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Created August 17, 2014 16:07
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(ns ical.core
[om.core :as om :include-macros true]
[om.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]))
(def weekdays ["saturday" "monday" "tuesday" "wednesday" "thursday" "friday" "sunday"])
(defn log [s]
(.log js/console (str s)))
(defn last-monday [current]
(.add "month" -1)
(.endOf "month")
(.startOf "week")
(.add "days" 1)))
(defn first-day-of-month [current]
(let [cloned-date (.clone current)
start-of-month (.startOf cloned-date "month")
week-day (.weekday start-of-month)]
(if (= 1 week-day)
(last-monday cloned-date))))
(defn render-days [week-counter day-counter]
(let [first-day-of-month (first-day-of-month (js/moment (new js/Date)))]
(.add "days" (+ week-counter day-counter))
(.format "DD"))]))
(defn render-weeks [week-counter]
(map (partial render-days week-counter) (range 7))])
(defn ical [data owner]
(display-name [_]
(or (:react-name opts) "calendar"))
(render [this]
(html/html [:div.calendar-toolbar
[:a.right {:href "#"} "Right"]
[:a.left {:href "#"} "Left"]]
[:h3 "August 2014"]
[:tr (map #(identity [:th %]) weekdays)]]
(map render-weeks (range 0 35 7))]]]))))
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