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Created May 13, 2011 14:37
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Ideas for a Software the World Needs Desperately: Another Static Site Generator

  • Use Genshi for templating
    • Elegant
    • Powerful
    • Speed not important for static sites
  • But actually map template file extensions to 'renderer' objects
  • SCSS for styles
  • reST for textual content
    • Extensible directives, roles
    • Use field lists for metadata
      • Tags/Categories
      • Template to render page in
      • …or better yet, have a concept of programmable 'page types' that control:
        • Template
        • URL (e.g. include date?)
        • If content should be Atom published, index and archive -listed, listed in navigation…
  • But be modular about filetypes so e.g. creole can be supported, using macros for extensions
    • Map file extensions to 'source readers'
  • Metadata providers e.g. git, FS
    • List providers to use in order of "priority"
  • Wrap content from reST etc as genshi.HTML rather than Markup
    • Serialization
    • Transformations
    • Match templates
  • WSGI development server (better than watch-and-build?)
  • YAML, INI or plain Python for configuration?
  • Design like a framework more than like a tool, at least at the core
    • Don't make assumptions about page types, template contexts
    • Don't just build a page per source document etc - treat the documents more like a database
# renderer
class Genshi(Renderer):
def __init__(self, serializer='html', doctype='html5'):
site.renderers['.html'] = Genshi()
site.renderers['.xml'] = Genshi('xml', doctype=None)
# source documents
class Rst(Document):
# parse an .rst file and set some attributes based on field lists etc
site.document_sources['.rst'] = Rst
# metadata informants
class Git(Informant):
# get created/modified dates and revisions etc from git
# maybe some configuration to link to github et al for diffs etc
class FileSystem(Informant):
# get created/modified dates from filesystem
site.informants = [Git, FileSystem]
from . import Site
site = Site(__name__)
for source in site.documents:
istype = lambda x: source.type == x
# :type: page, publish as is
if istype('page'):'page.html', [])
# :type: blog, publish as /year/month/day/name
elif istype('blog'):'post.html', [
# also publish listings per date'post-list.html', [
], posts=[
post for post in site.sources
if (post.created.year, post.created.month,
== (source.created.year, source.created.month,
# …and month'post-list.html', [
], posts=[
post for post in site.sources
if (post.created.year, post.created.month)
== (source.created.year, source.created.month)
# …and year (better way to do all this?)'post-list.html', [source.created.year], posts=[
post for post in site.sources
if post.created.year == source.created.year
# atom feed with five last modified posts'atom.xml', ['feed.xml'], posts=sorted([
source for source in site.sources
if source.type == 'blog'
], key=lambda x: x.modified)[:5])
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dag commented May 13, 2011

The test server could generate only the requested page, plus can handle "index.html" for you and solves issues with file:// in Chrome. As for configuration, I'm not even sure yet if it'll make sense to have it at all when we can simply have parameters to the Site class. Of course, then you could also read configuration however you want and splat as kwargs to Site.

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dag commented May 13, 2011

A test server could also avoid actually writing to the disk and cache in memory.

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relrod commented May 13, 2011

Very true. I'm liking where this is going :D

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