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月齢計算(calculate age of the moon)
package daichan4649.moon;
public class MoonUtil {
* 月齢取得
* @param year 年(1, 2, ..)
* @param month 月(1, 2, ..)
* @param day 日(1, 2, ..)
* @return 月齢
* @see <a href="">月齢</a>
public static int calculateAgeOfTheMoon(int year, int month, int day) {
return (((year - 11) % 19) * 11 + c(month) + day) % 30;
private static int c(int month) {
switch (month) {
case 1:
return 0;
case 2:
return 2;
case 3:
return 0;
case 4:
return 2;
case 5:
return 2;
case 6:
return 4;
case 7:
return 5;
case 8:
return 6;
case 9:
return 7;
case 10:
return 8;
case 11:
return 9;
case 12:
return 10;
throw new RuntimeException(String.format("invalid value: %d", month));
* 月相種別取得
* @param ageOfTheMoon 月齢
* @return 月相種別
* @see <a href="">月相</a>
public static LunarPhaseType getLunarPhaseType(int ageOfTheMoon) {
switch (ageOfTheMoon) {
case 0:
// 新月(朔)
return LunarPhaseType.NEW_MOON;
case 7:
// 上弦
return LunarPhaseType.HALF_MOON_UP;
case 14:
// 満月(望)
return LunarPhaseType.FULL_MOON;
case 21:
// 下弦
return LunarPhaseType.HALF_MOON_DOWN;
return LunarPhaseType.NONE;
* 月相種別
public enum LunarPhaseType {
private String text;
LunarPhaseType(String text) {
this.text = text;
public String getText() {
return text;
package daichan4649.moon;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import daichan4649.moon.MoonUtil.LunarPhaseType;
public class MoonUtilTest extends TestCase {
public void testCalculateAgeOfTheMoon() {
int year = 0;
int month = 0;
int day = 0;
int expected = 0;
int actual = 0;
// 新月-1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 6;
expected = 29;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 新月
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 7;
expected = 0;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 新月+1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 8;
expected = 1;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 上弦-1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 13;
expected = 6;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 上弦
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 14;
expected = 7;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 上弦+1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 15;
expected = 8;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 満月-1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 20;
expected = 13;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 満月
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 21;
expected = 14;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 満月+1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 22;
expected = 15;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 下弦-1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 27;
expected = 20;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 下弦
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 28;
expected = 21;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 下弦+1
year = 2013;
month = 8;
day = 29;
expected = 22;
actual = MoonUtil.calculateAgeOfTheMoon(year, month, day);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
public void testGetLunarPhaseType() {
int ageOfTheMoon = 0;
LunarPhaseType expected = LunarPhaseType.NONE;
LunarPhaseType actual = LunarPhaseType.NONE;
// 新月
ageOfTheMoon = 0;
expected = LunarPhaseType.NEW_MOON;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 上弦
ageOfTheMoon = 7;
expected = LunarPhaseType.HALF_MOON_UP;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 満月
ageOfTheMoon = 14;
expected = LunarPhaseType.FULL_MOON;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 下弦
ageOfTheMoon = 21;
expected = LunarPhaseType.HALF_MOON_DOWN;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
// 上記以外
ageOfTheMoon = -1;
expected = LunarPhaseType.NONE;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
ageOfTheMoon = 32;
expected = LunarPhaseType.NONE;
actual = MoonUtil.getLunarPhaseType(ageOfTheMoon);
Assert.assertEquals(expected, actual);
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