= global104 -3)
(switch theVerb
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 34))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 13))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 35))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 33))
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(and (proc11_0 349) (== (global80 message?) 5))
(return 0)
(not (proc64999_5 (global80 message?) 8 10))
(return 0)
(= temp0
(if (super onMe: param1)
(snakeSalesman onMe: param1)
(if (param1 type?)
((== (global80 message?) 61) (= approachX 490) (= approachY 108))
(and (not (proc11_0 116)) (not (proc11_0 461))) (= approachX 506) (= approachY 104))
(else (= approachX 495) (= approachY 100))
(return temp0)
(instance pool of Feature
sightAngle 180
approachX 471
approachY 103
x 466
y 108
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10 52
approachVerbs: 8 52
((Polygon new:)
type: 1
init: 445 88 436 107 349 109 330 103 324 87 326 80 355 78 428 81
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 7))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 79))
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(and (= temp0 (super onMe: param1)) (param1 type?))
(switch (global80 message?)
(= approachX 442)
(= approachY 114)
(= x 440)
(= approachX 471)
(= approachY 103)
(= x 466)
(return temp0)
(instance birdCage of Feature
noun 7
approachX 556
approachY 110
x 560
y 113
(method (init)
(super init:)
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
((Polygon new:)
type: 0
(method (doVerb)
((not (proc11_0 138)) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 63)))
((not (proc11_0 139)) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 64)) (proc11_1 139))
((not (gKQEgo has: 42))
((and (not (proc11_0 109)) (proc11_0 117)) (global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 65)))
((not (proc11_0 109))
(if (proc11_0 119)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 12))
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5300 66))
(proc11_2 139)
(return 1)
(method (onMe param1 &tmp temp0)
(= temp0 (super onMe: param1))
(proc11_0 117)
(proc11_0 138)
(= approachX 556)
(= approachY 113)
(return temp0)
(instance snakeSalesman of Prop
x 531
y 90
priority 90
fixPriority 1
view 5323
loop 1
(instance egoActions of Actions
(method (doVerb theVerb)
(switch theVerb
(if (proc5300_16 195)
(global2 setScript: (ScriptID 5302 21))
(return 0)
(else (return 0))
(return 1)
(instance roomFeatureInitCode of Code
(method (doit param1)
(not (param1 isKindOf: KQInventory))
(param1 respondsTo: #signal)
sightAngle: 10
signal: (| (param1 signal?) $7001)
(instance enterFromGate of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(littleDoor cel: (littleDoor lastCel:))
(= cycles 4)
(gKQEgo normalize: 3)
(= cycles 1)
(littleDoor setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqSound1 number: 802 loop: 1 play:)
(gKQEgo setHeading: 90 self)
(if (== next (ScriptID 5301 0))
(gKQEgo setMotion: MoveTo 60 (gKQEgo y?) self)
(gKQEgo setMotion: MoveTo 40 (gKQEgo y?) self)
(if (and (not next) (== client global2))
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance chickenRunsOff of Script
(method (init)
(proc11_2 539)
(super init: &rest)
(method (dispose)
(proc11_2 539)
(super dispose:)
(method (changeState newState &tmp temp0)
(if (not (proc11_0 539))
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff: 1)
(gKqMusic1 pause: 1)
(chickenSound number: 5310 loop: -1 play:)
view: 5311
setLoop: 6 1
setCel: 0
setPri: -1
setCycle: End self
(if (< (chickenPetite x?) 320)
(= global372 8)
(proc11_3 gKQEgo 315 104 0)
setLoop: 7 1
setCel: 0
setCycle: Walk
setMotion: PolyPath 315 104 self
