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Last active November 5, 2023 05:17
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Array Exercises (PHP)

Array Exercises (PHP)


  1. If you have an array $a = array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 );, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

  2. If you have an array $a = array( "zero"=>0, "one"=>1, "two"=>2, "three"=>3, "four"=>4 );, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

  3. If you have the following array, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

    $a = array(
  4. If you have the following array, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

    $a = array(
  5. Create a new array with each comma-separated value as its own array element from the string $a = "a,b,c,d,e,f".

  6. With the result array from 5, create a new array where each element is both key and value. In other words, the result should be:

  7. You have two arrays like the following. One contains field labels, the other contains field values. Write a program to output the third array.

    $keys = array(
    $values = array(
    // want to output
    $keysAndValues = array(
  8. You have an array of transactions, each of which has a debit and credit amount. Find the absolute value of the transaction amount (i.e. abs( debit - credit )) and add it as a new key=>value pair to each transaction.

    $transactions = array(
    // outputs
    $transactions = array(
  9. Find the sum of this array of numbers $a = array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 );.

Sample Answers (others may be correct :-D)

  1. $a[ 3 ];

  2. $a[ "three" ];

  3. $a[ 1 ][ 1 ][ 0 ];

  4. $a[ "b" ][ "o" ][ "b" ];

  5. $a = explode( ",", $a );

  6. Samples:

    $new_array = array();
    foreach( $a as $element ) {
        $new_array[ $element ] = $element;


    array_combine( $a, $a );

    How would you write your own array_combine function?

  7. Samples:

    // can you spot the bug?
    $keysAndValues = array();
    $keysAndValues[ $keys[ "field1" ] ] = $values[ "field1value" ];
    $keysAndValues[ $keys[ "field2" ] ] = $values[ "field2value" ];
    $keysAndValues[ $keys[ "field3" ] ] = $values[ "field2value" ];


    $keysAndValues = array();
    foreach( array( 1, 2, 3 ) as $index ) {
        $keysAndValues[ $keys[ "field$index" ] ] = $values[ "field" . $index . "value" ];


    $keysAndValues = array_combine( array_values( $keys ), array_values( $values ) );
  8. Samples

    $new_transactions = array();
    foreach( $transactions as $transaction ) {
        $new_transaction = $transaction;
        $new_transaction[ "amount" ] = abs( $transaction[ "debit" ] - $transaction[ "credit" ] );
        $new_transactions[] = $new_transaction;
    $transactions = $new_transactions;


    $transactions = array_map( function( $transaction ) {
        $transaction[ "amount" ] = abs( $transaction[ "debit" ] - $transaction[ "credit" ] );
        return $transaction;
    }, $transactions );
  9. Samples:

    $sum = 0;
    foreach( $a as $element ) {
        $sum += $element;


    $sum = array_reduce( $a, function( $partial_sum, $element ) {
        return $partial_sum + $element;
    }, 0 );


    $sum = array_sum( $a );
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dahjelle commented Mar 5, 2020

where are the answers?

@Boogyman63 The answers should be right inline, starting at Sample Answers. As noted, there are definitely lots of ways to solve most of these questions.

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  1. If you have an array $a = array( 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 );, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

  2. If you have an array $a = array( "zero"=>0, "one"=>1, "two"=>2, "three"=>3, "four"=>4 );, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?
    //Creating an associative array
    $a =array("zero" => "0", "one" => "1", "two" => "2", "three" => "3", "four"=>4);
    echo $a["three"];

  3. If you have the following array, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?

  1. If you have the following array, how do you extract the value 3 from the array?
array( "b"=>0, "c"=>1 //Fixed the typo here, changed "c=>1" to "c"=>1 ), "b"=>array( "e"=>2, "o"=>array( "b"=>3 ) ) ); echo $a["b"]["o"]["b"]; ?>
  1. Create a new array with each comma-separated value as its own array element from the string $a = "a,b,c,d,e,f".

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