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Last active October 26, 2016 12:16
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salesforce 15 digit to 18 digit id. Function to calculate the checksum.
function salesForceIdChecksum($id)
$map = implode('',array_merge(range('A', 'Z'), range(0, 9)));
$checksum = '';
foreach (str_split($id, 5) as $chunk) {
$checksum .= substr($map, bindec( strrev(array_reduce(str_split($chunk, 1),function($carry, $item){
$carry .= (!is_numeric($item) && $item == strtoupper($item)) ? '1' : '0';
return $carry;
return $checksum;
// example
//$_15ID = '001b000000dA3YY';
//$_18ID = $_15ID. salesForceIdChecksum($_15ID);
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