(= global372 9)
(= temp0 (- (Abs (gNewPlane_2 left:)) 15))
(proc11_3 gKQEgo temp0 (chickenPetite y?) 0)
setLoop: 0 1
setCycle: Walk
setMotion: PolyPath temp0 (chickenPetite y?) self
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 13 0 chickenPetite)
(chickenSound fade:)
(gKqMusic1 setVol: 0 pause: 0 fade: 127 25 10 0)
(chickenPetite setCycle: 0)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(chickenSound stop:)
(gKqMusic1 setVol: 0 pause: 0 fade: 127 25 10 0)
(chickenPetite setCycle: 0 setMotion: 0)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance archDukeTalk of Script
(method (doit)
(super doit:)
(if (and (== state 1) register) (self cue:))
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
view: 5303
setLoop: 0
setCel: 0
posn: 147 115
setCycle: End self
(if (not register)
(archDuke setLoop: 1 setCel: 0 setCycle: Fwd)
(self cue:)
(archDuke setLoop: 2 setCel: 0 setCycle: CT 16 1 self)
(gKQEgo setScript: (ScriptID 5300 67))
(archDuke setLoop: 2 setCel: 17 setCycle: CT 20 1 self)
(gKqSound1 number: 5305 loop: 1 play:)
(archDuke setCycle: CT 24 1 self)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(archDuke setCycle: End self)
(6 (self dispose:))
(instance unCoverCage of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(proc11_1 138)
(cageCover dispose:)
(chinaBird view: 5329 loop: 1 cel: 0 x: 571 y: 97 init:)
view: 5327
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 503
y: 138
setPri: 119
setScale: 0
setCycle: End self
(cageCover init:)
normalize: 2
posn: (birdCage approachX?) (birdCage approachY?)
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
setHeading: 90
view: 5327
loop: 1
cel: 0
x: 502
y: 141
setCycle: End self
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance openCageDoor of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(= gKQEgoX (gKQEgo x?))
(= gKQEgoY (gKQEgo y?))
(gKQEgo setHeading: 90 self)
view: 5327
loop: 3
cel: 0
x: 535
y: 123
setScale: 0
setCycle: CT 5 1 self
(gKqSound1 number: 5330 loop: 1 play:)
(cageDoor setCycle: End)
(gKQEgo setCycle: CT 9 1 self)
(3 (gKQEgo setCycle: Beg self))
normalize: 0
posn: gKQEgoX gKQEgoY
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance getTheChinaBird of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(= gKQEgoX (gKQEgo x?))
(= gKQEgoY (gKQEgo y?))
(gKQEgo setHeading: 90 self)
(gKqMessager say: 7 8 28 0 self)
view: 5327
loop: 3
cel: 0
x: 535
y: 123
setScale: 0
setCycle: End self
(gKQEgo hide:)
view: 5327
loop: 4
cel: 1
x: 557
y: 114
setPri: 123
setCycle: End self
(chinaBird dispose:)
(gKQEgo get: 42)
(birdCage dispose:)
posn: gKQEgoX gKQEgoY
normalize: 4
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance tryGetBird of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(gKQEgo setPri: 119 setHeading: 90 self)
((not (proc11_1 118)) (self setScript: (ScriptID 5302 10) self))
((not (proc11_1 119)) (self setScript: (ScriptID 5302 11) self))
(gKQEgo setHeading: 180 self)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance getBlownOn of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
view: 5303
setLoop: 8
cel: 0
setScale: 0
posn: (+ (gKQEgo x?) 25) (gKQEgo y?)
setCycle: End self
normalize: 0
x: (- (gKQEgo x?) 25)
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
(self dispose:)
(instance showTheComb of Script
(method (init)
(proc11_2 539)
(super init: &rest)
(method (dispose)
(proc11_2 539)
(super dispose:)
(method (changeState newState)
(if (not (proc11_0 539))
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff: 1)
(Load rsVIEW 5303)
(Load rsCDAUDIO 5305)
(Load rsVIEW 8132)
(Load rsVIEW 5334)
(= register (gKQEgo cycleSpeed?))
view: 8241
(< 0 (gKQEgo heading?))
