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Created January 26, 2016 01:21
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How to set up a Waffle for team and project tasks
so what we do
is have multiple repos, some public some private
you can add private repos to a "meta-waffle” (the repo that sorta holds all others underneath it for waffle’s purposes)
and then it will show up for YOU (and others with permissions) but not for OTHERS
Waffle instructions for managing multiple repos in a single waffle:
so what i’d do is create a new repo (public) called something like “kansas-city-fellows” or somesuch
then that can be the “meta waffle” and you can configure it per the above link by adding additional project-specific repos
and you can also create a (private) repo called “kansas-city-private” and add it to the “kansas-city-fellows” waffle, and there is where can live all your private stuff
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