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Created October 8, 2019 17:27
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#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -o errexit # exit if a command fails
set -o nounset # exit if an unset variable is used
set -o pipefail # inherit exit code of any command in the pipe
#set -o xtrace # enable trace debugging
# create a color escape sequence from an r, g, b triplet
# $1, $2, $3 (r, g, b) must be in the range [0..5]
color() { echo -e "\x1b[38;5;$(( 16 + $1 * 36 + $2 * 6 + $3 ))m"; }
color_reset() { echo -e "\x1b[0m"; }
# git colors (override with shell export)
: ${GIT_COLOR_HASH:=$(color 3 3 0)}
: ${GIT_COLOR_DATE:=$(color 3 0 0)}
: ${GIT_COLOR_AUTHOR:=$(color 0 2 3)}
: ${GIT_COLOR_DECORATION:=$(color 0 3 0)}
: ${GIT_COLOR_SUBJECT:=$(color_reset)}
: ${GIT_COLOR_RESET:=$(color_reset)}
# field length variables
: ${COLUMNS:=100} # number of columns in the window (override with shell export)
hash_size=10 # max length of the hash
date_size=5 # max length of the date field
author_size=10 # max length of the author field
gap_size=1 # gap between fields
# get current day (mm-dd) and year (yyyy) - match git log date format
isodate=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
# format the log so we can tear it apart
git log --pretty="#^%H^%ci^%aN^%d^%s" "${@}" |
# format it like a ^barbarian
while IFS='^' read -r mark hash commitdate author decoration subject; do
# # ignore any output except specific format
# [[ $mark != *# ]] && continue;
# massage the mark (it may contain the graph)
# massage the author string
author="${author% (*}" # drop "(Studio)" suffix
# massage commitdate string
# HH:MM if today
# mm-dd if this year
# mm/yy otherwise
if [[ $today_yyyy != $commitdate_yyyy ]]; then
commitdate_mm="${commitdate%% *}"
commitdate="${commitdate%:*}" # remove seconds and gmt offset
commitdate="${commitdate#*-}" # remove yyyy-
commitdate="${commitdate/${today_mmdd} /}" # remove mm-dd (if today), leaving HH:MM
commitdate="${commitdate% *}" # remove HH:MM, leaving mm-dd
# massage decoration string
decoration="${decoration%$previous_decoration}" # remove last decoration (drop dupes)
decoration_size=${#decoration} # size of the decoration (including space)
decoration="${decoration:1}" # remove the leading space
# compute size left for the subject
size=$(( $COLUMNS - $mark_size - $hash_size - $date_size - $author_size - $decoration_size - $gap_size * 3 ))
size=$(( $size < 0 ? 0 : $size ))
# chop fields down
# print the format with color
printf "%s" "$mark"
printf "%b%-${hash_size}s%${gap_size}s" "${GIT_COLOR_HASH}" "$hash" " "
printf "%b%-${date_size}s%${gap_size}s" "${GIT_COLOR_DATE}" "$commitdate" " "
printf "%b%-${author_size}s%${gap_size}s" "${GIT_COLOR_AUTHOR}" "$author" " "
${decoration:+printf "%b%s " "${GIT_COLOR_DECORATION}" "$decoration"}
printf "%b%s" "${GIT_COLOR_SUBJECT}" "$subject"
printf "%b\n" "${GIT_COLOR_RESET}"
done |
# drop into the pager
exec ${GIT_PAGER:-${PAGER}}
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edgewood commented Oct 8, 2019

This is great! I'd like to modify it a little and maybe distribute it to my team. Is it available under a FOSS license?

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dahart commented Oct 8, 2019

Go for it. Consider it public domain. It was written by a friend and me. FWIW, I've been invoking it like this by default for many years: alias gtl='git tiny-log -15'. It also passes extra args on to git log, so you can do things like gtl --graph, if you want.

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zkSNARK commented Oct 21, 2019

Do you just put this script in /usr/bin/env and then make the alias in your .bashrc file? Also, Is the "Consider it public domain" enough for formalities? I'd love to see a license added in a comment inside the script.

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zkSNARK commented Oct 21, 2019


This is great! I'd like to modify it a little and maybe distribute it to my team. Is it available under a FOSS license?

Curious as to what modifications you would make.

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edgewood commented Nov 9, 2019


Curious as to what modifications you would make.

Making the field length variables configurable.

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