(< (= register (gKQEgo cycleSpeed?)) 180)
setCel: 0
cycleSpeed: 12
setCycle: CT 20 1 self
(gKqSound1 number: 1256 setLoop: -1 play:)
(gKQEgo setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo setCycle: CT 20 -1 self)
(gKqSound1 setLoop: 1 stop:)
(gKQEgo setCycle: Beg self)
normalize: 0
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
cycleSpeed: register
(= cycles 1)
(archTalker clientCel: -2 hide_mouth: 1 modeless: 2)
(gKqMessager say: 1 5 6 1 self)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 62) self)
(gKqMessager say: 1 5 6 2 self)
(7 (script register: 1))
(gKqMusic1 pause: 1)
(chickenSound number: 5310 loop: -1 play:)
(archTalker clientCel: -1 hide_mouth: 0 modeless: 1)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 69) self self)
(= register (gKQEgo cycleSpeed?))
posn: 308 102
setPri: 130
view: 5303
setLoop: 4
setCel: 0
setCycle: CT 16 1 self
(chickenTalker modeless: 2)
(= global372 7)
(gKqMessager say: 1 5 6 3 chickenPetite)
(chickenPetite setCycle: CT 36 1 self)
view: 8132
setLoop: 0
setCel: 6
cycleSpeed: 13
setCycle: Beg
(chickenPetite setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo setCycle: End)
(chickenSound fade:)
(gKqMusic1 setVol: 0 pause: 0 fade: 127 25 10 0)
normalize: 0
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
cycleSpeed: register
(= cycles 2)
(archTalker clientCel: 4)
(gKqMessager say: 1 5 6 4 self)
(archTalker clientCel: -1)
(archDuke setCycle: CT 12 1 self)
(archDuke setPri: 86 setCycle: End self)
(archDuke hide:)
(townHallDoor setHotspot: 8 10 setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqSound1 number: 802 setLoop: 1 play:)
view: 5334
setLoop: 3 1
cel: 0
posn: 218 88
setPri: 82
setCycle: Walk
setScaler: Scaler 92 73 86 78
setMotion: MoveTo 177 75 self
(chickenTalker modeless: 1)
(archDuke dispose:)
(proc11_1 110)
(if (gKQEgo scratch?)
(gKQEgo addRespondVerb: 51)
(gKQEgo setHotspot: 0 51)
(chinaDoorExit init:)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(switch (= state newState)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(gKQEgo setScript: 0)
(if script (script caller: 0))
(= cycles 2)
normalize: 0
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
posn: (archDuke approachX?) (archDuke approachY?)
cycleSpeed: register
(archDuke dispose:)
(proc11_1 110)
(if (gKQEgo scratch?)
(gKQEgo addRespondVerb: 51)
(gKQEgo setHotspot: 0 51)
(chickenPetite setCycle: 0 setMotion: 0)
(archTalker clientCel: -1 hide_mouth: 0 modeless: 1)
(chickenTalker modeless: 1)
(chinaDoorExit init:)
(chickenSound fade:)
(gKqMusic1 setVol: 0 pause: 0 fade: 127 25 10 0)
(archTalker clientCel: -1)
(townHallDoor setHotspot: 8 10 cel: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem townHallDoor)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance standUpDuke of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
posn: 147 116
setLoop: 3
setCel: 0
setCycle: End self
posn: 206 107
setLoop: 5
setCel: 0
setCycle: CT 4 1 self
(2 (self dispose:))
(instance theMoonFalls of Script
(method (init)
(proc11_2 539)
(super init: &rest)
(method (dispose)
(proc11_2 539)
(super dispose:)
(method (changeState newState)
(if (not (proc11_0 539))
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff: 1)
(Load rsCDAUDIO 907)
(Load rsCDAUDIO 854)
(Load rsCDAUDIO 836)
(Load rsVIEW 5314)
(= global372 9)
view: 5311
setLoop: 0 1
setCycle: Walk
posn: 607 117
moveSpeed: 3
setPri: -1
