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Created March 14, 2013 10:18
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HJKL repetition trap for Vim
" HJKL repetition trap
" Barry Arthur, 2013-03-14
" depends on your :help 'updatetime setting
let g:cursor_moving = 0
function! TrapMovementKeys(key)
augroup CursorMoving
autocmd CursorMoved * let g:cursor_moving = 1
augroup END
if ! g:cursor_moving
return a:key
return ''
nnoremap <expr> h TrapMovementKeys('h')
nnoremap <expr> j TrapMovementKeys('j')
nnoremap <expr> k TrapMovementKeys('k')
nnoremap <expr> l TrapMovementKeys('l')
augroup CursorMovingOff
autocmd CursorHold * let g:cursor_moving = 0
augroup END
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