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Last active June 6, 2016 09:40
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Save daiakushi/21e3e76837406981a559 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#include <iostream>
#define STRINGIZE(something) STRINGIZE_HELPER(something)
#define STRINGIZE_HELPER(something) #something
using namespace std;
int Test02()
int foo = 999;
if (true)
cout << __LINE__ << " : foo = " << foo << endl;
cout << __LINE__ << " : foo = " << foo << endl;
cout << __LINE__ << " : foo = " << foo << endl;
return 0;
void F01()
// __asm int 3
__asm { jmp XX }
__asm { _emit 0xb8 }
void F02()
// __asm int 3
__asm { jmp XX1 }
__asm {
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
_emit 0x90
__asm { mov eax, XX2 }
// Disassembled by OllyDbg
004010D0 $ 55 push ebp
004010D1 . 8BEC mov ebp, esp
004010D3 . CC int3
004010D4 . B8 0000FFE0 mov eax, E0FF0000
004010D9 . 05 E410411F add eax, 1F4110E4
004010DE .^ E9 F4FFFFFF jmp 004010D7
004010E3 E8 db E8
004010E4 . E8 17FFFFFF call 00401000
004010E9 . 5D pop ebp
004010EA . C3 retn
004010EB CC int3
// Disassembled by IDA Pro
push ebp
.text:004010D1 mov ebp, esp
.text:004010D3 int 3 ; Trap to Debugger
.text:004010D4 loc_4010D4: ; CODE XREF: .text:004010DE
.text:004010D4 mov eax, 0E0FF0000h
.text:004010D9 add eax, 1F4110E4h
.text:004010DE jmp near ptr loc_4010D4+3
.text:004010E3 dd 0FF17E8E8h, 0C35DFFFFh, 0CCCCCCCCh // WTF? poor disassembler...
void F03()
// __asm int 3
__asm {
mov eax, 0xE0FF0000 // B8 00 00 FF E0
add eax, (offset _BLINE_L02) - 0xE0FF0000 // 05 E4 10 41 1F
jmp _BLINE_L01 + 3 // E9 F4 FF FF FF
_emit 0xE8 // E8
_BLINE_L02: // E8 17 FF FF FF
int main()
// Pick one each time for test...
// F01();
// F02();
// F03();
return 0;
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