setMotion: MoveTo 500 107 self
(chickenTalker hide_mouth: 1 modeless: 2)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 16 1 chickenPetite)
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 468 94 self)
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 393 86 self)
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 321 102 self)
(= global372 8)
setLoop: (if (global84 size:) 7 else 8) 1
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 402 117 self)
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 477 98 self)
(= global372 8)
setLoop: (if (global84 size:) 0 else 9) 1
(chickenPetite setMotion: PolyPath 468 94 self)
(= global372 -1)
view: 5314
setLoop: 5
cel: 0
x: 475
y: 135
setPri: 100
setCycle: 0
(UnLoad 128 5311)
(chickenTalker hide_mouth: 1 clientCel: -2)
view: 5312
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 382
y: 95
setPri: 150
setCycle: End self
(moon loop: 1 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
view: 5314
loop: 3
cel: 0
x: 349
y: 49
z: 0
setPri: 150
setCycle: CT 2 1
(moon loop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: CT 1 1 self)
(gKqSound1 number: 907 loop: 1 play:)
(moon loop: 2 setCycle: CT 11 1 self)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 72))
(moon setCycle: End self)
(chickenPetite setPri: -1 setCycle: CT 6 1 self)
(archDukeSound number: 854 loop: 1 play:)
(chickenPetite setCycle: End self)
(gKqSound1 number: 836 loop: 1 play:)
view: 5315
loop: 0
cel: 0
posn: 415 93
setPri: 125
setCycle: End self
view: 5316
loop: 6
cel: 0
setScript: (ScriptID 5300 71)
(gKqSound1 number: 836 loop: 1 play:)
(chickenPetite loop: 1 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
loop: 2
cel: 0
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
setPri: 110
setCycle: End self
(global1 handsOn:)
(pool init:)
(self dispose:)
(self setScript: 0)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(proc11_1 113)
(mockingBird dispose:)
(chickenPetite view: 5315 loop: 2)
cel: (chickenPetite lastCel:)
posn: 415 93
setPri: 110
setMotion: 0
setCycle: 0
setHotspot: 8 10
approachVerbs: 8
(nickel init:)
(if (not (moon script?))
view: 5316
loop: 6
cel: 0
setScript: (ScriptID 5300 71)
(gKQEgo normalize: 5)
(pool init:)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance bobbingMoon of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
view: 5316
setLoop: 6 1
cel: 14
cycleSpeed: 8
posn: 409 93
setPri: 110
setCycle: Beg self
(if register
(moon setCycle: End self)
(-- state)
(moon setCycle: ROsc 1 4 9 self)
(2 (self dispose:))
(instance mockingBirdFlysAway of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(gKqSound1 number: 5312 loop: 1 play:)
(mockingBird view: 5314 loop: 3 cel: 2 setCycle: End self)
(nickel init:)
setLoop: 4 1
cel: 0
setCycle: Fwd
posn: 362 52
setPri: 150
moveSpeed: 1
setMotion: MoveTo 640 1 self
(proc11_1 113)
(mockingBird dispose:)
(self dispose:)
(instance cantPassDuke of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(gKQEgo setMotion: 0)
(= cycles 1)
(archTalker modeless: 2)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 2 0 self)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 74) self)
(2 0)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance stepBackEgo of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
view: 8021
setLoop: 0
setCel: 0
setCycle: End self
normalize: 0
setScaler: Scaler 83 53 98 78
posn: 90 (gKQEgo y?)
