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Last active August 28, 2022 10:55
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Foundation for a TS typed translation helper with autocomplete, intellisense, and type-checking
// -----------------------------------------------------
// This is the foundation for a typed translation helper
// with autocomplete, intellisense, and type-checking
// -----------------------------------------------------
// TS playground link:
// Based on this [detailed answer](
// on how to type check tranlation helpers
// --- translation types and logic ---
// -----------------------------------
* Base translation type, we're working with strings or objects with strings
type StringOrStringObject = string | { [x: string]: StringOrStringObject }
* Any valid path for a given object O properties, including nested properties
type ObjectPath<O> = O extends Record<string, StringOrStringObject>
? {
[K in keyof O]-?:
| `${K & string}`
| `${ConcatToPath<K & string, ObjectPath<O[K]>>}`
}[keyof O]
: ""
* Build path string out of the given key strings K & P
type ConcatToPath<K extends string, P extends string> = `${K}${"" extends P
? ""
: "."}${P}`
* Get the given string S translation params as tuple {key: string}
type I18NParams<S> = S extends string
? S extends `${string}{{${infer B}}}${infer C}`
? C extends `${string}{{${string}}}${string}`
? [B, ...I18NParams<C>]
: [B]
: never
: never
* Access the property at path K and return its value as a type
type GetPropertyValue<K extends string, O> = K extends `${infer A}.${infer B}`
? A extends keyof O
? GetPropertyValue<B, O[A]>
: never
: K extends keyof O
? O[K]
: never
* Interpolate the translation result in template string notation
type Interpolate<
I extends Record<I18NParams<S>[number], string>
> = S extends string
? S extends ""
? ""
: S extends `${infer A}{{${infer B}}}${infer C}`
? C extends `${string}{{${string}}}${string}`
? `${A}\${${Extract<B, keyof I>}}${Interpolate<C, I>}`
: `${A}\${${Extract<B, keyof I>}}${C}`
: `${S}`
: never
* Return F if P is valid I18N params, T otherwise (undefined by default)
type WithI18NParams<P, F = P, T = undefined> = P extends string ? T : F
* Utility to make a function argument optional using `...arg: OptionalArg`
type OptionalArg<P, T, F = undefined> = P extends string ? [T] : [F]
* Get the given object O nested property at path K
* @param obj
* @param path
function getNestedProperty<
O extends Record<string, StringOrStringObject>,
K extends ObjectPath<O>
>(obj: O, path: K) {
const keys = path.split(".")
return keys.reduce(
(val: StringOrStringObject, key) =>
typeof val === "string" ? val : val[key],
* Generate translation function for the given source object
* @param obj
function typedTranslation<
O extends Record<string, StringOrStringObject>
>(obj: O) {
return function t<
K extends ObjectPath<O>,
P extends I18NParams<GetPropertyValue<K, O>>,
I extends Record<P[number], string>,
V extends GetPropertyValue<K, O>,
A extends WithI18NParams<P, R>,
R extends Interpolate<V, I>
>(k: K, ...args: OptionalArg<A, I>): R {
let translation = getNestedProperty(obj, k) as string
if (args) {
Object.values<{ string: string }>(args).forEach((entry) =>
Object.entries(entry).forEach(([key, value]) => {
translation = translation.replace(
new RegExp(`{{${key}}}`, "g"),
return translation as unknown as R
// --- Test data for the playground ---
// ------------------------------------
const dict_en = {
hello: "Hello",
welcome: "Welcome {{name}}",
unread: "{{unread_count_str}} unread - {{name}}’s inbox",
menu: {
deselect: "Deselect {{count_str}}",
copy: "Copy {{count_str}}",
delete: "Delete {{count_str}}?",
preferences: {
account: "Account",
theme: "Theme",
typography: "Typography"
logout: "Logout"
} as const // the translations have to be marked as const to be readonly
const dict_fr = {
hello: "Bonjour",
welcome: "{{name}}, bienvenue",
unread: "{{unread_count_str}} non lu - {{name}} - Boite de réception",
menu: {
deselect: "Désélectionner les {{count_str}}",
copy: "Copier les trois {{count_str}}",
delete: "Supprimer {{count_str}} ?",
logout: "Logout",
preferences: {
account: "Compte",
theme: "Thème",
typography: "Typographie"
} as const // the translations have to be marked as const to be readonly
// We need a union type of the literal values to display proper intellisense
type Dict = typeof dict_en | typeof dict_fr
// declare `as Dict` to get each available language variation in intellisense
const dict = { ...dict_en } as Dict // spread values for cleaner intellisense
// Get the t function
const t = typedTranslation(dict)
// --- Test implementation - intellisense, autocomplete and typechecking ---
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Valid:
const _t0 = t("hello")
const _t1 = t("welcome", {
name: "Mat"
const _t2 = t("unread", { unread_count_str: "42", name: "Mat" })
const _t3 = t("menu.copy", { count_str: "2" })
const _t4 = t("menu.preferences.account")
console.log({ _t0, _t1, _t2, _t3, _t4 })
// Invalid:
const _i0 = t("hello", {})
const _i1 = t("hello", { something: "that is not there" })
const _i2 = t("welcome", {
something: "that is not there"
const _i3 = t("welcome", {})
const _i4 = t("unread", { read_count_str: "42" })
const _i5 = t("menu.copy", { count_str: 2 })
const _i6 = t("menu.preferences", {})
// Test types
type O = typeof dict
type K = ObjectPath<typeof dict>
// with params
const key1 = "welcome" as const
type P1 = I18NParams<GetPropertyValue<typeof key1, typeof dict>>
type I1 = WithI18NParams<P1, Record<P1[number], string>>
type V1 = GetPropertyValue<typeof key1, typeof dict>
type A1 = WithI18NParams<P1, R1>
type R1 = Interpolate<V1, I1>
// without params
const key2 = "hello" as const
type I2 = WithI18NParams<P2, Record<P2[number], string>>
type P2 = I18NParams<GetPropertyValue<typeof key2, typeof dict>>
type V2 = GetPropertyValue<typeof key2, typeof dict>
type A2 = WithI18NParams<P2, R2>
type R2 = Interpolate<V2, I2>
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