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Created March 21, 2019 15:13
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Drupal 7 Rules UI improvements
* Override the rules ui component row theme function so that we can show much
* more information about each parameter.
* - Changed "30" to "200" in the truncate_utf8 function call.
* @ingroup themeable
function MYTHEME_rules_parameter_configuration($variables) {
$element = $variables['element'];
$content = drupal_render_children($element);
// Add the full content to the span's title, but don't use drupal_attributes
// for that as this would invoke check_plain() again.
$title = strip_tags($content);
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'rules-parameter-configuration';
$attributes = drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . " title='$title'";
$label_attributes['class'][] = 'rules-parameter-label';
if (!empty($element['#info']['description'])) {
$label_attributes['title'] = $element['#info']['description'];
$label_attributes = drupal_attributes($label_attributes);
$output = "<span $label_attributes>" . check_plain($element['#info']['label']) . ': </span>';
$output .= "<span $attributes>" . truncate_utf8($content, 200, TRUE, TRUE) . "</span>";
return $output;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Give us some useful info about a rule when working with them in the UI.
* @param $form
* @param $form_state
function MYTHEME_form_rules_admin_reaction_overview_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
foreach (['active', 'inactive'] as $status) {
foreach ($form[$status]['#rows'] as &$row) {
$machine_name = str_replace('Machine name: ', '', $row[0]['data']['description']['settings']['machine_name']['#markup']);
if (!empty($machine_name)) {
$rule = rules_config_load($machine_name);
if ($rule instanceof RulesTriggerableInterface) {
$events = [];
foreach ($rule->events() as $event_name) {
$event_handler = rules_get_event_handler($event_name, $rule->getEventSettings($event_name));
$summary = $event_handler->summary();
/** @var array $info */
$info = $event_handler->getEventInfo();
if (!empty($info['group'])) {
$summary = "<small>({$info['group']})</small> " . $summary;
$events[] = $summary;
$row[1] = implode('<br>', $events);
* Implements theme_rules_content_group().
* Give us some useful info about a rule when working with them in the UI.
* @param $variables
* @return string
function MYTHEME_rules_content_group($variables) {
$machine_name = str_replace('Machine name: ', '', $variables['element']['machine_name']['#markup']);
if (!empty($machine_name)) {
/** @var \RulesPlugin $rule */
$rule = rules_config_load($machine_name);
if (!empty($rule) && !empty($rule->module)) {
$variables['element']['module'] = [
'#markup' => t('Module') . ': ' . $rule->module,
$element = $variables['element'];
$output = array();
foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
$output[] = drupal_render($element[$key]);
$output = array_filter($output);
$heading = !empty($element['#caption']) ? "<span class='rules-content-heading'>" . $element['#caption'] . ': </span>' : '';
if (!empty($output)) {
$element['#attributes']['class'][] = 'rules-element-content-group';
return '<div' . drupal_attributes($element['#attributes']) . '>' . $heading . implode('<br>', $output) . '</div>';
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