ignoreActors: 1
(self dispose:)
(instance walkThroughDoor of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(gKqSound1 number: 801 loop: 1 play:)
(fauxDoor setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo setMotion: MoveTo 457 69 self)
(gKQEgo setMotion: MoveTo 466 69 self)
(gKQEgo setHeading: 180 self)
(4 (= seconds 3))
setMotion: MoveTo (fauxDoor approachX?) (fauxDoor approachY?) self
(fauxDoor setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqSound1 number: 802 loop: 1 play:)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance partyGoers of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(if (not (proc11_0 539))
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff: 1)
(gKQEgo setMotion: 0)
(proc11_3 gKQEgo badger 0)
(stork setCycle: CT 11 1 self)
(hippo setCycle: CT 9 1 self)
(1 0)
(badger setCycle: CT 12 1 self)
(guardTalker clientCel: -2 client: badger)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 15 0 self)
(badger setPri: 110 setCycle: End self)
(stork setCycle: End self)
(hippo setCycle: End self)
(6 0)
(stork dispose:)
(hippo view: -12406 setLoop: 0 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
(hippo dispose:)
(badger setCycle: CT 15 -1 self)
view: 5305
setLoop: 3
posn: 217 93
cel: 0
setPri: 82
setCycle: End self
(badger dispose:)
(townHallDoor setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqSound1 number: 802 loop: 1 play:)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(proc11_2 539)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(badger dispose:)
(hippo dispose:)
(stork dispose:)
(townHallDoor cel: 0)
(UpdateScreenItem townHallDoor)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance rosellaFirstEnter of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(Load rsSOUND 5307)
(Load rsSOUND 5308)
(Load rsCDAUDIO 5408)
(townHallDoor cel: 4 setPri: 80)
(archDukeSound number: 5307 loop: -1 play:)
view: 5341
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 229
y: 105
cycleSpeed: 10
setCycle: Fwd
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 8) self)
(gKQEgo setMotion: PolyPath 170 111 self)
(archDukeSound number: 5308 loop: 1 play:)
(archDuke cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
(archDuke loop: 1 cel: 0 x: 233 y: 105 setCycle: End self)
(archDuke loop: 2 cel: 0 x: 233 y: 105 setCycle: End self)
(archDukeSound fade: 0 50 20 1)
(archTalker clientCel: -2 loop: 3)
(gKqMessager sayRange: 0 0 35 1 3 self)
(archDukeSound number: 5307 loop: -1 play:)
view: 5341
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 229
y: 105
setCycle: Fwd
(= seconds 3)
(archDukeSound number: 5308 loop: 1 play: fade: 0 50 20 1)
view: 5342
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 233
y: 103
setCycle: End self
(gKqSound1 number: 5408 loop: 1 play: self)
(archDuke view: 5342 loop: 1 cel: 0 x: 233 y: 103)
(UpdateScreenItem archDuke)
(archTalker hide_mouth: 1 clientCel: -2)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 35 4 self)
(gKqMusic1 loop: -1 play: setVol: 0 fade: 127 25 10 0)
view: 5334
setLoop: 3 1
cel: 0
x: 234
y: 100
setPri: 82
setCycle: Walk
setMotion: MoveTo 177 75 self
(archDuke dispose:)
(townHallDoor setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqSound1 number: 802 loop: 1 play:)
(if (not (proc11_1 167))
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 1)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 36 0 self)
(self cue:)
((ScriptID 13 0) hide_mouth: 0)
(if (gKQEgo scratch?)
(gKQEgo addRespondVerb: 51)
(gKQEgo setHotspot: 0 51)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance snakeChickenCartoon of Script
(method (init)
(proc11_2 539)
(super init: &rest)
(method (dispose)
(proc11_2 539)
(super dispose:)
(method (changeState newState)
(if (not (proc11_0 539))
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff: 1)
(Load rsVIEW 5323)
(Load rsVIEW 5325)
view: 5323
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 520
y: 108
(chickenTalker hide_mouth: 0 clientCel: -2 modeless: 2)
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 21 1 self)
view: 5323
loop: 1
cel: 0
posn: 529 92
setCycle: End self
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 21 2 self)
view: 5323
loop: 2
cel: 0
posn: 534 95
setCycle: End self
(gKqMessager sayRange: 0 0 21 3 4 self)
view: 5323
loop: 3
cel: 0
posn: 543 90
setCycle: End self
(gKqMessager say: 0 0 21 5 self)
(chickenPetite setCycle: End self)
(chickenPetite dispose:)
view: 5325
loop: 0
cel: 4
posn: 491 128
setCycle: End self
(snakeSalesman setScript: (ScriptID 5302 0))
(gKQEgo setHeading: 180 self)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(chickenPetite dispose:)
(if (not (snakeSalesman script?))
