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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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namespace ensemble version of tclmr
#!/usr/bin/env tclsh
package require cmdline
package require struct::set
namespace eval ::tclmr {
namespace path [list ::cmdline ::struct::set]
namespace export {[a-z]*}
namespace ensemble create -unknown tclmr::unknown
proc register {args} {
set usage ": register \[options] directory ...\nTag one or more directories with the given tags.\noptions:"
set opts [getoptions args {
{tag.arg default {Tags to register}}
{append {Append given tags to existing tags}}
} $usage]
foreach dir $args {
set new_tags [dict get $opts tag]
set tclmr_file [file join $dir .tclmr]
if { [dict get $opts append] && [file exists $tclmr_file] } {
set old_tags [Read $tclmr_file]
set new_tags [lsort -uniq [concat $new_tags $old_tags]]
Write $tclmr_file $new_tags
proc run {args} {
set usage ": run \[options] command ...\nRun the given command in every directory beneath basepath with the given tag.\noptions:"
set opts [getoptions args {
{basepath.arg . {Directory to begin search for .tclmr files}}
{tag.arg default {Tags to match against}}
{dryrun {Display but don't execute commands}}
} $usage]
set command $args
foreach path [glob [file join [file normalize [dict get $opts basepath]] ** .tclmr]] {
set tags [Read $path]
if { [struct::set intersect $tags [dict get $opts tag]] ne {} } {
set dir [file dirname $path]
if { [dict get $opts dryrun] != 0 } {
puts "cd $dir ; $command"
} else {
cd $dir
puts [exec {*}$command]
proc Read {path} {
set fh [open $path r]
set tags [gets $fh]
close $fh
return $tags
proc Write {path tags} {
set fh [open $path w]
puts $fh $tags
close $fh
proc unknown {cmd subcmd args} {
puts [format [join {
{Unknown command: %s}
{Usage: %s command [options] args}
{Commands: regsiter, run}
{See command -help for more details.}} "\n"] $subcmd [namespace tail $cmd]]
try {
tclmr {*}$argv
} on error {result options} {
puts $result
exit 1
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