(snakeSalesman setScript: (ScriptID 5302 0))
(gKQEgo normalize: 2)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
(instance getTheMoon of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(Load rsVIEW 5319)
(guardTalker client: archDuke view: 5319 loop: 28)
(global2 centerScreen: -318 self 10)
(moon setScript: 0 cel: 9 setCycle: End)
view: 5322
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 463
y: 101
setPri: 109
setScale: 0
setCycle: CT 9 1 self
(gKqSound1 number: 836 loop: -1 play:)
(gKQEgo cel: 10 setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo view: 5322 loop: 1 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo view: 5322 loop: 2 cel: 0 setCycle: CT 5 1 self)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(gKQEgo setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo view: 5318 loop: 3 cel: 0 setCycle: CT 3 1 self)
(gKqSound1 number: 836 loop: -1 play:)
(gKQEgo cel: 4 setCycle: End self)
(self setScript: (ScriptID 5300 80))
(gKQEgo view: 5324 loop: 0 cel: 0 setCycle: CT 4 1 self)
(gKqSound1 stop:)
(gKQEgo setCycle: CT 15 1 self)
(gKQEgo setCycle: End crook)
(= global378 1)
(gKqMusic1 number: 5315 loop: 1 play:)
view: 5328
setLoop: 2 1
cel: 0
posn: 290 113
setCycle: Walk
setSpeed: 4
setMotion: MoveTo 420 118 hippo
view: 5320
loop: 0
cel: 0
x: 469
y: 136
setPri: 90
cycleSpeed: 6
setScale: 0
setCycle: CT 29 1 self
(archDuke setPri: 100 setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo dispose:)
(archDuke view: 5319 loop: 7 cel: 0 setCycle: End self)
(if (gateGuard mover?) (-- state))
(= cycles 3)
(gKqMessager sayRange: 0 0 18 1 2 self)
client: gateGuard
view: -1
loop: 1
hide_mouth: 0
(gKqMessager sayRange: 0 0 18 3 4 self)
(= global378 1)
(gKqMusic1 number: 5316 loop: 1 play: self)
(gKQEgo get: 48)
(proc11_1 126)
(global2 newRoom: 35)
(instance crookFalls of Script
(method (changeState newState)
(switch (= state newState)
view: 5318
loop: 4
cel: 0
x: 425
y: 93
setPri: 140
setCycle: End self
(gKQEgo put: 39)
(crook dispose:)
(self dispose:)
(instance talkToChickenAboutMoon of Script
(method (changeState newState &tmp temp0)
(switch (= state newState)
(global1 handsOff:)
(gKqMessager say: 4 8 17 1 self)
(chickenPetite view: 5311 setLoop: 6 cel: 0 posn: 424 82)
(UpdateScreenItem chickenPetite)
(chickenTalker hide_mouth: 0 modeless: 2)
(= cycles 1)
(gKqMessager say: 4 8 17 2 self)
(chickenTalker hide_mouth: 1 modeless: 2 loop: -1)
(chickenPetite setCycle: CT 3 1 self)
(chickenPetite setLoop: 2 1 cel: 4 setCycle: Beg self)
(gKqMessager say: 4 8 17 3 self)
(gKqSound1 number: 5311 loop: 1 play:)
setCycle: ROsc -1 0 2
moveSpeed: 8
setMotion: MoveTo 452 64 self
(chickenPetite setCycle: End self)
(gKQEgo hide:)
setLoop: 3
cel: 0
setPri: -1
posn: 459 100
setCycle: Fwd
(gKqMessager say: 4 8 17 4 self)
(chickenPetite setCycle: End self)
setLoop: 4
cel: 0
posn: 451 93
setCycle: End self
(gKQEgo show:)
(= temp0 (- (Abs (gNewPlane_2 left:)) 10))
setLoop: 0 1
setCel: 0
setCycle: Walk
ignoreActors: 1
setMotion: PolyPath temp0 (chickenPetite y?) self
(gKqMessager say: 4 8 17 5 self)
normalize: 1
posn: (chickenPetite approachX?) (chickenPetite approachY?)
setHeading: 180 self
(13 0)
(global1 handsOn:)
(self dispose:)
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